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Adventures With Death Grip

Death Grip is FunSo we’ve probably all heard by now of the infamous death grip bug. The one that drags unsuspecting duelists, PvP’ers and joyriders alike all the way across Azeroth and into a ghost ship in the nether realm. The music video-inspired footage and numerous threads on the WoW forums are hilarious enough to make basically any DK (and there are a lot) say, “I have GOT to try that.” But here’s the bad news: all the hype caught on, the bug caused GMs a lot of headaches and help tickets, and perpetrators now face warnings of getting banned.

But all hope is not lost for those of us who want to have fun with what I would argue to be one of the most powerful abilities in the game. There are still plenty of options for death grip pwnage that don’t involve getting banned. And I’ve been running through a few of them to find the most thrilling.

Option 1: Massive slaughter
Nothing makes the somewhat overpowered DK revel in their glory better than death gripping a weakling and one-hitting their asses. This is a good option for those of us who play mostly PvE. So when you need a quick fix, run into whichever low-level area you’re closest to, and start pulling any gray beasts who have the misfortune of being close to a bloodthirsty DK. Unfortunately, the 35-second cool down can be a buzz kill. Not ideal.

Option 2: PvP
The best part of death grip is making your target come to you - whether they want to, or not. So when you see that little gnome trying to escape with the Horde flag: death grip!! There used to be a lot of complaints about death grip being broken for PvP play. But it seems players have simply adapted by rolling their own DKs. Now from what I've noticed, about half of all battleground players are Death Knights. Which leads to the next fun choice.

Option 3: Double death grip!!
With all the DKs running around battlegrounds, it’s not hard to see that sometimes two DKs of opposing factions will death grip each other at the same time. Imagine the scene in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire where Harry and Voldemort duel, their wands connect, and everything goes haywire. It’s JUST like that. Or close, anyways. The dual death grip sends you both flying through the air. And if you time it just right, you’ll unexpectedly land behind each other. Try it – you’ll be delighted.

And there’s still endless possibilities to try out. Want to run around Northrend pulling all PvP members of the opposing faction off their flying mounts, just for kicks? By all means, have at it. Let me know how it goes. Just don’t do anything that I wouldn’t do. Especially not anything involving the boat on Booty Bay. *wink*

Reader Comments (19)

I was going to try this, but now that it's bannable? Dern. : /

March 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJagganatha

It's true, I've never realized how OP Death Grip is in a different kind of way.

March 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEdgeville

Evilness comes in many form, and fun usually comes behind it, wicked! :D

Ever tried a Death Grip chain? Party up with enough DKs to keep gripping that pitiful player around, I call it Hot Potato Death Grip Style :D

March 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAldei

i did the boat thing with my roommate and it worked (of course this was a few weeks ago) and it was funny as hell to watch lol

just recently a buddy of mine tried to levitate off the cliff at the Lumber Mill in AB and a DK dg'd him right back up....died before he could get a fear off cause we were laughing so hard lol

March 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKathrielonFrostmane

I don't know about double death grip but I know it always catches me by surprise when a DK death grips something just as my warrior is charging at it. Suddenly I'm off in the distance by myself and the DK is behind me fighting the thing i just charged.

March 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRaoul

I hear a Smoker!

March 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNaasuk(Andrew)

Death grip gauntlet. The fun of disorienting a hapless victim with several dk's so they can all get a hit in.

March 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDominion

Yay another fun post Pix =)
Aaaaand yes, sadly I'm going to try this on the BBay guards too haha

March 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWML

what me and a DK guildy of mine did, was we went to hellfire, we started a duel on the wall. i jumped off the wall and the DK used deathgrip and pulled me back up

March 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercjus

LOL, Raoul... I've done that with a Hunter guildie - he sends in his Silverback Gorilla to thunderstomp the bejeezus out of a mob & just before it (gorilla) gets there, I DG the mob over it's head & have killed it before said Hunter can type 'WTF...?' in Party chat...

Anyone tried DG-ing anything bigger that, say, the Devilsaur Elites in Un'Goro... just to see what the physical size limit of DG is?

... PMSL @ a L54+ Devilsaur flying through the air...

March 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJeff


@ Aldei, @Dominion I'll have to try those out!

@WML thanks! don't do anything I wouldn't do ;)

@Jeff how about a Fel Reaver? I successfully managed to death grip one before getting seriously stomped. Next up - the Storm Giant! :)

March 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterpixiestixy

their is no limit but some mobs are immune to it i have the glyph that refreshs teh cooldwon any time i kill somthing i found about the BB trick when i was dueliing m friend in BB the ship came and we were battling near the docks he thundered stormed me or what ever ability is called knocked back on teh ship i death griped him expecting to pull him to me instead i though him to the front of the ship on tha long wooden plank infront of it the ship started moving i jumped of it but he capt going to ratchet so he fled from me the best way to win a duel ever lol allso has anyone ever tried pulling pulling the same thing to pull with 2 DK using DG at the same time that whould rip you in heaph

March 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

@Cocopuff, I don't suppose you have ever played lvl 60 AV?
In that bracket there is almost a whole BG of DKs, nothing but DKs sitting there Death Gripping everything they see.

March 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterArmateh

That's something I never heard about. But then, I've only recently got back into working on my Death Knight (trying to make my own JC so I don't have to keep paying outrageous AH prices).

Kinda wish that if Blizzard designates something as bannable, they'd fix it so it can't happen (such as the death grip bug discussed here). Back on Seibertron.com (my old haunt), the general rule of thumb for HMW is that if the game allows it, it's acceptable. :|

March 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

ya i waas i a 60 braket bu that back when expenichion came out i whould figure it changed in the last 4 months

March 4, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

lol i was in av once got deathgripped 3 times 1 after the other felt like i was playing pinball :S

March 4, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterrobingtons

get a premade wsg with only DKs,stand 30yards from one another and pull any of the opposite faction from one side of the map to the other, this gets even more funny with a flagcarrier

March 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterReyson

@Jeff I've done Banthar (Clefthoof Mastery) as a Monkey in the middle with some guildies for a while. And I've seen Durn go flying a few times. It's always fun to do things like that.

I've made the Fel Reaver go flying. >.> I should DG him into the PVP area while it's under attack and shadowmeld.

I guess there's a few interesting bugs out there. I'll have to check them out.

March 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHatell

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