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When is Content on "Farm" and What Does That Mean?

Project Lore serves as a ground for people to learn, live and love everything Warcraft but recently myself and the guild I reside in have come to a crossroad. When is content under "farm" status and what does that mean for your guild?

As of late, the guild I am in has swelled to the biggest it has been for a long time and it's given us some great opportunities. We can have more than one Naxx 25 man run, which is a great thing for us. We've seen people who we didn't know anything turn into great raiders who could be counted upon. We've been able to get people into raids they would never see otherwise. Those are all things that, as a guild, you hope for. We get to help the casual raider really get to feel like they're getting their moneys worth out of a game, and makes everyone much more of a happy group. This brings unity, but will inevitably hit a difficult wall and will be jarring for people who aren't used to the wiping that Burning Crusade used to bring.

What happens on the flipside? People have become dramatic, myself included, with the future of what will happen under new content. Four rogues, under current circumstances, have no place in a raid. We'll probably be able to bring two at most because of how much other top heavy survivable DPS classes are useful to a raid. Ret paladins bring kings, shamans bring totems, warriors bring battle shout to any respectable raid. Do you, can you cut the people who are your friends to see the betterment of your guild? Will people who think they are working hard realize that they just aren't as good as some who put in less effort?

Furthermore, what does Farm status mean for your guild? Does it absolve a normal loot system, does it change the award system? How does your guild clearly define what furthers your guild in the content being as easy as it is at the moment? I'm having the problem deciding when something is on farm so clearly, does it change the loot system or who attends raids?

How does one draw the line? In what is classified as a casual guild, can you be the person who cuts those who can't carry their own weight but are the life of the raid? I'm hoping you fans can come through in the comments and really bring clear how some guilds do it, because honestly I've never been in a content cleared situation such as this.

Reader Comments (18)

Definitely something we're addressing in the guild, interesting to see what other people are going through.

April 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFeralface

Personally the first raiding guild I was on didn't handle farm status well on karazhan. But my current guild is letting people who want to raid into their runs which is really cool. We have. Naxx 10 and 25 on farm and they let me in as a fledgling healer. Now they know me to be an epic healadin, but the fact that a so far progressed guild (downed OS 2 drake) could take time to incorporate a newly specced healer.

April 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHerofTime

I myself have played wow for 2 years on and off and its only since the release of lich king and my hatred for css that i have put in the hours. I joined a guild during my time in bc and was invited on the odd heroic now and again (fury warrior) but never had the opertunity to raid due to lack of gear and knowledge. Since the release of lich king i changed to prot and i was constantly getting whispers to tank this and that. I got myself geared on the way up for heroics and since have become a dependable tank and a respected member of the guild i also have a 80 mage now thats needed more than my tank. My point is that if you want to raid and be part of sometjhing fun you need to put the time and effort in before you will see the return from your fellow guild members.

April 2, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterzat

Very good post, but the grammar could use some fine tuning.
"I’m having the problem deciding when something is on farm so clearly, does it change the loot system or who attends raids?"

I don't even know what that sentence means.

April 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRetheruu

Farm status means you can clear out all content within the aspect's of 3 day's Top's. Unfortunately with the addition of Achievement's this has changed dramatically. Now an insta is only on farm when everyone Wants it to be. Otherwise it's an Undying/Immortal run.

On that note, don't QQ about your class. Blizz already responded that any Pure DPS Class is designed to output More DPS than other's. And for that matter, Paladin Buff's overwrite Shaman totem's and Battle Shout's (unless speced into) only last 2 minute's with limited range unless speced into. And doesn't stack with BOM.

So Enough About Complaining about your Class!

April 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNextgener

The guild I'm in hasn't ever dealt with this problem because we haven't come even close to the point where your guild is at. However, I think this is a good topic to bring up because everyone will eventually have to deal with this matter (in one way or another).

April 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

I agree with Nextgener.

We cleared all there is to clear and when i joined my guild i was a newborn lvl 80 and we still keep getting new ppl in our naxx runs to gear them up..

Sadly we clear 3D but we still whipe on some ez naxx bosses due to the newlings and my guild not being a real achievement hunting guild :<

April 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterScarzz

Grammar aside, having recently joined your guild Ghostbeezy I am definitely interested to see how this all plays out as well.

April 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJosh

I wish I could be in a guild that has the privalege to argue about when a raid is considered "on farm". Many people take for granted what they have, especially guilds that can get off the ground and into raiding. Trust me, it's not as easy as it sounds.

April 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOmmadon

on farm for my guild means that anyone can come...non raiders, alts etc...and since my guild uses dkp it means that we dont gain or use dkp in that raid...just good old fashioned rolling

April 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLittleraven

WotLK has been perfect for our guild, we are a fairly small guild mainly taking 10 man more often than 25 man.

Farm status to us means that we can gear all mains then alts so we have enough coverage amongst the guild to be able to fill in a needed class with an alt should the need arise.

April 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLowping the Shaman

Since WoTLK the term farm status is easy to define.

It's when your guilds mind set changes from only just clearing a boss/instance to knowing you can kill the boss/instance with ease, and start to look at achievements associated with the boss/instance.

April 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdeadscent

I'm sorry but this post is unreadable. Like Retheruu said, I don't even know what that sentence says.

This is just disappointing. I've come to expect higher quality writing than this from PL.

I wish I could comment on the content, but I honestly I have no idea what it is talking about.

April 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterUbu

The post is fine, i dont know why everyone is complaining that it is "unreadable"

As for Nextgener, you obviously have no clue as to the state of rogues right now. Not only are they the lowest of the "pure dps" classes, they are the lowest out of all the dps, and they have zero raid utility aside from TotT. And that isn't much. Rogues are broken. They have every right to "QQ" about their class because frankly, blizzard doesnt know what the hell they are doing when it comes to rogues anymore. And the only way to fix it is with direct input from the rogue community.

April 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBob

Well, my guild has cleared everything except the Sarth 2 and 3 drakes and we have no dkp at the 10-man content anymore.The only thing that matters now is the 25-mann Maly and Naxx, and ofc clearing Sarth with at least 2D.

And as a side note. Im a rogue, and I enjoy playing one and I'm always at the top 5 in the dps. But yes, I really hope Blizz gets us at least one usefull raid buff (TotT can give a dps:er some more dmg and It's not like the guilds MT needs any more aggro so)and that they fix the Combat tree so I can get some more dps out of it.

April 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJesus

Rogues aren't broken, they could do with a boost for pve, sure, but the thing is when their damage is upped in pve they become even more OP in pvp. Can't have both at the same time. Besides, good geared rogues, applying the right poisons for the fight, knowing their rotations and paying attention, can still outdps most hybrids. In comparison there are a few hybrids they can't beat, wich granted, is not game design, hence they're getting a damage boost next patch.

And that in turn will make me freak out even more when i hear that dreaded *WHOOSHSW* while im fishing with my holy priest. \

Trust me if you say rogues are broken dps wise, then fix holy priests first. They are utterly broken when it comes to pvp and pve soloing. Would YOU find a tree viable if its only usefull in raids ? Since in the priest community there's a huge agreement on the fact that disc is actually better suited for 5 man content then holy is.

April 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSardit

I have to agree that Wotlk has gotten many more people into raiding which has had its ups and downs but for most part, in my opinion, it has been great because end game raiding is really a key point to playing this game. As far as the "will I get to raid because of my class" goes, that is simple, good guilds should balance raid groups but in the end they should bring the player not the class because it doesn't matter what class your playing if you know how to play it. I mean we have downed KT on heroic with upwards of 8 Melee even though everyone said it was nuts to bring them. If they player knows what they are doing and they now how to do it well they should have a spot to raid no matter what class they are. For example the best guild on my server raided with a PVE Arms warrior in tbc and we all said they were crazy till we did Black temple with them and none of us could touch his damage/dps. A good player will always be a good player no matter what class they are playing.

April 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMortivore

might wanna do a little proof reading before posting a blog entry beezy.

April 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterted

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