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WoW Life Lesson #27 - Have A Goal

It's always best to know where you're going before you get there. It's true in life and it's true in WoW.

There may never be everything you want in a game such as WoW, like better spells or dual-wielding mages, but there are a few things you can do in game and what ever those things may be, you have to have it as a goal to go fo it.

For example, when you started playing WoW, it was probably all about leveling. This included quest, killing innocent pigs or wolves or bats, and hearing that now addictive level ding. Next it was probably get to level ten so you can get talent points. Put a few here, some more there as you level and then whoop arse.

Next it was probably to get to level 30 (or 40 for all the 'old school players - Heeeyyy) so you could get a wonderful new mount to run around on. Then at 60, the epic mount. Then at 70, the flying mount and epic flying mount. Then 80, then instances, then badge loot, then raids, then....

So there's a lot of little goals along the way that really help you get to your next goal or one of your bigger goals. For me, my most recent goal was getting a new title, that of Twilight Vanquisher.

Yes there have been a few things that got in my way - RL work, people drama, and one big guild drama that resulted in me /gquitting on principle. Too bad a few loud dishonorable people screwed it up for everyone.

Then there was the drama of getting a new guild - applying, asking around, looking up guilds on websites looking for any clues that a top guilds on my server that needed FFB mages.

And when I got into a guild, I had to prove my worth again by raiding and kicking butt again on the DPS charts, learning how the new-to-me main tank was holding aggro and making sure I was helping the new guild as best as I could. Then I had to get invited to the OS3 raid and then, after flasks and flasks and enough fish feasts to fill up Sholazar basin, we downed those drakes and got a nice little bag for me to boot.

So that goal took focus and planning and determination. It took the right bunch of people and their focus after so many wipes, bad waves and random flame strikes.

And - I knew what I wanted and I got it.

In RL it's just the same. You need focus and planning and determination to accomplish your goals, whatever they may be. If you want to learn to play the piano, then focus, plan, persevere. If you want to ride a bike, same. If you want anything at all, you have to do the same.

So what have been your goals in game and in RL that you set forth and accomplished? How did you do it? And what did you do when you thought you couldn't but still wanted it anyway?

Because whatever that may be, those same skills that you used to get it will help you get anything you want in WoW or RL.

Reader Comments (16)

At the moment I'm proving my skill in my new guild as a healer!
And I'm doing good! :)

March 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChristian

I want to become the best pokemon trainer!

March 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVarren

The same set some goals in WOW, be a good member in the guild, be a strong healer, i had to leave my previous guild to do this we had so many players and time zone was an issue i couldnt be there when it was all happening so now i am and enjoying my guild and trying to do what i can .........

March 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNauren

God that was good, and motivating, im pretty much at the point in wow where idk what 2 do next. Ah ye hte never ending drama, no online game is free of that =P anywayz nice post man, and Gratz on ur title ;)

March 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterweber

Lol varren. I wish it was easier for me to set high goals like downing 3D Sarth, but recently I've been too busy with life/school to play often, and when I do it's not for long periods of time. My guild has a nice core group of 80's, but not many of us are around enough to make guild runs for raids. I've cleared half of naxx and killed sarth with no drakes up, but both of these have occured in groups outside of my guild. Anyway I just try to do the best I can with the time I have, and hopefully those I run with appreciate what I bring to the group and will invite me back at a later time.

March 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEventime

I am working on just getting my Champion of the Frozen Waste title. We've been taking a short break from raids but we will pick it up again next week I think and work on getting Malygos down. After that I wouldn't mind going for a twilight vanquisher title myself at some point but that probably won't happen for a while.

March 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBaek

My goal right now is get another Level 80. Or two. :)

Two more level 80s.
Which in the case, will be somewhat annoying....

March 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHolydos

StGermain have RL getting in the way of WOW, I have WOW getting in the way of my RL. No matter how many times I said I'll do these assignments, I'll study now, etc, I always end up doing those last minute and spend hours on WOW (or just surfing the .Net) I did badly on 3 midterms already, looks like I have to kick myself in the arse before the final exams pressure itself down on me and I end up becoming a suicidal WOW addict.

On a positive note, nice post :D

March 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAldei

My most recent goal has been to get a better job(I /jquit on principle!) which I've aced. Start next month.
My new goal is to create a Work/Life/WoW balance that will see me getting into raids, raising that 1000g so I can dual-spec my lovely priest, earning that $5000 to upgrade my computer etc. and finally (but no less important) spending more time with friends and family.

March 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWml

Heh, woot for the lv 40 mount ^_^ noobs got it to easy!

March 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTaskun

Nice post, SaintGermain!
I haven't got a big goal in RL, because I have to finish the school, have to find a job, but the only goal I have in WoW is to find money and finally buy a game =)

March 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterIvan

hey "im NOT cool"
yeah do u just like to put people down or something?
because surfing the internet to find a random blog where u can vent ur pent up anger at people who dont care what u think is the real lame of lame.

On a happier note nice inspiring post as always St. G. : )

March 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterzoova

Saint...you are PL's Steve I beleive. As always you are true to your word . Thanks for this uplifting post. :D

March 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVoldenmist

Very nice post St. Germain. My goals in RL are to finish High school and get to college. In WoW, I am just trying to get to 80 and 1000 gold for the duel spec that is coming out. =)

March 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHasoondi

My goal is balance
I am trying to find a was to do all the things I want and need to do. I have a girlfriend to take care of, a guild to manage, college classes, work and student government. I'm trying to find a way to do all these things and not do any of them hald asked.

March 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbountady

im currently farming a time lost drake so i have a short term goal

March 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGerolden

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