Entries in heroic wednesdays (1)
Keeping It Real

After a Tuesday full of wiping, I was looking forward to grinding out some reputation and tackling a new Heroic on Wednesday. The last thing I really wanted for the Heroic Wednesday session was a repeat performance. I may enjoy the hardships due to the end results, but success is plenty fun too. It so happened that Gundrak - a rather easy Heroic - was the Daily, so I wasn't worried that the group comprised two newer members. I am sure you have guessed by now that things didn't go as planned. Slad'ran brought us down without much of a hassle.
Looking at the Recount data it was painfully obvious what the problem was. The DPS-specced Death Knight couldn't perform, with less damage dealt than the tank, who was also new. The freed DK's collection of green and blue quest gear was the obvious culprit. We could have pulled through the issue - Slad'ran wiped us at ~10% HP the second time - but at a lousy 800-900 DPS, it hardly seemed like a good idea to struggle. After all, the later bosses pose a much greater threat, and who wants to spend a few hours in one heroic? We didn't abandon our new Death Knight friend for some other Heroic ready member, we kept it real. As a group we decided to move our endeavor to another instance so he could gear up for next week's heroic night. After all, this is what a guild is supposed to do, help its members. And yet, the new guy seemed a bit shocked that we would run him through a non-Heroic when they offered the rest of us "nothing."
Apoxz noted in a comment the other day that it is incredibly difficult to find a group for a none-Heroic instance. I completely agree with the statement, but have you guys found it difficult to even get your guildies to help you out with such things? I won't, without fail, help someone, but if I have the time I am more than happy to lend a helping hand for the betterment of the guild. Has this bit of comradely disappeared with all the PUGing that is going on? Or am I jumping to conclusions based on a bit of anecdotal evidence?
By the time I had to leave, the former green DK had two new blue items of far superior quality. Therefore, the time I spent in your basic dungeon was well spent. Oh, and I guess you could say my acceptance of the move to a non-Heroic wasn't all altruistic. SolidSamm scored himself a bit of Kirin Tor reputation from his Champion's tabard, and caught his first glimpse inside Ulduar and the Halls of Lightning.
When was the last time you lent a helping hand to a guildie that you didn't already have a rapport with? Wondering how last night's 25-man Naxxramas went? Two words for ya, much smoother. One-shotted Grand Widow and Maexxna, some bad pulls on Instructor, but that happens.