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WoW Life Lesson #18 - You Can Go Your Own Way

SaintGermain goes his own wayHave you ever been in a group or pug that you thought was going in one direction and went the complete opposite? I mean, you thought you were going to do The Violet Hold so you could finally get the chance to complete Lockdown to get one step closer to your new Red Proto-Drake, but 10 minutes into summoning they decide that Utgarde Keep is easier to do for badges because the tank isn't defense capped just yet.

This sort of indecision, lack of focus and disregard to certain members almost guarantees that I will leave the group immediately and go do dailies. And I have found out that doing just that is perfectly fine no matter what anyone one spams at you in chat.

Let's face it, in WoW there are a few people, regardless of actual age, that are... well.. how should I say this... big cry babies who piss and moan when they do not get their way.

That's fine by me. They can go their own way and I can go mine. I truly do not care if someone spams me that I am a traitor for leaving a pug or that I was now put on some list by them because I didn't finish a Heroic when everyone in that pug knew the tank couldn't hold aggro in a two-ton bucket. That is what /ignore is for.

And the same thing goes for some guilds I have been in. Years ago, I was in a guild that felt that every member had to help every other member, not on a voluntary basis or when available, but right now, no matter what it was that had to be done by whichever member. Around the same time, I saw a guild advertising on their web site that in order to move up the ranks, you had to drop whatever your were doing at a moments notice while soloing to come the the aid of a guildie even if it was just the GM's lowbie alt that couldn't down Hogger.

Now for some that is fine, and if that's you or someone you know or even if that's your guild now, great. You go your way I'll go mine. I have no animosity toward you not should you have any against me. It's just what you do or want me to do is not something I want to do or a way that I want to play.

Everyone has a right to play the game how that want in the way they want at whatever time or frequency that they want. As for me, I will go my own way, and as far as being in a guild, if that includes hanging out with mature respectful people taking down end-game content on a daily basis, I'm in.

And as you probably guessed, in RL you can go your own way too.

If you want to be a florist, flautist, or philanthropist, be me guest. Better yet, be your own guest. It is your life - don't make a pug out of it.

Go your own way and find people who are cool and hang with them. And always, /ignore those QQ peeps who want to pee on your parade. What do they know?

So if you've ever gone your own way and it worked out better than you ever imagined, let us know. Your story can help others, and maybe you'll help give someone the confidence to go their own way.

Thanks and have fun.

Reader Comments (26)

Yes! Went with a group to do DM back in the day (as horde) and we ended up hovering around the human starting area whilst the group leader killed the Warlock trainer's imp. o_O

March 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSean


March 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBill


i have had worse. I have been kicked from a group because as i posted recount people were so pissed at me being at the top of the dps they accused me of hacking kicked me from the group they all ignored me and it was right in front of the last boss that i needed for a quest, achievement, and he had 2 drops i really needed. Gotta love some wow players, doesn't matter what age some people will never change in rl or in a video game they will always remain to be a jackass.

March 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJosh

Now I have Fleetwood Mac stuck in my head!

Seriously, though. Playing WoW is all about making fun for yourself. Helping out others to a certain extent can add to that, but it also can detract from it. If you're part of a guild or group that is needy to the point of being aggravating, drop 'em!

March 2, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterpixiestixy

I concur - I got sick of the way things were happening in my workplace, and told them I didn't like it. They said to harden up, and under some circumstances I would agree, but I had very vald concerns.

Long story short, I quit, took some time off over xmas for the first time in 9 years, and had a great summer (Southern Hemisphere FTW). Sure, I still don't have a job cause of the GEDT, but I've started to follow my own path, instead of the 9-5 slog that the rest of society adheres to.

March 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWML

There was a group whining about needing a tank for Blood Furnace..they'd been in trade chat for awhile, so I said that I would go, but I wasn't a terrific tank (I'm usually off tank with my guild). When we finally grouped, the guy must have inspected me, said 'crap tank' and turned around. I left group, and went on with my quests.
Don't give someone doing you a favor any crap. If I don't like the way things are going, esp. with a PUG, I leave. I have other things to do, and I was usually just lending a hand when I could be questing/lvling my professions.

March 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDulica

Respect others, but do not let them control you.
...in WoW and Real Life.

March 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPatrickD

I'm nearly 23 years old and I don't drink, smoke, do drugs or anything like that.


March 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPZ

I knew this guy.

He asked for help. Asked for runs. Asked for gold.

He always asked me first before even giving it a shot solo, and whenever I helped him, I'd get some measy "oh and ty" like 3 hours later and he never repaid me.

That's fine, he was my friend.

Or so I thought....

One day he decided to pop in next to me and Felwood, while I was farming oozes for the pet. He told me he'd kill a few for me while he was there.

I went afk. I come back, he got the pet first bag, and sold it for 3.5kg. He didn't offer to sell it to me. He knows I'm a minipet freak, that I've been after the pet for a year.

And still, he did the selfish thing and sold it, to someone that was not me.

I thought about this a long time. Was he really being selfish? Or just going his own way?

Either way I realized he didn't appreciate my hours and thousands of gold I invested in him, we hardly talk now, and I shall not help for a long, long time, if ever.

March 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNebyula

If I am allowed to do the opposite, and post one that happened the opposite way, I'd like to mention this one:
I was with a PuG doing mid-game content, around level 45.
We went through Uldaman, no hunter items. Both Razorfens, no hunter items. Then through Zul'farrak, the MAGE got my sword that I've only ever seen once from the last boss.
So, at that point, I went my own way while they went to Mara, then my friend reports (she was still in the group) that they got the Fungus Shroud Armour (want for RP), a kickass gun, and some decent mail.

So, my point is; Yeah, go your own way, but make sure your friend's not in the group to tell you what you missed!

March 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGullsnikk

WHOA. Last night i did Uthgarde pinnicle with a PUG and WHOA. Screw dps,we had a good healer but THE TANK HAD NO F***ING IDEA HOW TO KEEP AGGRO. i bet he hasn´t even heard of AOE´S. anyway we dumped him and got one of my guildies to come instead.

LEGEN.. wait for it


March 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermetall

Good blog. Lots of truth there.

You gave me a good chuckle. You really want us to believe that you were kicked from that group for the sole reason of "doing too much dps"?
You are either leaving out some other details of that group or you didn't really care to pick up on what those other reasons might be.

March 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDrstealth

I love your posts, but I thik that is "polite" telling your party why are you leaving.
Sometimes I'm in a party ready to do an instance and 1 guy leaves and make us find a replacement that, with luck, you find or make us disband the party for soloing stuff.

March 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterElwero

Ahhh...such is the nature of the PUG!

Ive tanked in PUGs for H AN on a number of occasions (curse you, Anub Arak for NEVER dropping my belt!) and I've had some PUGS kick me for being "undergeared" (while I'm in 1/2 epics, 1/2 blues). They say I can't hold aggro but the problem seems to be that they refuse to follow kill order on the waves before first boss and then blame me for not holding aggro on mobs they pull away from me in every direction. I've had other PUGs tell me that they've never had a PUG tank as good as me and that we just blew through there. These are the ones that have followed kill order and let me keep mobs in range of TC and Shockwave so I don't lose them.

Moral of the story? I went my own way and bought the badge belt so that I never have to set foot in there again! =P

But what of the Essence of Gossamer, you ask? Certainly a tanky fellow like me must want that, right? Right you are! It dropped once for me in there on a run when I had no other melee DPS (which, FYI is NOT a good idea =P). I had told the group before we started that I was hoping for the Essence and the belt to drop. The Essence drops and 3 others gratz me as I roll need. A Mage said he was rolling need as well as the Essence is "one of the BEST PvP trinkets in game." My stomach dropped as I awaited his role and my heart soared as I prevailed. The others all whispered to me that they couldn't believe the Mage rolled on it and I told them not to worry, at least I won it, let's finish the run. The Mage then spends the rest of the, blessedly in this case, short instance explaining to everyone WHY the Essence is sooo good for PvP and that everyone should have rolled on it and he even went so far as to inspect me during next wave of trash to "make sure" that I equipped the item I had "taken" from him.

Some people make this game unbelieveably fun.
Some people make this game unbelieveable.

March 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLawman30

Awesome article.

@ Drstealth:

Agree with the Josh thingy ^^.

March 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCarlos

A very good blog, SaintGermain. It just might help me decide once and for all whether to leave my guild -- don't get me wrong, I love the people -- and join another to progress in content, or stay.


Did you ever tell the mage about how the tank needed that item for a gear upgrade, versus the mage's want for a PvP luxury? Just would've loved to see that mage's pitiful response.

March 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

@ PZ
I ditto your comment
@ Saintgermain
thank you for posting something like this for those that needed some inspiration.

March 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHasoondi

Exactly what is the point in this post? 'you can go your own way?' its not like i play the game for the enjoyment of other people anyway, i play for my own enjoyment. I dont need people telling me that i can leave groups if i dont think its going to last.

March 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZumo

You probably roll dps, if you happen to be a tank or a healer, leaving the group is basically dissapointing 4 players heavily.

I had to leave a group in old kingdomn hc the other day. It was a terrible setup, the top dps was doing around 1.4k second 1.2k. tank and third were doing 1k or something like that. The tank had 520 def rating aswell. You can imagine the problems you get healing that.

We managed to down the first and second boss rather smoothly, though i had to drink every 8 or nine trash pulls or so. But then we went to the boss that "sacrifices" some fellow she pulls from the sides. If you don't kill it before she gets to sacrifice it some enrage hits and it starts doing around 20k damage before any mitigation on randomn targets for around 5 seconds or so.Its basically a dps test, fail it and you either wipe, or lose a few party members wich makes the second time around even harder.
After numerous wipes where i explained the needed to kill that mob, posted recount data etc, i left group. However you get tons and tons of whispers if you're the healer. Losing one of the key members will basically save everyone for a failed heroic. And that can be hard to do.

March 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSardit

@ Alayea

He had rolled need before I could state my case, but I did tell him after the fact that the Essence is, in fact, more valuable as a PvE tank trinket than it is as a PvP trinket. That is when he went on and on about how "no...it's one of the best PvP trinkets there is" "look at the stam bonus" "it mitigates damage on ANYONE" "how can you guys not know this stuff?"

To be honest, the other 3 were more upset about it than I was (although THAT would have changed if I had lost). Thinking about all the tank stuff I have had others roll on for various reasons, that one seems to be the most bizarre.

Although its nothing compared to the tank that posted on a different thread on this site that he has lost rolls for the Red Sword of Courage 4 TIMES!!! How the hell is that even possible that others in the group rolled against the tank 4 times for that sword? /slitwrists

March 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLawman30

Yes, being booted from a PuG for doing dps in excess of other members can and will happen when someone suddenly see that the one thing they can do they do very poorly.
I was booted from a HC VH PuG last night after having done 1700 dps and topping the damage meter after the 2nd boss and I'm a friggin tank! Hell if I know how that run ended since my Bubble+HS macro was off cooldown.

Having myself lost the red sword of courage twice, once to a pally for his supposed respec (He's still ret 2 months later) and once to a DK who thought he deserved it more since I had epics and he didn't, I've started using Master Looter on with rare limit whereever I go in a non-guild group. Sure that made some comments at the start and some people don't like it, but my guild has a good rep on our server so people mostly trust us since we all do this.

We got sick of ninjalooting and decided to go our own way and take charge of the groups we go into, this has earned us a great deal of respect from the honest folks of our server, and the people who are against this are always free to leave, no harm no foul.

March 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJanus

Thanks for the feedback Janus. It would never occur to me to kick someone for too much DPS, especially in a heroic. It still really doesn't make sense to me. The only reason I possibly think of is if the group wanted more of a challenge and just didn't want to overpower an instance.

March 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDrstealth

I love the idea of "going your own way" and there are some very crazy people that play WoW. once i was lvling my Troll rouge, i'd just hit lvl 12 and was still finishing the final few quests in the area. [a lot of rested exp there] i get a random /w from someone saying "shouldnt you be in te barrens by now?"
i thought what the f**ks it to you!? i can do whatever the hell i want. i can wear cloth amour and stay here till lvl 15 if i want!
i settled for just saying "i wanna finish the qs here cos i can get more exp" im a it of a completist tbh (should never have bought WoW :D) so am i wrong for wanting to finish the last couple of quests in the area?

i also quite support the "stick with a shit group and make it work" mantra.
when i was lvling my main (pally) i got invited to a PuG for ZF, we were all about lvl 46 and i was invited cos i was a tank (AoE grinding FTW). when we got in the other pally said he wanted to tank...


i couldnt believe this, i was invited to a group that needed a tank and all of a sudden i was being expected to heal a dps.
I felt like leaving straight away but i decided to stick around to see how quickly we would fail (i had plenty of money to spend on repairs, happy days). any way i ended up healing the group (we had a lvl 55 hunter so it wasnt too hard).
But any time Mr Ret took more than 3 at once i had to step in, i ended up deliberatly pulling aggro off him to keep him alive, then healing him and keeping the aggro of 1-2 while he "tanked" the third.

we ended up completing the instance but he refused to accept that i (or even the hunter's pet) should have tanked.
i like the "this is screwed up! how can i make it work?" way of sticking with the mentalists its a nice challenge... and its nice to know that i CAN do summat i houldnt really be able to

March 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSaeth

often thoose who are yelling at people are kids at my age( im 13) they are often from the age9-14. and it can also be geeks since they are alway's rude:P

March 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterfedje

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