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Are PUGs Actually Improving?

How\'s Your Pug Been Lately?I remember a time, pre-BC, when the Blackrock Mountains were the place to group and raid. I unfortunately also remember having to pug to get my Light Forge Spaulders. I wasn't much of a guild person back then, so I would have to do the obligatory "Lvl 60 Paladin LFG for UBRS, PST".  There were always 3 strikes a group would always face heading into UBRS. 1.) Does your group have someone who's keyed? 2.) Do you have the DPS for "The Beast"? 3.) Does your group have the understanding of how to fight the General, (ex. the kiting strategy)?

I can remember countless times when groups would just fall apart after one attempt of the General or when someone finally got their shoulders off the Beast and they'd say they have to leave because of something in real life and just force quit.

Here we are two expansions later and we have a lot of new players to the game. I know quite a few people who joined in the middle of Burning Crusade's lifespan and never spent one minute in the old world dungeons. So they were lucky to have avoided the Excedrin (yes, the headache medicine) popping moments. But I'm wondering why were pugs in those dungeons so bad?

I bring this up because since Wrath of the Lich King was released I've had to pug a few Heroics and even Naxx on occasion. The thing I've noticed is how smoothly the runs seem to go. Last week I pugged a 25 man Naxx group. Funny thing is we downed 3 quarters in under 3 hours. People listened. People did their jobs and did them well. This was incredible. Usually the more people in a pug the more drama, crying and problems you have or at least you would have had been back in the day.  Two weeks ago I main tanked a 25 man Obsidian Sanctum without vent and we downed it with ease. Even a run in Heroic Utgarde Pinnacle went surprisingly well. So here are three different experiences with the same results.

Have players grown up? Are people finally "learning to play their class" as the old complaint use to be thrown around?  Has Blizzard done anything special to the game mechanics to make it easier to communicate without voices? You could say vent servers have helped but people have been using them for years and still have bad experiences. I'm just really curious to see if I'm the only one who's noticing this nice change in pugs. If you are experiencing a change why do you think it's happened?

While I still prefer to run with my guild I can say that I really don't mind the pugs as much as I use to in the pre-bc days.

Reader Comments (53)

I believe players are more experienced and well informed in wotlk then before. Most people have checked the online strat or have add-ons, that help them to prepare the fight.

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSinank

I beleive this is first, so wewt, also pugs are getting better raid wise because of the mass amount of content available. EX. a guild has 10 man naxx on farm. but not 25, so you go into a pug, with 24 other people who are also in guilds with 10 man naxx on farm, but not enough people for 25 man. Pre-wrath pugging kara was forbidden because 25s werent around till you pretty much became elitists, so alot of kara farming guilds only had 10-20 people raiding, and kara was the ONLY thing available until you fully cleared it a good 2 months for ZA. So because theres technicly 8 different raids you can do (10 and 25 man, mally,naxx,os,vault.) And alot of peoples guilds dont have certain things on farm, the people with skill pug with other people with skill.

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFerrix

I have also felt rather good with pugging at 80, because people seem to know what they're doing, but on the other hand i cant help but think that we're only seeing the former lvl 70's at 80, and we will see more and more 'new' players join the end-game scene. Ah well, it's going to be fine :)

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGerandor

Argh missed first by 20 seconds.

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFerrix

Well as i started playing just before Wrath of the lich king came out i have no experience in the old school pugs but i have to say my first few pugs went really well even got a few piece's of T7 from them. So yeh basically i guess they have improved

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStu

Here's the deal, the difference between Old school Wow-wrath is difference not by small steps but Leaps and Bounds.

To start off, you have 20 more levels to conquerer, where, by the time you hit 70, you should atleast have a full basic understanding of your class. by 80 there should be a full comprehension. Blizz has implemented experiences in games that take full of advantage of this, be it questing or dungeons.

I know what people are thinking "It's Because Content's Too Easy Dammit, Make It Harder!". This is utterly False. Blizz has made it so content is as Easy/Hard as You want it too be.

Yes, you can do Raid's/Heroics without Vent or such, but can you PUG Sarth 3D? How about Malygos in 6 minutes? Doubtful, because each Experience in wrath revolves around the Player's, not the Player's.

For example I had the most horrifying experience in Sarth last week. I pugged it on my priest and everyone wanted to try Sarth 3D. 3 People had Never done it and 2 DPS were in Green's. Of course the experienced player's who just came there outta sheer boredom and who's guild had done it that week all commented with the basic "Your all just gonna die" comment (me of course). We did it anyway and can you guess what happened? If I put it up on youtube with the word's "Most Epic Fail in Sarth 3D Ever" Title, I'd probably get a well over 2K view's. After the horrid first attempt, we went on to kill the drakes. The thing is, No one had a clue what they were doing, 2 people died on drakes, those who Didn't know were in a "WTF?" scenario half the time asking what to do. The Raid leader was an Freaking Idiot who didn't Explain the Strat. If he had, thing's might have gone alot more successful. But no, it was a total gear drag through. It took us 3 Attempts to kill Sarth reg. 3, Attempts! In the end 4 people were still Constantly being hit by flame wall's and being hit by Tail swipes. No one learned a Freaking thing.

In the end, wrath content is as stands. If you Want it to be hard, make it Hard Yourself. But if you don't have a Clue, your just making it hard on yourself and everyone else.

I like this alot better than past content, because it allows player's to actually take time to Learn, rather being shunned for Not being 100% experianced in 1 section of the game and being excluded because he wasn't sure How the fight went, or what to do. Imagine for a second if you could Only defeat malygos in 6 minutes, or if you could Only do Sarth 3D? Most guilds would Only be raiding Naxx while no one would be allowed to see those for a Looong time.

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNextgener

Okay, just need to say one thin. Its totally okay being a newbie...but one thing I hate soooo bad, is f-ing noobs!

U have played your charecter from lvl 1 to 80...from lvl 1!, to 80! and spent countless of hours doing quest, killing stuff and probably doing instances. Then why in the name of god do u totally suck at the game when you're at 80? Ppl that dont know how to play their class or/and the game at lvl 80 should get a permanent band from blizz.

That was my 2 cents

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJesus

I think the problem is some people are buying gold and characters. I keep seeing phoney tanks in icebane crap with crafted epic and mismatched specced epics. Makes me sad that such stupid people can play this game. Blizz needs to implement an IQ test to be able to play wow

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFaklenrin (shu'halo)

It depends on how long the realm you're on has been around, I think. New realms are empty realms, and those realms are the ones recommended to newbies. So, they fill with new players who have to learn the game from scratch.

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMark

Yeah but still...if u play from lvl 1 to 80, u have a good couple of weeks/months to learn the game. C'mon.

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJesus

The trek from 70 to 80 in wotlk made me a better player, and I can say the same for others in my guild. Even though the majority of the players at 80 are experienced, there are some that personify the epitome of NOOB. For instance, I was running a PUG (aka, Please Understand Game) Heroic UK, and I was healing a 23KHP pally tank.........that's unacceptable. Worst part was that he wasn't even Def Capped...this made my healing job much harder. A Healadin can only spam Holy Lights for so long. I admit, my pally isn't fully geared, but I have an easier time when 'm running with my guild.

- Thorrhan from Area 52

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterThorrhan

I think mark is closer than any of the comments so far. This game is so expansive that anyone just coming into it without a coach is utterly lost. Sure you figure out how to mash they keyboard to get around picking up quests killing things equipping cloth armor on their pally because the +int made the blue bar so much higher so maybe they won't run out of mana as fast.

So as your realm sticks around longer and more people get better at the game the content seems to get so much easier. The content didn't get easier your players got more competent. Even vets learn things and have become even better players. No longer running around with half your gear enchanted and no elixirs for a raid. Food buffs being used to their fullest.

The first priest I ever leveled only had ~320 spell power at level 70. First time I went into the mechanar regular it was a disaster I couldn't keep the tank up to save my life. We wiped twice in the trash mobs at the entrance. All because I couldn't throw a decent heal out to save my life.

Now on a different realm but with about a dozen characters under my belt I have a level 69 priest with 797 sp because I understand now how to properly gear. This will shoot up pretty good next level when I get to dawn my epic mooncloth gear. For now I can heal most of the instances I have been in now by just refreshing renew, with the occasional flash heal. This is what makes the instances seem easier.

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPauldy

I know how some of the lv 70 instances were from the dps side (ele shaman), and the lv 80 versions are not built easier. There will be times when I have tanked the place a dozen times, forget about some pat or something, and almost cause a wipe. The thing about current PUGs is that most places require you to actually think for yourself, thus creating more competent players and a less angry group.

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOmmadon

trust me there are still plenty of pugs out there that do epic fail...

The thing changed is that through constant bashing and shouting even the idiots will now actually listen sometimes when you DO take some time to explain things.

Still plenty that won't listen, but nowadays at least a portion will take the time to listen and follow your lead. They've learned enough to read the chat and follow points given there.

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSardit

I'd say they are not getting better they are just better equipped like pre-bc people had shitty talents and crap gear in pugs and the instances where hard back then and time comsuming. now days we have more then vent we have hundrends thousands even, add-ons, new talents better gear able to be aqiured though profs. Like the best item you could make with a prof in pre-bc was a shitty as blue that took 100000x every mat in the game to make now in wrath i can make lv 78 gear thats good for that lv with 10 boran leather and some crystailzed element. The game changed a lot sence then and Blizzard made the game less time consuming easier. Face it game has Changed. and will keep changing blizzard will probably make it even easier still in later patches/expantions we just have to live with it and hope for the best when we join a Pug dont like it then don't join that simple. i'm gonna repeat what i been saying for years now to wow players quit your bitchen you joined the group you don't like it leave.

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLiving Vapour

i joined like very on of BC / begging of NR and ive nvr had PUG problems like maybe 2 like ever actually most retards i meet are guild noobs

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjames

(No offence to younger players but...)

...the 14 year old kids you were playing with pre-bc are maturing now between, what, 16 and 18 years old, so... :P

(I'm aware of the fact that for every 14 year old turning 15, there's a 13 year old turning 14...but shh!)

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSean

No, pugs are still terrible as ever. They are slow, full of noobs who don't really know whats going on just "PEW PEW" and slap ur keyboard with your face, and 90% of the time they completely fail. I say they may seem better because the game has gotten easier by the patch. I bet 25 retarded monkies could down full naxx in under 3 hours So, no, Pugs are acutally worse. People suck. Get a guild.

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSomeoneyouhate

OMG Pugs are so cute!

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCiarah

Wow, I detect a hint of... NERD RAGE!

Being a new player to the game, I can't speak about the PuGs being better or not. However, I have fun even when I'm paired with a group that may not know all the ins-and-outs of the instance. That's sort of what makes it fun really.

Figuring stuff out is supposed to be the point of these sorts of things. If everyone knew how to do it, then it wouldn't be that much fun now would it?

As long as I'm still having fun playing the game, I'll continue to join whatever group will have me. Ask me again once I've reached 80, lost all my friends, my wife, and become such a jaded WoW addict that my only enjoyment out of the game is telling other players that "they're doing it wrong."

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJosh

I cant remember the last time we needed vent for vault or OS lol

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTaskun


If the pugs others are in seem to be doing just fine and the pugs you are in fail 90% of the time....think it might have something to do with YOU vs. the puggers?!

I've pugged with guys like you. YOU suck. You complain about everything and you do so between every pull. You suck the fun right the hell out of this game for the rest of us. No one's DPS is ever high enough. No one's heals are ever fast enough. The tank can't ever hold threat enough.

"People suck. Get a guild." Your bu!!$hit, arrogant attitude is what gives guild raiders a bad name. Despite your grotesque level of stupidity in making the kind of post you did, you were AT LEAST smart enough to not drop your guild's name and save them from thinking everyone in that guild is a giant D-Bag like you!

"I bet 25 retarded monkies could down full naxx in under 3 hours" You would make this bet because the retarded monkies you refer to would be your guild and the 3 hours is your record time for a full Naxx clear? Kudos, jerk!

Pugs ARE better. Your attitude is the only thing that's worse!

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlawman30

I think its just a simpl matter of listening/reading. Even the people who have no clue what they are doing, as long as they listen to instructions all is well. The game is meant to be fun. It is also alearning experiance so when you do a certain thng for the second time, you will know what your doing.

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterQes

@ I'm cool:

Which is more of a time waster?

Commenting on a blog about a game you USED to play, or submitting your thoughtful opinion on a CURRENT hobby of yours?


March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNebyula

@ I'm cool:

Your whole statement contradicted itself if you read it carefully.

@ Valaar:
I'm gonna have to agree PUGs do seem alot easier but it could just be that like most have said people are just becoming more competent(sp?).

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZantetsu

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