« Patch 3.1: Secrets of Ulduar Trailer Reactions | Main | PvP Gear in 3.0.9 and 3.1 »

Patch 3.1 Titled, Official Trailer Unveiled

Shh, It Is SekratAnyone who attempted to login this morning realized why the servers were being hit with extended maintenance, it's officially patch

day.  I am sure most of your are feeling like the Nintendo 64 kid, as I am, but let's be realistic, I doubt the game will be very playable tonight.  My pessimism is based entirely on previous experiences, specifically that whenever a content patch is released, the day of its release is often a wash for a collection of reasons.  First and foremost, downloading the patch generally takes longer than the maintenance itself, then we must often update all of our add-ons.  And forget about raiding, most of my guildmates - past and present - don't bother to start the download until they get home from work, school or simply wake up.  While we can now pre-download most of the content, the majority of us still don't, which guarantees that we won't be ready for the day's raid.  But hey, I am not here to QQ, I have accepted these issues as necessary evils to new content.

Rather than complain, I figured we could dive into some of the lore for Secrets of Ulduar.  Specifically, the lore presented by the all new trailer.  Before reading on, check out the trailer here.

Welcome back.  How did you enjoy the machinima?  Personally, I thought it was pretty awesome, a far more captivating trailer than the one created for Sunwell Plateau.  In fairness, that may just be because I didn't care too much about the Kil'jaeden storyline.  That may be part of it, but the bulk is simply how inclusive the lore presented by the Secrets of Ulduar trailer is.  In the short clip, we see a collection of some of the most recognizable faces in the Alliance and a pair of big names from the Horde, together.  We watch as Brann Bronzebeard narrowly escapes some sick eye lasers.  With knowledge of Yogg-Saron's escape in hand, Brann rushes off to Dalaran to warn Jaina, Rhonin and Varian before they are interrupted by Thrall and a very agitated Garrosh Hellscream.  Varian and Garrosh quickly go at it, only to be separated by Rhonin.  After a promising speech, Varian and Garrosh leave the summit in rage, destroying any hope of the Alliance and Horde working together to take down a far greater evil, Yogg-Saron.

Aside from "who will face Yogg-Saron," the trailer does raise some other interesting notions.  Is the Alliance or the Horde even going to support our efforts as they did in the Isle of Quel'Danas - through the Scryer and Aldor - or are we on our own?  With Garrosh constantly disobeying Thrall, could he be planning a devious coup?  Will Varian ever get over his struggles as Thrall did, or is he to obsessed with his past - which doesn't differ much from the Warchief's - to let it go?  Perhaps he just needs to see Garrosh perish? Brann seems scared out of his wits, so I hope the Yogg-Saron fight is pretty epic.  At the very least, the trailer should get your pumped up for this new raid!

Reader Comments (22)

woot can't wait to see these new ammo changes with hunters

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRyan Kubo


April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBigredhunter

Absolutely brilliant! I Really like the fact that this trailer plays like a story rather than a few "scary" one-liners and just plain screenshots of the raid. This one got me much more interested and makes me feel like theres more to the game now than just the game and getting loot as so many ppl get washed up into. Good job blizz and happy (yet boring) patch day everyone!!! :D

P.S. Did the Jaina Model used in the trailer look like she had a broken nose or just too plain a face to anyone else?

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVoldenmist

Beyond the very informative "first" post... *rolls eyes* I think the new raid is going to be truely epic, because for the first time in Azeroth the player's are feeling something COMPLETELY new, because as it was with Illidan and Kael'thas, in the Burning Crusade we had already seen that coming due to WC3:TFT, which I loved and play on occasion even now, and even with the release of WotLK Naxx has been seen for the last two games, Vanilla and BS, and has only been slightly changed (Baron Rivendare in place of Mograine), and Malygos is just another dragon fight, tho I have never done it so i cannot say it has never done or not, but with Ulduar they are making lore NOW, there is no well we gotta make sure that the LK's story is right because of WC3, or we need to bring Kael'Thas back with some new defmority because he died at the TK, it is all brand new, with very little detailed lore about Yogg-Saron specifically, I mean sure the Old-Gods have lots of lore, and so do the Titans but nothing specifically about Ulduar, or Yogg-Saron, and especially with the new fact that the Alliance and the Horde are not fighting alongside eachother like they did with the Sunwell, so there will be even greater conflict between the factions. I just like the idea of seeing Lore unfold before me, isntead of having to read it to see where it goes I just have to play it and see where it heads. The trailer got me pumped, and never have I seen Brann so scared before. I am far from ready to do the raid, but am looking forward to doing it eventually or maybe just reading/watching it later, lol.

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKael'Thalas of Eonar

I've so been waiting for this day. Downloads that will take me through tonight, not being able to get on and accomplish anything because of people trying to get settled with the patch, blizzard taking longer than originally planned for maintenance... wait a tick, that sucks!

Haha but like itzakoopa said, this is exactly what I expected to happen today so I'm not really pissed about it. All I know is once everything is working again, this should be a great new patch to check out.

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEventime

I loved the trailer. This is the first "big" content patch that I've been around to see. As I came in around September of 2008, I missed out on a lot of the seemingly awesome classic and BC content. The only raid instances I've done from classic and BC are karazhan, LBRS, ZA and ZG.

Still, I can't wait until my paladin is geared up properly to start actually raiding in WotLK, as this Ulduar thing looks awesome.

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterXian

I sure hope this raid is going to be epic, im at 55% download right now and its been downloading for the last 6 hours. i need to get on and check some shit out!! lol

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBoagreis

Let's assume that all the mentioned obstacles are overcome. Everyone in your guild gets the day off, they all rush home, their WoW is automatically updated.... raids still won't be much to look at tonight. Why? Because with all the 50 bazillion class ability changes instituted in this new patch, we're all going to spend at least 2 days seeing how our toons have changed and learning how to play them to maximum efficiency. My poor lock isn't going to know what hit him with spells being eliminated from the game entirely, new spells added, and some being shifted to different tiers or entirely different trees. Not to mention the HUGE percentage changes from spell to spell. Hunters are being hit hard too. And DK's..... man, it's gonna be like playing for the first time all over again.

Anybody else tempted to try and play in the new "color blind" mode just for grins and giggles?

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterIvnication

The download only took me 45min :)

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBarishi

Great trailer i am stoked i am done downloading just waiting for servers to come back up but just as in the BC trailer illidan says (you are not prepared)i am hoping the difficulty is epic and worth the wait way to go blizz!

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterchakebo


I hope mine doesn't take long tomorrow, but I should be alright. (I am on the Europe realms).

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDeakk

why would you not pre-download it??/?? u like mentally retarded or something??!!?!?! only taken me like 5 minutes to download it so far wouldn't take as long if blizzards downloader didn't suck @$$ and downloaded more than 2kb a second my utorrent downloads at 500-900kb a second come on blizz step it up!

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNick

I don't think anyone noticed but the poster who posted : first
is Bigredhunter.
Bigredhunter=Bigredkitty? y/n? coinkydink?
Anywho, lore was amazing in the trailer, just wished they'd update the lore a bit more than just once per patch.

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMoko


Good to know that I'm not the only one who thinks there's something off with the Jaina model they used. Also, is it just me or does Thrall look like he went 2-D in a few spots?

Other than that, the trailer is decent.

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

No, Bigredhunter =/= BigRedKitty

As for the patch, AWESOMESAUCE ON STEROIDS. That's all I have to say :D

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOmmadon

I had the patch pre-downloaded, but when i went to install it, it told me some files couldn't be opened and i have to re-install the game.... funny since the game was working fine last night.... i guess i still won't be getting anywhere tonight

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjoebobfred

I had not seen that trailer, thanks for pointing it out.

And yeah, I don't expect to get a lot done tonight, Tuesday is a regular raid night for my guild, but this is a huge patch, with big changes across the board. You can expect the crashing to go on all night as the fantasy of 'testing' on the PTR collides with the real world.

What has me stoked is the dual spec system. Sure, I'm looking forward to Ulduar like everyone else, but this dual speccing is the future. The old guard of RP Nazis and their draconian rules are falling to the wayside one by one. Gone is losing EXP on death, gone is gear that wears out and has to be replaced, and now gone is being forced into one role. Eventually, even the walls between classes will crumble, with a way to switch on the fly.

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterIiene of Kul Tiras

I think they should make all of their content trailers like this; it really drives the story foward. But yea, im also going to answer some of those questions, from my perspective.

As to if the Horde/Alliance will help out kicking YS $##, i say, yes, they will help, a little. WHile their main focus is on The Lich King, Varian will surly enough send some forces to help Brann out. Thrall will most likely do the same, as YS is a threat. They WONT work together, so they will go about their own ways.

Garrosh staging a coup, no probably not. The horde has had enough of that. He's just going to end up running blindly into an Alliance pike or some sort.

As to the Varian issue, seeing how his ENTIRE LIFE has been ruine dby the Orcs, no matter how they have changed, he will hate them, and he has right to. He also sees anyone part of the horde as evil a sthe orcs, so they are his enemies too. The only way to chill him out a little is to bring back Bolvar.

Also, Varian and Thrall were taught different. Varian is being a natural Human, while Thrall is guided by spirits, hence his actions and behaivor.

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMatt

i have done the predownloads. and i hit 79 yesterday was hoping the patch wasn't out today so i caould hit 80 but now that it is. it aborted the download saying i dont have enough disc space. blizzard sure is making this game to where it uses alot of memory...by the time they call it quites i am going to need a million dollar computer. looks like im quiting wow. which sucks. made alot of friends thank god for vent that i can still talk to them.

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterUshalldie

I will be your hope! I will stand and wipe the floor with Yogg-Saron, and turn his thousand maws to a trophy necklace!

Loktar Oghar! For the Horde!

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShamtastik

NINTENDO 64!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterScott

It looks sick. Nice story building with the current game-play. I agree, instead of reading the progression, they're truely bringing us into the World of Warcraft. No longer will it just be following an already built story-line, it's a wave of new gameplay in the begginning.. can't wait to play even though I'm just slightly geared for Ulduar. It's amazing how they have it set up. And imo it is better than the Quel'Danas patch.

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaeltis

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