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Why Stop At Dual Specs?

No one will deny that the impending release of dual specs in patch 3.1 will be a game changer, particularly for the hybrid classes out there. The ability to easily change specs based on an encounter (we need more healers!) or for an activity (no more tank farming!) will make many people's lives much easier, not to mention save some cash at the trainer.

As someone who respecs once a week to do PvP, I was very excited about this announcement. Now I'll be able to PvP whenever I want to! Not only that, but I get to save the 100g I spend a week on respecs.

It did get me thinking, why is Blizzard stopping there? They have made it clear they don't mind people changing spec mid raid, and they do not plan on balancing encounters around this new dynamic, so why not let us have more than 2 specs? On my Paladin I could easily have 5 specs, and I wouldn't mind one bit paying 1000g a piece for them!

I can see it now, with the push of a button I could be a tank, a healer, DPS, or even a PvP healer, or PvP Ret Pally. It would be great! Maybe I'm going a little overboard here, but you see my point. While this benefits hybrid classes over the pure ones, if Blizzard is going to take away limitations, why not take them away completely?

What do you guys think? Would you use tri specs, quad spec, or even the dreaded quintuple spec? I know I would.

Reader Comments (41)

Interesting point. I'm happy enough with dual specs coming out. Three+ seems a bit overboard and takes away the point of having different specs all together.

April 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commenter1n5an3

as a pally, i couldn't agree more

April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterConxcore

It would be useful for multi-spec such as a pally.

I would go as far as Quad Spec on my opinion so I can have a PvP spec, 2 PvE DPS (with minor heals or minor tank) spec and a tank or heal spec.

That's my preference but I can see pure dps classes such as mage, rouges, hunters, etc. to use it as an experiment to try other trees to see which is best for leveling, pvp and instances.

April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterUnknown-Man

The cost of 1000g seems a little arbitrary to me - it strikes me as being a wall to stop everyone who could benefit by it from being able to afford it. at lvl 40 who's got 1K of gold to spend? even in latter levels you have epic and flying mounts, riding skills and the (arbitrary) cloud flying skill to pick up.

Don't get me wrong I love that their doing this, my druid will find new life being a healer again while still being able to quest solo, but the high cost seems a bit odd to me.

April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEthan

I'm happy with dual-spec, I like my arms/fury for PVE, but I hate being DPS in instances, so I want my arms/fury for PVE and prot/arms (some def bonuses in arms) for instances. Maybe tri-spec might be good for a fury/arms spec, but I won't be upset if its never implemented.

April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTenTonApe

any more than dual defeates the object od specs so id rather stick with dual or in my case just the one as i owe money to people alrready (650g XD)

April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKreion

As a hunter there is really very little in this new facit of Wow for me. However I think this will help the dreaded pug no end letting players replace those who storm off much more easily.

April 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermacbethy

I can´t wait to make my Unholy PvE and Frost PvP DK, but like Ethan said "who's got 1k gold at 40?" this is a feature that only 80's and their alts can afford.

April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEl Wero

Two specs is enough, so you can toggle between PvE and PvP specs, anything more kills purpose of "pure" classes. Why roll a mage, if I can get shaman and be melee, ranged AND healer, in the same time?

Oh, and the all new loot drama. "I need it for my 464th spec, get lost, stupid rogue!"

April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCrash

this could prove useful for many of the hybrid classes, but as Macbethy pointed out- there is little use for 4-5 specs for a NON-hybrid class. So if the go any higher than duel spec i'm guessing that they'll drop it after 3.
none the less i'm excited for the step blizz is taking with duel spec :)

April 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkiley

i see your point i personaly would stop at 2 but i can see why lots of people would love this especialy healers.
i am looking forward to it being a shammy now a healer i was ele all the way to 80 and when i'm soloing i miss being able to kill quickly lol so am looking forward to that once more :P i wouldn't go over 2 cause i not a pvp guy, i don't really like enhancement (have played on a mates shammy) and i'm really poor XD still no epic flyer :P

April 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterteeters

Does anyone else realize how dual specs will make getting gear alot harder. instead of dps druids rolling for dps gear they can just say there tanks or healers and roll for that gear also.

April 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commentererik

I'd like to have at least tri-specing since I too am a Paladin if I want to DPS I will still spend 50G to switch to it if I decide to go Prot/Holy which again, as you said, defeats the purpose of the saved spec idea.

As for hybrids rolling on gear, you should be smart enough to know who you are running with, what their main spec is and they should be honest enough to only roll on their main spec. I know for those that pug this may be an issue, but all it would take is the ability to inspect someone and look at their "Primary" and "Secondary" talents to find out if someone is shoveling some BS on you or if they are being truthful.

April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBaek


April 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commentererik

yeah personally I have pure classes and hybrid classes and a tri spec in all cases would be nice cuz there are benefits in all of the talent trees even in the pure classes.

but yeah i agree why stop there may as well take it to the extreme and remove all the restrictions BLIZZ.

kinda like all the other things going on in the upcoming patch hense all the class nurfing. blizz may as well make only 1 class ALL MELEE that's the reason we play different classes and the different races is for the abilities and racials but now blizz in the upcoming patch are like reduce this reduce that oh and we may as well reduce this and make this not do what it has done for over 2 years we'll make it to where you get what the racial ability was ment to stop forcing you to use the ability constantly remove what the ability used to prevent prior to patch or instead of a HoT for draenei we'll make it instant 1 time still with the CD so instead of a HoT to keep ya alive or in conjuntion with a healer in a group or raid to keep the tank or off tank alive so the group or raid don't wipe we get a ruduced affect and instand instead of HoT effect

I mean come on when do we all say enough and just stop playing because it's not interesting anymore. with the upcoming patch you may as well all roll a priest for PvP they're the only 1's not getting nurfed much all the rest are either getting nurfed alot all together or having their abilities getting nurfed and nurfed again in a PvP sense example: druid: (Faerie Fire and Faerie Fire (Feral): Now decreases armor of your target by 5%. Has a 5-minute duration, and a 40-second PvP duration), priest: (Vampiric Embrace duration increased to 5 minutes, up from 1 minute. PvP duration is now 60 seconds. Cooldown removed.)
to see what all nurfs are coming see the official blizzard test realm patnotes here's the address

April 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteralex

So what? roll for the gear. if you dont want to run with them dont. fucking whining!

look, dual spec is a reality, its coming this is just a 'what if?' post so the rants ive heard and had to hear over the last weeks are just absurd.
Its a done deal folks, dual spec is what you are getting. period. its blizz's game, they own it. they run it. and that is it. period.
Plz stop your endless complaining! i play for fun, because i want to play, i dont care at all how ppl i dont know and dont want to ever meet feel.
I just want to kill the boss and move on. why is that so hard?

April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVacant

@ Vacant
Yes i agree with you. There is no turning back. Dual speccing is coming and there is no stopping it.

The thing is...even though most classes ARE getting nerfed, dual speccing still hurts the PURE dps classes. Atleast Blizzard give the pure dps classes an increased damage or dps or something. I will not say its UNfair that hybrids can pretty much switch talents anythime they want (when they are out of combat, of course) and still beat out a pure in the dps charts. That comes down to gear, the player, rotation, etc. Lets take a hunter for example, with dual specc he/she can go from survival to...idk lets say BM. BM is great for questing and can pull out tons of dps. But the point is, the hunter is STILL A DPS. And always willl be a dps. If Blizzard could think of something to help out the pure DPS that would be great! I love my hunter and i will continue to play even if the pure dps classes dont get what they want. These are just my opinions so please everyone lol dont freak out!

Dual speccing is great, but anything more, like tri speccs is ridiculous haha A great idea though. This will change the way PUG groups will play and even guild runs.

"We only need a healer!" *One Click and Ret Pally Switches to Holy* "FINALLY!! Ok pick up a dps in trade and lets GO!"

I can see that happening.....hahahaha

April 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbanikk

"i dont care at all how ppl i dont know and dont want to ever meet feel."

Then why are you reading these comments? Then responding to them? No one's really even "whining" we've been more discussing if more spec's would be useful or not and what the impact of this will be.

Dude chill out.

April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTom

well, first off, to say that you dont mind speding 1000g a piece for another spec is kinda overboard, not everyone is rolling in the gold, id be happy to have 1000g, but the ore is just too cheap on my server and i cant sell it. and having too many spec at one time would make the game way too easy. 2 specs is enough and i really doubt that bliz would make more than that simply because they dont want every paladin to just be paladin, they want to have holy specs and tank specs and dps specs, not just one person who can switch between them in a matter of seconds. then ther is the choice of gear, how can you find the time to grind pvp gear for holy and ret, and pve gear for holy, ret and prot? that would just flag you as a no life imo.

April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKyle

Pvp sucks in wow. Whats the point in a pvp spec? stick with 3.

April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLovekillsall

I would be happy with three specs. Affliction for Grobb/PvP, Demo for idk/PvP, Desto Pvp and some kind of boss

April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDieoxide

2 specs is fine.

I mean, then a group could be comprised of anything.

5 Druids and 5 Paladins could do any 10 Man They Wanted!

April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNextgener

Dual spec is gonna kill pure dps classes. Fun times.

April 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAndré

one word " BADASS"

April 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAthelias

Yes, dual spec is going to kill pure dps classes, because hunters won't want to switch to their BM spec to show off their rare pets, mages won't want to be arcane sometimes and frost other times, rogues don't generally have different specs for pve and pvp, warlocks never ever change their specs for any reason, ever.

Oops, this is text, you can't hear the sarcasm.
Dual spec is fine. Two is enough.

April 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFritzTheCat

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