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Balancing Act: WoW and Weight Management

Warbiking With You Eyes ClosedForms of entertainment have long been blamed for a myriad of predicaments.  Violence and sex in video games have been the talking point for the many Helen Lovejoys of the world, but even as we strive for realism the issues tend to bore me.  It isn't because I don't think they aren't issues, I just believe that they are blown way out of proportion with far too much misinformation being spouted by supposed "experts."  Heck, video games even deform our skeletons now!  By the way, so does carrying your bookbag on one shoulder and various forms of hard labor.  There is at least one issue I do get behind though, weight gain.

Weight gain from hobbies - either viewing TV and movies, sitting on the computer, playing video games or crocheting - is a bit more clear cut than how sex and violence may or may not affect us.  The calculation is a simple breakdown of time and how much energy we burn.  If we aren't exercising as much as we used to because of some life change, then we aren't burning the same amount of calories.  If we continue to eat the same amount, then poof, added blubber.  The issue is fairly personal to me because I was the freakishly skinny guy in high school.  I graduated at 5'8" weighing an amazing 125 lbs.  Yes, that skinny.  After WoW had been available to me for nearly a year, I managed to balloon to the 160 lb range.

I am a realist.  It wasn't WoW's fault at all, but my own.  Not only did I exercise less during that time frame, but I ate poorly.  Shoveling whatever quick-to-cook food I had available into my pie-hole with reckless abandon became a favored activity.  It certainly had its consequences.  I did need about 15 of that 35 lbs to be at my correct weight, but the kind of weight I gained was the horrific trans-fat, saturated-fat, high sodium kind.  To combat this, I created a rather stupid, yet easy regiment for myself during WoW's common downtime.  Through the course of a raid I would try to bang out the following basic, Jack Lalanne approved, exercise regiment.

  • 100 Sit-ups

  • 30 Push-ups

  • 20 Pull-ups

  • Few minutes of jump rope

I know it isn't much, but the key is that everything is easily accessible and entirely plausible given the short intervals of downtime.  Not to mention the fact that every bit helps.  The jumping of rope doesn't happen often since the house shaking annoys those around me, but I do my best to make up for it with additional sit-ups.  It is certainly no substitute for a full session of cardio, but the additional exercise along with less snacking at the computer and eating better food allowed me to return to a slimmer, fitter me.  A pair of wireless headphones lend the freedom needed to perform these acts of self maintenance with little impact on my AFKness (yes, a made up "word").

This little blog into my personal life makes me come off as a Weight Watchers spokesmen, but I was afraid that I may fall back into bad habits when I returned to WoW in the middle of TBC.  It's been well over a year since I rejoined and I remain at a weight I am happy with.  Luckily, I remembered my personal history and made sure to stay away from the quick morsels and constant snacking upon my return to Azeroth.  Does anyone have their own regiment for a healthy WoW life style?  A few of you left comments on the Distracted Gaming post about exercise, do you still buff up during your downtime?  Has anyone gone through the growing pains that I did?  Any meatheads know any easy to perform maneuvers that I can add to my repertoire?  I don't have any weights to speak of - or the room to house them - so benching and such is out of the question.

Oh, how could I almost forget to link the WoW treadmill that we have discussed in the past?  For a bit less impact on your knees, there is another cardiovascular experiment via a WoW cycling setup (pictured) known as Warbiking.  We humans are crazy, creative beasts.

Reader Comments (36)

kool and i think im first o.O

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjames

5lb weight behind your head when you do Sit-ups.

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSno

Honestly, I couldn't be bothered doing that.
I'm glad I have such a high metabolism.

I mean, sure, I'm unhealthy, but other people don't know that when they look at me so it's all good. (Y)

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSean

...Warbiking... BRILLIANT

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOzzel's Cousin Fred

I never thought about doing this, and its really smart. I'm going to start right now! I bet you could manage a few push ups or pull ups in between arena matches too.

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterIllithian

Its not healthy but you surely won't gain weight if you do this.

Start smoking.

You'll be smoking constantly while gaming and smoking removes hunger feelings. So you won't be eating at all. While continuousely smoking ( i mean 1 cigarette every 20 mins or less you'll actually forget to eat at all. Good way not to gain weight.

Though with all the side effects its not a recommended way :P

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSardit

Win. So much win.

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMyooze

just look at zands arms

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlotadix

Cigarettes used to be advertised as appetite suppressants as far back as the late 20's.

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKyndranigar

to Sardit:

In my particular case, I've found that smoking did nothing to my appetite, so I just quit and joined a gym.

It's much better for your lungs too ;)

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterrannar

it is incredible how creative we humans can be when it comes to finding ways to excersize and still do something we want.
while i know money can be tight if you can save up for the Nintendo Wii and get Wii fit (I know that can be a lot of up front cost) it really is /fun and gets you out of your computer chair.
Thanks to my wife for convinsing me to get it. She doesn't get WoW, but she gets that I like video games and playing Wii and working out with my wife is a rather nice reward.

As for your regimend, try different types of sit ups or push ups, leg lifts, or grab a couple heavy books wrap some string around them and BAM! instant weights. And yes I did say books, the ones under the right side of the desk that are being used as legs should do the trick.

Happy Warbiking!!

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRogue4Life

I have an office job, which requires almost 8 hours of sitting in a stationary sitting pose. Then at home again, WoW.

What I learned from a personal trainer was quite interesting. I do not need Gym equipment. There are a huge amount of exercises that can be done at home in a confined space.
Abs! There are dozens of variations of this exercise that can be used for the various muscle groups. Squats, Lunge, Shoulders, chest. You have a plethora of exercises requiring minimal equipment. A resistance band (looks like an elastic skipping rope) is a great idea and a cheap investment. Water filled 2 liter plastic containers make cheap weights.

The best thing is to go to a local Gym and hire a personal trainer for an hour or two. Explain your situation and your lifestyle and ask for training regime and techniques that you can use at home. You will be amazed what you will learn. Think if it as a life achievement
Keyboard Cardio -- 'New Training exercise learned'.....10 points
Multi Tasking Trainer -- '10 training exercises learned....10points
From Geek to Sleek -- '50 training exercises learned....10 points
Title Gained, "Dreadlord"....we need some incentive after all!!

Another thing is to avoid sedimentation. Make sure to get up and move around at least once an hour, best every 30minutes. Sounds easy, but raids can have you sitting for hours on end without rest. Getting up and moving is critical to your health.

The best advice advice comes from the expert trainers, RL really is like WOW!

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMark DeMan

I used to be on the heavy side, but luckily for me it was a simple change of eating habits (no, I didn't stop eating) but I did star to eat healthy, Ironically I lost a ton of weight and now I'm trying to exercise to help with a little excess skin...

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTaskun

I ended up gaining alot of wieght since I started back with WOW's launch. Since novemeber I made a decission to go to the gym 4 days a week in the mornings and eat better. I still do now and have lost 30lbs since then, I also feel way better and I still play alot.

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCrazytree

This blog hits home for many I bet. It may be slowing down from a more active life style or just metabolisms slowing down naturally as we age. I myself put on considerable weight and have since managed another feat of strength by losing almost 50 lbs. Yes... I gained THAT much weight plus a few. That being said, having somebody (work out friend/girlfriend/boyfriend/etc) to motivate you and keep you accountable is a great help to keep you striving for better health.

I also have seen a stability ball used as a desk chair. If properly used you can get a work out while still participating in some of the in-game content.

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRickroll

Personally, I don't have this issue, because I'm still in the process of School, I walk there and back everyday and am very active while there.

So my advice would be that old cliché don't drive, WALK!

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGullsnikk

For me personally and for many rugby players, being trim and toned isn't an option.
For instance I found out recently that an extremely popular player called ... shit I forgot his name, damn he was in rugby world and all i was shocked. Anyway he plays centre for England and is married to Zara Phillips from the English Royal Family! and suprise suprise he said in a rugby world interview that he plays wow, he has a level 80 character, and as he is on the road constantly brings his laptop everywhere... it just shows that wow can be balanced , he is a great example as he probably has the most hecktic life of anyone who plays wow

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRashnoak

Mike Tindall is his name btw. I was so shocked to find out

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRashnoak

Gaining wieght while playing pc games? WTF?! since when? im so skinny i make girls on a diet jelous! heck models ask me how i do it...

Rule nr 1: while at the pc no more than soda and someting crunchy to chew, real food should be ate at a table with the family (like all human or civilized beings...)
this results in : u play long hours u diet (hard) long hours
just keep something crunchy for when u get pekysh

Rule nr2: (wich i aplly, but not realy necessary) WALK! when u go somewere if its gona take u less than an hour to get there and back on foot ... WALK! just because u got a car or theres a bus that can take u there in 5 min if wait 5-10 min dosnt mean u NEED to use that... u got legs use em! cars are BAD for the o-zone! realy its healthy to just walk, even fun if u do it with some1 else

using these 2 simple rules i have stay below average weigth since i started gaming at 9 years old when i was considered *chubby*, and as for most the gamers i personaly know IRL its teh same thing, with a few exeptions... freaks...

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDraikking


you shouldn't be advertising an unhealthy way to manage your weight.

what happened to good old exercise?
if you go to your local gym at least 30mins a day you will be able to control your weight, and it wont be so time consuming.

as Draikking said, if you walk you will manage to control your weight. recently i have breaks while playing WoW so i can go outside, get some fresh air, sun and walk a bit.
not only you will mange your weight but you will start to feel better

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDiogo

"By Sno on Tuesday, April 7th, 2009 at 4:30 pm

5lb weight behind your head when you do Sit-ups."

Totally right! Plus, jump rope with 2 or 3lb attached to your anckle is a nice add. Impact exercises spend more calories, so, I would recommend you to do some Step training (yes, STEP). Buy a compact step and browse some videos of it in the internet to learn the steps to do in this exercise. 14 calories per minute garantee.
Another good exercise is walking/jogging or weight lifting! Buy some weights, like two 10Kg weight and a long bar to train your chest, or, four 5Kg/3Kg and a very small bar, so that you can train chest, backs, triceps, biceps, abdomen, shoulders and forearm.

If anyone wantes tips about quick training and loss of calories, send me an e-mail at dargor_14@hotmail.com


April 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWittgenstein

just dont use your mount :P

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterrobingtons

I have been "warbiking" long before WoW ever came into existence. Usually I tend to do quick crunches for upper and lower abs during long flight times or waiting for the raid to assemble. During those times, not having the luxury of wireless headphones, I turn on my speakers to just loud enough for me to hear, but not loud enough to wake the whole house.

Also helps to keep the calorically rich foods away from the computer area during these times. A handful of nuts, some carrots and or celery, a bowl of fruit, copious amounts of water or low calory drinks... Good snackage without the chunk. Throw in some PB or lean deli meats if you must, but in small quantities.

So, yeah, gaming does contribute to the whole weight gain theory, but so do the choices we make for snacking while gaming. There's a big difference between grabbing that bag of chips and grabbing that bag of carrots.

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOmbrenoire

being in the national guard, i live a pretty sedentary life. i'm waiting to deploy in a few months, so i'm home all the time.

i take in enough calories per day usually 1400 and watch what i eat. i also count everything too since i've become "anal" about it. lol.

as for working out. as soon as i wake up in the morning, i go for a run which is usually 5-6 miles. i also work out later in the afternoon usually around 2pm. i do this for 6 days and rest on the 7th so my muscles can repair.

also drink cold water through out the day. you do burn calories by doing this. it's not much, but still. plus it's healthy.

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbladerunner

Smoking does not help at ALL. Smoking is also causes Heart issues, like carrying excess weight.

Great post this is the positive re-enforcement that some people need! Keep it up!

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVaesion

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