What to Expect in Patch 3.2
Posted by
Heartbourne on
Friday, April 10, 2009 -
51 Comments Tags:
Alterac Valley,
azshara crater,
patch 3.1,
patch 3.2

Not every "point" release has brought with it new raid or even new dungeon content. Zarhym did say that patch 3.2 would contain a new dungeon back in October in an interview with Curse, but he could have meant battleground. While most patches have released new PvE content, patches as late as 2.2 have not contained new PvE content. Patch 2.2 added in-game voice chat, Brewfest, and Hallow's End, as well as UI and feature additions. Expecting 4 PvE content patches for Wrath might not be completely accurate.
There are many potential old-world zones that could be used for new raids. Grim Batol has a rich history with the dragons, which could easily work into the Wrath storyline. Neltharion is hiding somewhere out there, and Grim Batol may be that place. Alternatively, Uldum (in Tanaris) could be the logical progression to Ulduar, as there are many loose threads in the story involving Uldum. Hyjal is still not a finished zone, nor is Gilneas, and there are yet some unnamed zones on the map. Blizzard has stated that they want to keep the old world relevant, as they did in patch 2.4 by bringing players back to the Sunwell, and I don't think its unlikely that one of these zones will be added in either patch 3.2, 3.3, or 3.4. However, I think its likely that 3.2 will not contain a new major raid zone.
There are several reasons why I think this. We have been teased with a new battleground that is on the scale of Alterac Valley, and AV marks have been re-added to the requirement for For Great Honor/Concerted Efforts. The battleground has been described as "epic", on the scale of AV. Additionally, they say they are "revamping" the battleground system to reward skill in PvP more than they have. Additionally, Arena has been receiving a lot of attention with rating reworking changes to open it up to new players and the tournament. Blizzard may be trying to draw players to PvP. Hardcore PvP certainly brings WoW into the spotlight as a competitive game and may prolong its lifespan.
Thus, I predict 3.2 will largely be a PvP patch. Wintergrasp will be overhauled and rethought with the lessons learned since the release of Wrath, battleground rewards will be reworked, and the new battleground will be introduced. This would fit in with the theme of Horde vs. Alliance that Blizzard is attempting to re-kindle with things like the post-Wrathgate events and whatnot. To satisfy PvE players, I bet they open up another short raid in the Chamber of the Aspects. There are 5 portals there, and we don't really know whats going in those. Its likely that Blizzard will reserve one or two of them for the next expansion to keep players coming to Northrend (maybe the green portal if its Emerald Dream themed), but I doubt we won't see more open soon. Maybe the blue portal will open in response to the end of the Nexus war.
One battleground that has faded into obscurity is Azshara Crater. It was originally alluded to all the back in patch 1.3 (released March 7th, 2005) and is brought up now and again. The terrain is in the game files and appears to be Tauren vs. Night Elf themed. The entrances are already made on the Forlorn Ridge. The Tauren have not been the key faction in any battleground, and the blood elves may also be interested in Azshara. Perhaps the zone will be further developed and the battleground added. The battleground is known to be on the scale of AV and since there was already so much development on it, perhaps it will be implemented. Blizzard had lots of problems balancing AV for a long time, but now that they claim they are satisfied with game legnth and win ratio of the factions, it may be time to see another "epic" battleground.
What would you like to see in patch 3.2? More raids, more dungeons, or more PvP?
Reader Comments (51)
i think it would be awesome to see a grim batol raid but they will prolly do something with uldum.
Blue posts stated that they were introducing a new BG at some point.
I'd like to see more with those type of places like Uldum and Grim Batol. They're eluded to be entrances, and they're on the map.. so they should be instances for a reason I guess. It would be slightly interesting for more PvE content, but as you said.. bringing more PvP would most likely prolong the life. I used to slightly PvP as the gear was sorta really great for PvE back in TBC. Though, this expansion it was all the deady and crap in Dalaran. I quit PvPing when LK came out and I've been an avid PvEr since. I'm waiting for dual spec to get BM for PvPing and I'd get back in, but new ways of PvPing would be really awesome.
Anyway, great post. We all are anticipating 3.1, but we should always look towards the future :P
There are many other zones we don't know a thing about. Kul Tiras, Undermine, the Naga and Makrura cities under the Maelstrom and alot more that I forget right now.
Azshara crater will probably come out with a new expansion, which will probably deal with the maelstrom. The tail of a giant snake by the Colossus in Gundrak, along with the giant temple that has nothing in it, and the fact that we have not yet faced the king of the Drakarri trolls leads me to believe that Zul Drak will house a raid sometime before Icecrown Citadel.
I don't think WotLK will bring us back to the Sunwell, but I could be wrong.
Gilneas would be cool, the lore could be that behind their walls they fell to service to the lich king (or Sargeras or have been defeated by the Naga), but that seems like an expansion thing too. My vote is for Gundrak.
i would really like to se gilneas or grim batol i mean after clearing ulduar would you really wanna walk back into another titan based raid
BG in 3.2 I think.
3.3 will have a 10 man GB and 10+25man Uldum
3.4 will end the Ashbringer story in Icecrown Citadel.
Just my thoughts of course, not fact or whatever.
3.5 Will introduce whatever is happening in the next expansion, but in a subtle way that won't be announced on the official site.
That'd be cool.
I really don't know what to expect cause i dont know mucha bout teh warcraft line and the detailed specifics of wow.
I'll tell you i would like to see a new raid or two.
A new battleground or two.
A new place like the southern isles or a new world.
new race?
new class?
i really wanted them to bring back isntances from classic as new instances or raids.
Like deadmines, sunken temple, a new razorfen?
Or kara and or TK.
deathwing would be a sick ass raid, like sunwell so release after icecrown cause he a big bad black dragon that be soo coooooooool
forgot this i bleive that the next raid after ulduar will be teh time dragon leader because i believe he is alsot eh elader of the infinite dragon flight becasue at multiple tiems in the story u see this like he apologises in one of the books for things he would do in the future and you see him in teh dragonblight quest wehn your supposed to see the leader of the infinite dragonflite with the machine... leading me to think that he saw his own death becasue he know everything about time and is trying to stop it by messing up history! me and my friend were on vent for 2 hours discussing this lol
They're probably saving Uldum and Grim Batol for another expansion, most likely it'll be in Northrend. Hopefully it'll be the giant Gun'Drak temple, by the name of Zul'Again.
<3 Troll raids
I'm more interested if Icecrown citadel will end or begin something since Arthas is still only possessed by the real Lich King and if blizz will have u take down the real guy or instead pull a sunwell and create a new area that will grant access to his prison since he is sealed some where if I remember the story from warcraft.
A lot of interesting things could be implemented. Considering we don't know how many patches there would be, there could be and might be more after 3.4 (although considering Arthas is the focus of this entire expansion, my guess is he'd be the last expansion, like Kil'Jaedon was the last in BC). So, considering that, I'd say there'd only be 4 patches. We know 3.1 is Ulduar, so that leaves us with 3.2 and 3.3, based on my theory. Since 3.4 would be the last, my guess is ONE of the expansions will contain old world content, just like one did in BC. Which one, I don't know, but I'd imagine it'd contain something important to the WotLK, so either Uldum or Grim Batol would make sense, since both Dragons and Titans play a huge role in this expansion. One was supposed to influence the Ashbringer storyline, but I think that might just be a reference to the hugeness of Icecrown Citadel, considering they are talking about new battlegrounds and whatnot.
So basically, by my prediction, there will be three more patches after 3.1. One will be PvP oriented, but still have some kind of focus on the whole WotLK concept (not sure how really), another will have an old-world zone, maybe raid AND instance so it could contain Uldum and Grim Batol, and then finally 3.4 would be Icecrown Citadel.
Of course, this is all my prediction. I have rarely found Blizzard disappointing me personally with any content releases, so I'm not worried at all.
Oh, by BC old world content, I meant going back to the old world, aka Sunwell.
Needs Moar Lore Cutscenes ... I love myself some Lore cutscenes.
I would like to see not necessarily more PvP or PvE, but some actual lore. It's what drew me to WoW, not pvp-ing or raiding.
That said, I do think having a new battleground would be nice. What I'd like even more is to have the Emerald Dream storyline be dealt with. Remember all those wierd places with elites in the old world that lead nowhere? Those have always bugged me.
More cutscenes would be cool, but I wouldn't want them to add so many that it'll actually take away from the WoW experience.
What about Gurubashi Catacombs?
I was originally planned as deathmatch-style battleground for World of Warcraft, but was never implemented because it was too big, preventing players from finding each other easily, and it didn't appeal to players.
If im not mistaken, it is still in game files. They coud redesign it to be a new instance, perhaps similar like Caverns of Time, where you go back in time and do an instance, so here they coud do it so you go in time of Gurubashi Empire, once one of the most powerful forces of Azeroth, controlling much of the southern part of the Eastern Continent.
I know Zul'Gurub has some story to it, but is still not complete, for example, they coud recreate Fall of Gurubashi Empire.
I think this woud be good, so players can return to Eastern Kingdoms and do some new instances there, because there are no instances after lvl 60 there.
Don't rush with Deathwing. I think they will keep it for the next expansion.
Don't expect such high expectation's. For we Know blizzard has had a history of Destroying your hopes of New Content here and there, and fan's make it worst with un supported Rumors.
What I expect Next Patch is simple, Ulduarr and DS.
Patch 3.2, Expect Nothing and wait.
Patch 3.3, assuming it's by the end of the summer, who the heck know's. It could just be they stuff Icecrown in it at this rate.
Patch 3.4, Dunno don't care, while off and by then the next expansion will be announced.
This read isn't entirly accurate.
In the interview, Zarhym told us of 3 content patches. They were read as:
3.1 - Ulduar
3.2 -A new still UNKNOWN Mystery Raid
3.3 - Icecrown CItadel; more Ashbringer story.
There was never any mention of a 3.4. Anyway, playing on the UNKNOWN part of the mystery raid, its just that. Nobody but the devs know about it. My guess is that, sure, the new BG will be included too, but it will coenside with the new raid.
My guess is that they will make a new zone in Northrend, maybe off of the coast. They will make a new raid, new boss, new lore, everything. The new BG will take place here too
I have heard that past 3.1 they are planning big things. Like doing more Azjul Nerub, and some wicked twists regarding the Lich King.
in 3.1 in Ulduar, someone datamined a sound file from the Yogg-Saron, the old god of death for those who are not aware, battle, and in it contains some very interesting bits of stuff. For one it explains several of the key moments of history, the original fall of Stormwind back in WC1, and the corruption of the now Deathwing, and the creation of the Dragon Soul being influenced by Yogg-Saron, but also it plays a conversation between that former alliance ruler who "died" at the Wrathgate, and the REAL Lich King, not Arthas. In it it goes on about how the Lich King will break the guy from wrathgate, just as he broke him, referring to Arthas, and I can tell it is not Arthas saying it, because there was only one voice, not Arthas' AND the Lich King's, kind of like how the Lich King whispered to Arthas in WC3. But then it goes back to Yogg-Saron, and he states "No King is meant to rule forever" and then laughs. My guess is that Arthas is gonna get betrayed, and will be replaced by that guy from Wrathgate.
I have also heard rumors of them making a NEW zone in 3.2, an underground zone, Azjul Nerub, where the Nerubians who are fighting the Lich King, will be a new faction, prolly more AN type instances, and maybe a secret path into Icecrown which opens up the patch after that, which I have not heard any rumors about.
so yeah, and as far as Emerald Dream, or the Maelstrom which includes Kul'Tiras and Gilneas, they are both planned Xpac content, rumored, and I emphasize RUMORED to be both in one xpac, but the fact they are starting to make "water" vehicles, the turtle in 3.1 and making mounts swim, it proves that the maelstrom is coming soon, which means more of those stupid naga... hated them in vanilla, hated them in BC, and will hate them later... But hey I am eager for whatever they add to move the story forward, there is no lore anymore, just the present and what we make of it, lol
Well, I´d love to see Gilneas.
The Lore is so awesome.
would love 2 see av reworked sick of it. i've seen it for the pass 3 years i know it better than my home town sick of the sight of it change AV pls
How about updated voice-overs to start zones when you make a new character. It's been a two-year long "month ago" for that crash of the Exodar. ;)
Additionally while PvP is a part of just about any MMO, I think Blizz has gone too far into the realm of appealing to the 'casual' gamer with PvE content and should leave PvP on a grand scale to Warhammer (which has taken great steps to making PvP it's core feature in everything you do there).
Support PvP, sure, but not to the extent that a new patch brings it extensively without something for their 'casual' fan base.
i would love to see more casual stuff added I for one work alot and because of it i never have time to raid so PVP is really my best way to go I would love to see more for the casual player but lets face it this game is raid based and that is why very little if any casual stuff comes out