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Why Stop At Dual Specs?

No one will deny that the impending release of dual specs in patch 3.1 will be a game changer, particularly for the hybrid classes out there. The ability to easily change specs based on an encounter (we need more healers!) or for an activity (no more tank farming!) will make many people's lives much easier, not to mention save some cash at the trainer.

As someone who respecs once a week to do PvP, I was very excited about this announcement. Now I'll be able to PvP whenever I want to! Not only that, but I get to save the 100g I spend a week on respecs.

It did get me thinking, why is Blizzard stopping there? They have made it clear they don't mind people changing spec mid raid, and they do not plan on balancing encounters around this new dynamic, so why not let us have more than 2 specs? On my Paladin I could easily have 5 specs, and I wouldn't mind one bit paying 1000g a piece for them!

I can see it now, with the push of a button I could be a tank, a healer, DPS, or even a PvP healer, or PvP Ret Pally. It would be great! Maybe I'm going a little overboard here, but you see my point. While this benefits hybrid classes over the pure ones, if Blizzard is going to take away limitations, why not take them away completely?

What do you guys think? Would you use tri specs, quad spec, or even the dreaded quintuple spec? I know I would.

Reader Comments (41)

I would just add two things.

1) Hopefully the developers wrote the dual spec code in such a way that upgrading to 3,4,5 specs would be fairly easy to implement at a low risk level

2) I would add escalating price.
Dual spec = 1000g
Tri spec = 2000g more
Quad spec = 5000g more.

April 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDrstealth

i dont know if its gonna b bad or not my main is a paladin and when i used 2 get bored of him i just used 2 respec him i've tanked kara etc healed and dpsed but my alt is a lock and i dont really bring much 2 the table apart from a ss, hs and dps i just hope pure dps classes out their get some love

April 2, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterrobingtons

I don't know what to think of dual specs yet. I think it's a good and bad thing. As I am building my alt-Paladin, I can't wait to be able to switch from tank to healer or dps. But then again, I wonder how easy it will be to pick-up groups now that the demand for tanks and healers will be trumped by the paladins and druids who can easily switch to accommodate any need on that level of context (not to get in-depth with particular needs). Also, as someone has stated above, how is looting going to work out.

I haven't made a decision on how I feel and probably won't til I see it in the system. But positive or negative, it is coming to the game and nothing is going to stop that.

April 2, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercvjohnso

To be honest, as a Hunter, two specs is enough. But, i can see what you mean if you play one of the hybrid classes.

April 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKalgorn

I actually heard that Blizzard might be improving this feature by adding the option to purchase more specs in the far future.

April 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFrostSeer

Personally, I am going to adore being able to easily switch between BM and SV (or maybe MM - haven't really decided yet), for the increase in DPS and usefulness of my Hunter.

While I agree that dual specs are a little restrictive in terms of hybrid classes, I see this as a kind of test by the BlizzTechs to figure out the mechanics and dynamics of this new ability.

Kind of defeats the purpose to have dual spec if it ends up bombing in the end, no?

After a few patches following 3.1, possible 5 or so, the techs will no how viable and valuable this ability is. With enough people posting in the O-Boards about how grand and good it would be to have multi-specs, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see tri- or quad- or even quint-specs becoming the norm.

(*whimsical thought*) Can you imagine having your toon with every possible combination spec out there to play with?

From a Hunter's PoV = BM with SV - BM with MM - SV with BM - SV with MM - MM with SV - MM with BM - even spread...

OP much?

April 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOmbrenoire

With the amount of sets required to roll that many specs on the fly, would you even have any bag space? It can already be an issue as it stands now!

April 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenteriTZKooPA

I got a Druid dps(feral) and i got to say i cant wait for this to be implemented. I do think 3+ specs will be a bit overboard though. As to the looting problems, ive been steadily getting boomkin gear from instances no problem. If nobody needs the itm i ask if i could have it for my boomkin set for when dual spec comes out. Now i got lvl 73+ blues for my boom set COMPLETED. When i turn 80 naxx won't be any different. My guild is cool with it and will make rules to the looting process. I say whatever spec your currently using, roll on that gear. If anyone has problems with that just talk it out. Same with pugs. Just talk it out people will listen(read your comments lol).

April 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterQes

Im sure we'll get to 3+ specs some time. We just have to see how the 2 Spec feature works. I for one, think it would be cool with 3 or more specs; like an entire collection. For my DK, i could make a leveling, dps, and PvP build for each tree is i desired so. This is possibly the best WoW mechanic implemented in a long time

April 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMatt

tthats the whole point the duel is mainly for 80s but just you dont wine about "we want duel spec to" when have little or no use of it tthey cut he level reguire ment in half keep the price the same it genous if your rich you can get the duel spec if your beginner noob tuff luck baack to the subject i think we should get a tri spec who whouldent get a use of that even the pure specs one moment youre pve spaced another monent instance spaced and the next pvp spaced just imagine the use the hybrids whould get

April 2, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterelion

I can see what u mean changin to what the group needs like in naxx cahnging from a tank to a healer on saph or changing to a dps for abit not in stead of starting a low level alt i think its a great idea

April 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDave

I always hated the idea of having to pay to respec to begin with. It doesn't do anything to encourage creativity in playstyle or expirementation. All it does is make me go to some forum and seek the cookie cutter spec and stick with that. Then I'm either gimped for pvp or pve depending on what I went with.

They could have just eliminated the cost of a respec and saved a lot of development time. No one really needs an insta-respec.

If anything, it will make people play their mains more in order to gather more gear.

April 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVyllanas

Absolutely not. It would be loot insanity. Can you imagine if every pally said "I have a tank, ret, holy, tank offspec, holy offspec, half ret offspec, and pvp set. Can I roll on half the drops plox?"

Two specs are fine, and any more would be absurd. I can already testify that two specs are annoying from all the guild PTR DKP drama that we've been having *rolls eyes*. Atleast my purist priest has no trouble =)

April 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterIllithian

if theyre ganna put out more than duel spec, well then they may aswell take away talent trees and give everyone all the talents. the point of this was originaly to make it less costly for people to change spec when they want to pvp or pve, and it would make life easier for people to farm and do dailies, that is why originaly they had it set so that you needed a lexicon of power to change spec, ofcourse that has changed. i personaly dont understand why, the lexicon requirement was a great idea, kept things underprespective, it wouldnt make raids so much easier, thats from the prespective of a guild that pregresses at an ok rate, they wouldnt need to respec mid raid, only respec before raids to occomadate the raid groups needs. but for guilds that progress at a lower rate becouse of guildies tight schedules, taking away the lexicon of power requirement is a great idea, a heaelr who is in the military gets called up for an emergency meeting, one of the dps who has a heal set changes onsight, or anyone who they could replace easily changes. and from the prespective of WTFROFLSTOMPEATSHITPIEHOLEOWNSHIT guilds, this shouldnt really matter to you guys, your already owning shit :)

April 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterL

Triple spec FTW!, Seriously, I need one extra slot so that I can try out experimental specs without killing myself.

I think it would totally help people try out some new stuff, maybe some crazy stuff. It gets kinda boring when all people ever do is look up the popular specs and copy paste. Making talent points cheaper makes it so that everyone is more willing to try stuff!

April 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterUbu

i'd love tri spec, as a holy priest atm i'm stuck with no pvp survivability, and very slow questing.

With dual spec that will have to become holy + disc, simply to be able to survive horde while questing, the only reason i don't have northrend loremaster is the bloody kill 15 player daily they have there. It seems like someone posts in general when they see a holy priest. Within 2 minutes i have 20 hordes chasing and killing me.

Tri spec would allow me a shadow spec aswell. That way i'd be able to get a pure dps spec to go instancing with aswell. I'd really like it but everytime i put on an offset, respec and try to get in groups it ends up with me speccing back holy and putting on healing gear again. Never a healer there, or when they are they are so lousy in healing its just embarising to see.

And unfortunately since i've spent so much time in healing everyone expects me to heal. They'll just beg and beg me to respec to healing all the time. At least with dualspec i can do it a lot easier since now every time i try it its wasted gold 90% of the time.
Unfortunately, grinding is more important so offspeccing shadow won't do it :( It will still be a long time untill i get to mind seer in a raid i think..

April 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSardit

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