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Are PUGs Actually Improving?

How\'s Your Pug Been Lately?I remember a time, pre-BC, when the Blackrock Mountains were the place to group and raid. I unfortunately also remember having to pug to get my Light Forge Spaulders. I wasn't much of a guild person back then, so I would have to do the obligatory "Lvl 60 Paladin LFG for UBRS, PST".  There were always 3 strikes a group would always face heading into UBRS. 1.) Does your group have someone who's keyed? 2.) Do you have the DPS for "The Beast"? 3.) Does your group have the understanding of how to fight the General, (ex. the kiting strategy)?

I can remember countless times when groups would just fall apart after one attempt of the General or when someone finally got their shoulders off the Beast and they'd say they have to leave because of something in real life and just force quit.

Here we are two expansions later and we have a lot of new players to the game. I know quite a few people who joined in the middle of Burning Crusade's lifespan and never spent one minute in the old world dungeons. So they were lucky to have avoided the Excedrin (yes, the headache medicine) popping moments. But I'm wondering why were pugs in those dungeons so bad?

I bring this up because since Wrath of the Lich King was released I've had to pug a few Heroics and even Naxx on occasion. The thing I've noticed is how smoothly the runs seem to go. Last week I pugged a 25 man Naxx group. Funny thing is we downed 3 quarters in under 3 hours. People listened. People did their jobs and did them well. This was incredible. Usually the more people in a pug the more drama, crying and problems you have or at least you would have had been back in the day.  Two weeks ago I main tanked a 25 man Obsidian Sanctum without vent and we downed it with ease. Even a run in Heroic Utgarde Pinnacle went surprisingly well. So here are three different experiences with the same results.

Have players grown up? Are people finally "learning to play their class" as the old complaint use to be thrown around?  Has Blizzard done anything special to the game mechanics to make it easier to communicate without voices? You could say vent servers have helped but people have been using them for years and still have bad experiences. I'm just really curious to see if I'm the only one who's noticing this nice change in pugs. If you are experiencing a change why do you think it's happened?

While I still prefer to run with my guild I can say that I really don't mind the pugs as much as I use to in the pre-bc days.

Reader Comments (53)

In my opinion its all down to who is leading, if the person who leads knows what's what, and enforces that their voice are the only instructions to be followed you loose that cluster of three tanks doing diffrent tactics.

beyond that I think that tanks and healers are genuinly better at what they do and dps can hold their agro, I think genraly the comunity has grown more skilled with time.

March 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPrower


“Will be AFK for 8m, going to have soup.”

you just made my day :D

what always fascinates me is the different experiences that come together by asking questions like: "have players grown up? are pugs better?"

it's subjective, random and sometimes completely arbitrary... it's like asking: "how many times did you get the loot you wanted from boss xy or how long did you have to wait for it to drop" ppl are going to have different experiences all the times in wow, mmos in general and IRL...

without empirical things to argue with on such matters (for loot we have pretty precise percentage numbers for example) discussions like these here are pretty much smalltalk, and as wow itself should probably be regarded, plain fun ;)


March 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMithritos

Well, the first day i hit 80, i immedately bought 2 epics out of AH and filly cleared Heroic UP and VH easy. (Healidan) I then went on to do wintergrasp then VOA 10 man and 25 man clearing both first tries. THen i went on to clear 2 qaurters of naxx in a couple of hours. I didn't know any of the fights coming in, and i didn't even have a vent going with the groups, all in type chat. It was fine, It just seems like people aren't as stupid anymore, since i have been around since Pre-BC. Including myself, there was a time when i would have freaked out trying to do these things. in one day i got a decent amount of gear and went from 2 epics to 6 and 7 including a leather healing peice no one wanted so they gave it to me. Not to mention replacing blues with better blues and greens with blues. PUG raids have never been more doable. Its a dream-come true for me since i usually can't line up with guild raid times too much. I honestly have no idea what has come over WoW players to make them so much better all of a sudden, but I like it.

April 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEraisan

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