Entries in quintuple spec (1)

Why Stop At Dual Specs?

No one will deny that the impending release of dual specs in patch 3.1 will be a game changer, particularly for the hybrid classes out there. The ability to easily change specs based on an encounter (we need more healers!) or for an activity (no more tank farming!) will make many people's lives much easier, not to mention save some cash at the trainer. As someone who respecs once a week to do PvP, I was very excited about this announcement. Now I'll be able to PvP whenever I want to! Not only that, but I get to save the 100g I spend a week on respecs. It did get me thinking, why is Blizzard stopping there? They have made it clear they don't mind people changing spec mid raid, and they do not plan on balancing encounters around this new dynamic, so why not let us have more than 2 specs? On my Paladin I could easily have 5 specs, and I wouldn't mind one bit paying 1000g a piece for them! I can see it now, with the push of a button I could be a tank, a healer, DPS, or even a PvP healer, or PvP Ret Pally. It would be great! Maybe I'm going a little overboard here, but you see my point. While this benefits hybrid classes over the pure ones, if Blizzard is going to take away limitations, why not take them away completely? What do you guys think? Would you use tri specs, quad spec, or even the dreaded quintuple spec? I know I would.

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