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Keeping It Real

And It Goes Ever So Horribly WrongAfter a Tuesday full of wiping, I was looking forward to grinding out some reputation and tackling a new Heroic on Wednesday.  The last thing I really wanted for the Heroic Wednesday session was a repeat performance.  I may enjoy the hardships due to the end results, but success is plenty fun too.  It so happened that Gundrak - a rather easy Heroic - was the Daily, so I wasn't worried that the group comprised two newer members.  I am sure you have guessed by now that things didn't go as planned. Slad'ran brought us down without much of a hassle.

Looking at the Recount data it was painfully obvious what the problem was.  The DPS-specced Death Knight couldn't perform, with less damage dealt than the tank, who was also new.  The freed DK's collection of green and blue quest gear was the obvious culprit. We could have pulled through the issue - Slad'ran wiped us at ~10% HP the second time -  but at a lousy 800-900 DPS, it hardly seemed like a good idea to struggle.  After all, the later bosses pose a much greater threat, and who wants to spend a few hours in one heroic?  We didn't abandon our new Death Knight friend for some other Heroic ready member, we kept it real.  As a group we decided to move our endeavor to another instance so he could gear up for next week's heroic night.  After all, this is what a guild is supposed to do, help its members.  And yet, the new guy seemed a bit shocked that we would run him through a non-Heroic when they offered the rest of us "nothing."

Apoxz noted in a comment the other day that it is incredibly difficult to find a group for a none-Heroic instance.  I completely agree with the statement, but have you guys found it difficult to even get your guildies to help you out with such things?  I won't, without fail, help someone, but if I have the time I am more than happy to lend a helping hand for the betterment of the guild.  Has this bit of comradely disappeared with all the PUGing that is going on?  Or am I jumping to conclusions based on a bit of anecdotal evidence?

By the time I had to leave, the former green DK had two new blue items of far superior quality.  Therefore, the time I spent in your basic dungeon was well spent.  Oh, and I guess you could say my acceptance of the move to a non-Heroic wasn't all altruistic.  SolidSamm scored himself a bit of Kirin Tor reputation from his Champion's tabard, and caught his first glimpse inside Ulduar and the Halls of Lightning.

When was the last time you lent a helping hand to a guildie that you didn't already have a rapport with?  Wondering how last night's 25-man Naxxramas went?  Two words for ya, much smoother.  One-shotted Grand Widow and Maexxna, some bad pulls on Instructor, but that happens.

Reader Comments (20)

Nice post,
I find theres alot of players out there that just need a casual helping hand or pat on the back to sort them out and get them started.

April 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEliphias

Nice post, great what you did for the DK especcialy since a lot of people are in a 'I hate DK's" fase now.

April 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAggrø

I try to help as much as possible. Unfortunatly, I'm quite busy if I'm on. During the week I'm balancing WoW with RL. My girlfriend takes up my afternoon at school, then I do homework... and then it's time for bed. On the weekend I'm raiding on my main, or lvling my 49 Druid alt. Most of the time that people that are my friends ask for help is when I'm in the middle of something because of the time zone differences and such :P

Though, even when I'm running around and doing random things or farming, if someone needs a help questing or what ever, I ask if they need help; and I do it.

That's what WoW's mostly about. Comradery and being social. Before WoW I bare talked to people, and I was really shy. Now I"m avidly posting comments, speaking out to other students at school (in a good way) and being outgoing.

In a way.. WoW has made me healthier.

April 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaeltis

Laeltis: yep man...agreed with ya...

April 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWittgenstein

Great post, good to here that instead of abandoning your
less-than-heroic geared guildie that you took him threw another instance to get him gear. That's the kinda stuff that really makes guilds great. i know that's the kinda stuff that
helps keep our guild together.

April 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkiley

I find it hard to find a good guild that will actually take the time to help you gear up so you can start doin heroics with them. Im a lvl 80 DPS DK and I have yet to even do a 10man Naxx because it's hard to get a PUG that doesnt end up with too many DK's or ppl just leave before we even start and then I run out of time to even do the damn instance. I dont wanna spend an hour tryin to get a group ready, and I think it would be nice for some comradery from my guild here and there (like they said they were all about). But it seems like when it comes down to it, that no one wants to help unless they get benefitted from it somehow. This doesnt stop me from helpin players in need of help, but when they ask how they can repay me all I say is "Pay it forward".
I dont want gold or anything. Just help the next guy comin up in the ranks. Thats my opinion.

April 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDankBud420x

I like to help my guildies out a bit. I'm the main suplier of buff foods ( the northrend spice stuff ) and elixers for my guild, and whenever someone needs some help on quests, healing in an instance i'm pretty much in. Unless its on my weekly cash grind to afford all the repair bills and get the herbs / meats for the guild bank stuff. When i'm doing that stuff i just finish it first.
Grinding is an awfull thing to do and when i get distracted it ends up with me not doing anything of it untill its to late ( 2 empty guildbank tabs and hassle on the forums )

However as to your post, i find the opposite true, when i'm running some lowbies through instances in my gear i shouldn't have much trouble gettin them through, but as an example, tonight i died 11 times in HOL hc, 6 times of those it was a full wipe. Most of our deaths. ( 10 actually ) were on trash. The group was to low experienced to get it right. They didn't follow kill order, tank constantly lost aggro to me ( the healer ) and some of the dps was really slacking.

I proposed to go a lower lvl heroic or do the instance on normal first, mostly since i and the good dps guy were the only ones that had ever even done the instance. Yet they refused. All in all this set me back around 250 gold. 21 in repairs and 11* 25 for elixers and buff food. Normaly i don't even use that stuff in heroics but when the group is undergeared i tend to pop elixers and foods to up my stats so i can carry them through better.

Anyway, my experience, ( above is just an example ) is that players simply refuse to go normal instances. Even when they're clearly not geared or experienced for the heroics. They don't seem to understand that the only gain i'm getting from the heroics is the badges. And tbh i'm currently at the stage where i just get the frozen orbs from them since i don't have any gear left to buy with the emblems of heroism. So all in all i don't really mind doing an instance on HC or not. But it seems my group members all do. They'd rather spend 3 hours completing a single heroic with a dozen wipes then spend that same time running 3 or 4 normals gearing them up somewhat for heroic instances.

Any idea what's up with those folks? They all seem to believe that dinging 80 wearing quest gear and some blues from VH, nexus and UK is enough to start out conquering all heroics. And worse, they bitch about not getting in the nax 10 guild raid groups!

April 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSardit

even i am doing at level 70 , 1k dps =)) Jesus....

April 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAndrew

Yeah, I find quite frequently on my server players who join my pug that aren't ready for a heroic and give me jazz about it when I point it out. Just because a player has dinged 80 does not mean they can blow through a heroic. That's what the regular 80 instances are for.

Myself, I do try to help the guild out when I can. Honest. But when I'm busy leveling a tank alt, grinding dailies to pay for epic flying for that alt and another, raising rep with a faction, skilling up alt professions so I can stop having to go to the AH, farming mats for my pots/flasks... Add on top of all that the guild runs for VoA, OS, and Naxx 10... It's enough to make me want to throttle the next person who wonders if I even care at all about them. Of course I care, it's just that I'm usually BUSY.

April 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

DKs come a dime a dozen.

So did u make out in naxx?

I love the show. It was nice meeting you guys at PAX gaming event in Seattle. My buddy and I enjoy TRS , gotta love the fist explosion.
Follow me in Twitter!! Yaboydevon!!

Wouldn't mind wowing it up with you folks :D

April 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterYaboydevon

I recently dinged 80 with a DK myself.. jumped right into AN HC and beat the other dps in the group, even though I died at the last boss because no-one told me about the slam or whatever :S
I had done zero normal instances since nexus so i had almost all green quest gear.. and still I was putting out about 2.4k DPS.. I think the only reasons we managed to kill anything with so sucky dps was that the tank and healer are basically the best warrior and priest I know.

I sometimes help out guild members and such, but they rarely ask for help with any lvl 70+ stuff.. it's usually boosting a low-level alt or killing a ganker..

April 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterIzuna

I've run my share of PUGs and let me tell you I much prefer guild runs. I wouldn't care if it was heroic or not. It is better to help guildies if they need the gear more than you need the emblems.

April 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOmmadon

my guild is full of lazy bums. we rarely have enough time to help those lower levels and getting a group together for anything but raids is impossible. always is annoying when we can't do anything.

April 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjhez

The real and honest true of World of Warcraf is nobody helps each other if they don't have anything to gain by it.

In all the time i played the game i only found two totally altruistic people that go out of their way to help.

The guild i am in usually ignore when i put message asking for something.
That's why i am always grouping in instances with different people which creates many problems.

If i am part of that group of the ones who don't help. I probably am but thats only due to the game.

And even start me talking about cocky Healers i hate those...He needs as much as we need him put that in your mind if you are this kind of healer.

Well when i go back to game i will try to change this trend in WOrld of Warcraft. Somebody has too...

April 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPedro Ginja

@Pedro Ginja:

Looks like you need a new guild.

I love helping. If someone asks me if I could help him/her run X Instance because they need Y drop from Z Boss, I will help him/her. I like going to instances, that´s it.

April 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCarlos

Nice post!

April 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJohnes

In response to the bad pulls on Intructor as a priest I HATE that fight!!! I'm suppose to be healing people NOT tanking!!

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBarishi

Really nice post!
There's no reason now to not helping mates in your guild because you get reputation with your tabard.
And many people isn't so helpful in WoW because ( what I belive) is that they won't gain anything from it when you help someone that isn't in the same guild as you. But now when he actually is in the same guild as you, you will help him because you're in the same guild. So the guild itself is the one that helps you helping even more players.

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNyster

Ive done a few helper instances to get peeps up to big blues. I usually just ask that they let me have all the frostweave cloth or other cloths so I can make bandages and throw them in the raid tab of our guild bank.

Sometimes I go back and do other instances just for the achievement.

Had a guy ask for help on Ramparts and since I never did it in my rush to 80 I went back and help them. I got an achievement and a tour of the Ramparts. They got big exp and lotsof blues to help them out.

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkanatheghost

I think it all depends on the kind of person you are and the kind of people you come across that determines if/how much you're gling to be helpful. For example...

I recently made a dwarf hunter alt. I decked him out with the heirloom shoulders (with pvp stam chant) and trinket. My main is an engineer so he constantly has the best available guns/ammo. Needless to say, content is substantially easier for him.

Anyhow, I come across a dwarf priest in Karanos who is of the same level as me. I ask him if he wants to quest together and he says 'sure.' He heals my bear, I kill stuff, great fun and fast leveling is had by all. I try trading some meat to him for a quest and it says he has trial account. He says he's probably going to pick up the retail version because the game's a lot of fun. He does pick up full version. I've given him gold for gear, tips and explanations on addons and how the game basically works (i.e. I give him my greens and cloth to help him level his enchanting and tailoring respectively). We've quested together since and he recently dinged 30. I paid for his training and mount.

He never asked for my help, never refused my advice and is an all around great guy to quest with. He feels bad that I have given him so much gold and I tell him not to as my main can make about 500g per day with only moderate effort. The point is I don't mind doing it and he's fun to quest with so why wouldn't I help him?

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlawman30

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