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Balancing Act: WoW and Weight Management

Warbiking With You Eyes ClosedForms of entertainment have long been blamed for a myriad of predicaments.  Violence and sex in video games have been the talking point for the many Helen Lovejoys of the world, but even as we strive for realism the issues tend to bore me.  It isn't because I don't think they aren't issues, I just believe that they are blown way out of proportion with far too much misinformation being spouted by supposed "experts."  Heck, video games even deform our skeletons now!  By the way, so does carrying your bookbag on one shoulder and various forms of hard labor.  There is at least one issue I do get behind though, weight gain.

Weight gain from hobbies - either viewing TV and movies, sitting on the computer, playing video games or crocheting - is a bit more clear cut than how sex and violence may or may not affect us.  The calculation is a simple breakdown of time and how much energy we burn.  If we aren't exercising as much as we used to because of some life change, then we aren't burning the same amount of calories.  If we continue to eat the same amount, then poof, added blubber.  The issue is fairly personal to me because I was the freakishly skinny guy in high school.  I graduated at 5'8" weighing an amazing 125 lbs.  Yes, that skinny.  After WoW had been available to me for nearly a year, I managed to balloon to the 160 lb range.

I am a realist.  It wasn't WoW's fault at all, but my own.  Not only did I exercise less during that time frame, but I ate poorly.  Shoveling whatever quick-to-cook food I had available into my pie-hole with reckless abandon became a favored activity.  It certainly had its consequences.  I did need about 15 of that 35 lbs to be at my correct weight, but the kind of weight I gained was the horrific trans-fat, saturated-fat, high sodium kind.  To combat this, I created a rather stupid, yet easy regiment for myself during WoW's common downtime.  Through the course of a raid I would try to bang out the following basic, Jack Lalanne approved, exercise regiment.

  • 100 Sit-ups

  • 30 Push-ups

  • 20 Pull-ups

  • Few minutes of jump rope

I know it isn't much, but the key is that everything is easily accessible and entirely plausible given the short intervals of downtime.  Not to mention the fact that every bit helps.  The jumping of rope doesn't happen often since the house shaking annoys those around me, but I do my best to make up for it with additional sit-ups.  It is certainly no substitute for a full session of cardio, but the additional exercise along with less snacking at the computer and eating better food allowed me to return to a slimmer, fitter me.  A pair of wireless headphones lend the freedom needed to perform these acts of self maintenance with little impact on my AFKness (yes, a made up "word").

This little blog into my personal life makes me come off as a Weight Watchers spokesmen, but I was afraid that I may fall back into bad habits when I returned to WoW in the middle of TBC.  It's been well over a year since I rejoined and I remain at a weight I am happy with.  Luckily, I remembered my personal history and made sure to stay away from the quick morsels and constant snacking upon my return to Azeroth.  Does anyone have their own regiment for a healthy WoW life style?  A few of you left comments on the Distracted Gaming post about exercise, do you still buff up during your downtime?  Has anyone gone through the growing pains that I did?  Any meatheads know any easy to perform maneuvers that I can add to my repertoire?  I don't have any weights to speak of - or the room to house them - so benching and such is out of the question.

Oh, how could I almost forget to link the WoW treadmill that we have discussed in the past?  For a bit less impact on your knees, there is another cardiovascular experiment via a WoW cycling setup (pictured) known as Warbiking.  We humans are crazy, creative beasts.

Reader Comments (36)

As a college student I try to always walk to my classes. There have also been times where I've purposefully declined a group invite because I tell myself I need to go exercise. Bought a variable set of dumbell weights for easy bicep curls, etc... and do pushups/situps and an occasional 20 min run. I'm definitely not that in shape because of certain class deadlines and such exercise has to take a backseat, but I do try to keep up with it.

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEventime

I just joined a gym recently and put in about 1.5 hours 3 days a week at least. I think the worst trap WoW poses is the snack temptation. I don't know how many times I've been tempted to snack on cheetos and candy. Takes much more willpower to avoid those treats and hit the gym then to stay on your computer all day.

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCyan

nice post, it's still important to watch our health no matter
what we do.

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkiley

Smoking also kills enzymes in your saliva so you dont digest as much, so when you give up the white sticks of death you end up digesting more of what you're eating, putting on weight.

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterS128K

Not really a huge issue for me. In school they force us to run 1.5 miles every wednesday (14min 21sec is my latest time). And i do fencing outside of school. Believe it or not fencing is a great sport for WoW players. Its fun and does something that many fantasy rpg'ers have probably wanted to do for a long time, sword fight! I also walk my dog once a day and eat at least 3 servings each of fruits and veggies ( also, chips and stuff are a no no while i WoW).

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHerofTime

I may be weird but gaming, WoW in particular, seems to supress my hunger because since im not bored i dont constantly feel like im hungry. when im playing i dont snack since i dont think about hunger but im not too busy playing to forget about the 3 main meals of the day. since WoW has helped cut out the snacks i have actually lost weight.

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBubbles

good ideas. I will have to start this up. I usually walk at night, but sit-up during down time I am on it!

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRedauroa

Great post, warbiking sounds hilarious but still a good idea.

"Violence and sex in video games have been the talking point for the many Helen Lovejoys of the world..."

Great Simpsons reference!

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteroogadaboogada

IMO, they should desigh a Wii interface for WoW that would require you to swing a sword and walk in place to make your character fight/move. Imagine how much cardio a long boss fight is worth.


That is the coolest idea ever. I'm not sure how WoW would stand up being pushed through the Wii filter, but it certainly is an intriguing idea in theory.

April 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAndra

If Wii people uped the graphics and wow would run smoothly on a Wii. Peope that made the Wii might get 11.5 million buyers =P

April 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGrant

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