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PvP Gear in 3.0.9 and 3.1

Recently I commented on crafted PvP gear and how cheap it was. As the saying goes, you get what you pay for. While its a cheap way to get started for PvP gear, PvE is so easy right now that you can easily get much better gear from heroics or even just level 80 instances.

The next step up (although debatable) is the Savage Gladiator's set. The Savage Gladiator's set is not that much better than crafted PvP gear by and large, and for the amount of effort it takes to get Savage Gladiator's items, its not difficult to clear some heroics for comparable, if not superior, gear. In patch 3.1, Savage Gladiator will no longer be obtainable. Instead, the current step up from Savage Gladiator, Hateful Gladiator, will be purchasable for about the same amount of resources. In short, Savage Gladiator is really not that spectacular unless you really like playing battlegrounds and Wintergrasp and have lots of extra honor to burn. Most players are probably better holding off until 3.1 hits and Hateful Gladiator gets cheap.

There are three options for purchasing the Savage Gladiator set in 3.0.x. You can use a lot of honor (45,000-70,000 per piece), arena points and some honor (200-400 arena points and 8,000-12,000 honor per piece), or Emblems of Heroism. You can purchase Hateful Gladiator's pieces with Emblems of Valor or arena points, rating, and honor. In 3.1, Hateful Gladiator will likely still have the option of being bought with Emblems of Valor, but you will definitely have the option of using only honor.

Anything in the columns "Season 6" is still uncertain. It is unclear how VoA drops with work in Season 6, so I showed my best guess. Emblems of Conquest may be exchangeable with a requirement of some lowered rating for Furious Gladiator's gear; its unclear. "X honor" means that we know it will require only honor to be bought with a possible option of a mix of arena points and honor. "X arena points" means its certain that it will cost only arena points. "Removed from PvP currency exchange?" means that these items are probably no longer accessible.

Season 5Season 6
ItemEmblemsVoARating RequirementCostEmblemsVoARating RequirementCost
Savage Gladiator's Gloves30 Emblems of HeroismX050,000 honor OR 275 arena points and 9,600 honor30 Emblems of Heroism?X0Removed from PvP currency exchange?
Savage Gladiator's Shoulders30 Emblems of HeroismX050,000 honor OR 275 arena points and 9,600 honor30 Emblems of Heroism?X0Removed from PvP currency exchange?
Savage Gladiator's Helm45 Emblems of HeroismX060,000 honor OR 350 arena points and 12,000 honor45 Emblems of Heroism?X0Removed from PvP currency exchange?
Savage Gladiator's Legguards45 Emblems of HeroismX060,000 honor OR 350 arena points and 12,000 honor45 Emblems of Heroism?X0Removed from PvP currency exchange?
Savage Gladiator's Chest45 Emblems of HeroismX060,000 honor OR 350 arena points and 12,000 honor45 Emblems of Heroism?X0Removed from PvP currency exchange?
Deadly Gladiator’s TrinketXXXXXX0?? Honor
Hateful Gladiator's BracersXX031,600 HonorXX0?? Honor
Hateful Gladiator's CloakXX038,000 HonorXX0?? Honor
Hateful Gladiator's NecklaceXX038,000 HonorXX0?? Honor
Hateful Gladiator's RingsXX038,000 HonorXX0?? Honor
Hateful Gladiator's BeltXX049,600 HonorXX0?? Honor
Hateful Gladiator's BootsXX049,600 HonorXX0?? Honor
Hateful Gladiator's Trinket (Medallion of the Horde/Alliance)XX049,600 HonorXX0?? Honor
Hateful Gladiator's Gloves30 Emblems of ValorNormal16157,200 honor and 400 arena points30 Emblems of Valor?Normal0?? Honor
Deadly Gladiator's BeltXX163062,000 honorXX0?? Honor
Hateful Gladiator’s Leggings45 Emblems of ValorNormal164512,000 honor and 700 arena points45 Emblems of Valor?Normal0?? Honor
Deadly Gladiator's BracersXX166039,400 honorXX0?? Honor
Hateful Gladiator’s Chest45 Emblems of ValorNormal167512,000 honor and 700 arena points45 Emblems of Valor?Normal0?? Honor
Hateful Gladiator’s Helm45 Emblems of ValorX173512,000 honor and 700 arena points45 Emblems of Valor?X0?? Honor
Hateful Gladiator’s Shoulders30 Emblems of ValorX17759,600 honor and 550 arena points30 Emblems of Valor?X0?? Honor
Deadly Gladiator's Wand/Relic/Idol/Libram/TotemXX19301,200 arena pointsXX1250?? Arena points
Deadly Gladiator's GlovesXHeroic17501,350 arena pointsXHeroic1300?? Arena points
Deadly Gladiator's LeggingsXHeroic18102,250 arena pointsXHeroic1350?? arena points
Deadly Gladiator's ChestXHeroic18702,250 arena pointsXHeroic1400?? Arena points
Furious Gladiator's BracersXXXXXX1400?? Honor
Deadly Gladiator's HelmXX19902,250 arena pointsXX1450?? Arena points
Furious Gladiator's BeltXXXXXX1450?? Honor
Deadly Gladiator's ShouldersXX20501,800 arena pointsXX1500?? Arena points
Furious Gladiator's BootsXXXXXX1500?? Honor
Furious Gladiator's NeckXXXXXX1550?? Honor
Furious Gladiator's GlovesXXXX30 Emblems of Conquest?Heroic?1600?? Arena points
Furious Gladiator's RingsXXXX45 Emblems of Conquest?X1650?? Honor
Furious Gladiator's LeggingsXXXX45 Emblems of Conquest?Heroic?1700?? Arena points
Furious Gladiator's ChestXXXXXHeroic?1750?? Arena points
Furious Gladiator's TrinketsXXXX30 Emblems of Conquest?X1800?? Honor
Furious Gladiator's WeaponsXXXXXX1850?? Arena points
Furious Gladiator's HelmXXXXXX1900?? Arena points
Furious Gladiator's Wand/Relic/Idol/Libram/TotemXXXXXX1950?? Arena points
Furious Gladiator's CloakXXXXXX2000?? Honor
Furious Gladiator's ShouldersXXXX45 Emblems of Conquest?X2050?? Arena points
Furious Gladiator's Weapons (2nd tier)XXXXXX2220?? Arena points
Furious Gladiator's TabardXXXXXX2300??

Reader Comments (9)

so what does the druid gear look like?

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGarmi

this was to be expected. blizz has been doing this with pvp gear sets for a while now. The lowest end generally gets bumped off while the next highest set becomes more easily obtainable. I think that blizz is probably doing this also since the the problems they've had getting people to pvp or do arena. Since the day wrath came out and welfare epics went bye-bye the amount of pvpers has dropped much further than blizz anticipated. I'm sure a lot of the new changes in 3.1 are aimed at bringing back those people to bg's and arena. (personally i don't think enough changes were made to make a big enough difference to increase the pvp aspect of the game, but we'll see.)

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkiley

i agree kiley since the biggest problem with the honr system (battleground system to be exact) hasn't even been looked into.

And this problem being rewarding those that do nothing with the same as those that do all the work in the battle. Or people forming losing battlegrounds to get "free" marks and "free" honor.

Only if blizzard would implement a system of awarding honor fairly based on participation in the event based on damage or healing done throughout the course of the battle. And in conjunction with this only awarding marks if the battle is won and not if you lose.

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlex


April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWowbsthunta

Yep. Them's quite the words you got there Wowbsthunta.

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRale

while i agree that it is not fair for those who do nothing or form losing groups to get "free" honor and marks, I a few thoughts that disagree with the option to base honor on damage/healing done. There is more to each battleground than killing/healing, as flags/towers need to be captured, etc. Awarding honor based on damage/healing would lead to a lack of desire to complete the actual objectives.
Just my thoughts...

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjoebobfred

LOL That's a bummer, I got the full 5/5 Savage when I hit 80 back in December, and now they are outdated already. Granted I have upgraded 2 pieces and got a few of the offset stuff but it still stings a little knowing I used all that honor for nothing this early into an expansion......oh well...

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDan

True there are objectives in each battleground event. But in each event if you are an active paticipant you are always incountering a horde or alliance factioned player or objective PvP based NPC such as in the strand or AV. But to sit in the starting area and do nothing just so you can get free honor and marks is wrong IMO. and the system can easily be setup so it takes all this into account such as like when you do the quests for batlegrounds if you're activly participation to achieve an objective then yes you deserve something but if you're 1 of those that sit around and do nothing but heal yourself so it shows you're participating or you're sending things like pets in to attack players so it removes the debuff just before the battle ends so you get your free mark is soSO wrong.
I've been actively sending emails to try o get the changes needed looked into. such changes as BG leaders have the ability to boot AFKers or the option that it takes only 1 person to report AFKers instead of 10+ and reduce the time from 3 minutes to just 1 before you're buffed as inactive. and once flagged inactive you're booted automatically and flagged deserter and can't rejoin for 15 minutes
These changes alone will help deter AFKers from joining in the first place
But the changes such as the tracking of whether you're actively participating towards an objective in a battle or not would help also promote more "active" participation in the event o get better honor rewards.
Like i aways say if ya win a battleground you get more honor reward and more marks then if ya lose, and making it to where if ya lose you get no mark it'll help by weeding out the people who are there just for marks from those who are there for the fun of beating up on the opposing faction players thus the meaning of PVP.

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteralex

ok, i may have misunderstood your original post, i agree with what you said in the new one :)

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjoebobfred

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