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PvP and PvE Armor in 3.1 - Hunter, Shaman, Warrior

Earlier we took a look at some the gear design philosophy of Blizzard and saw some armor that was introduced in 3.0 and that will be added in 3.1. We looked at the "Lost Vanquishers" (sans Druid): Rogue, Death Knight, and Mage. Today we are going to check out what the "Lost Protectors" have: Hunter, Shaman, and Warrior.

Thanks to MMO-Champion for the screenshots of Ulduar gear and Season 6. More consistent and high resolution imagery will be added once patch 3.1 hits the live realms. Scroll down to see the sets and click the images for larger views.

The first three Gladiator's sets of Wrath seem to be just recolorings, but they do seem to be getting more fancy with season 6's Furious Gladiator's sets. Of these three classes, I think hunters have the best looking PvP gear. The green scales on the Furious Gladiator's set look pretty cool.

Shaman's shoulders in PvE have always been cool. Some people despised the dungeon set 1 shaman shoulders, but I loved them. When Blizzard had finally added skins in for the end game items so that they looked cooler than twill, it became a great symbol of progress for me. Now, the shaman shoulders are just ridiculously cool. The glowing orbs and meteorites chained to the armor are far more epic than any other shoulders.

Hunter and warrior armor is honestly boring to me. It doesn't have as much flair as it should.

What do you guys think? Are shaman's shoulders over the top or just epic and which class looks best?










Reader Comments (17)

not that impressed by the shaman gear t, yea looks cool but tbh those shoulders are enormous compared 2 some other classes shoulders, other then that idc much i would still wear it for the stats and stuff they give

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterweber

I love the PVE shaman gear in wrath, it's definitely on par with how cool the BC shaman gear looked. Various gear sets in wrath have definitely looked a bit on the bland side
(generally the PVP gear.) As the T7 has a large resemblance to the T3 gear found in pre-BC naxx.

IMO if the item is epic quality then it should look epic as well. The shaman set is prolly the best looking of wraths sets. I didn't feel at all gipped in the cool looks department
when i upgraded my Skyshatter pauldrons for my Valorous.

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkiley

umm y is there a human in the hunter pvp? they cant be hunters...

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterschuyler

The PvP Hunter gear looks awful.

Glad I don't PvP. =P

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSean

As if hunters don't get enough nerfs as it is, blizzard really must hate us to give us armor nerfs. Way to go

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJosh

TBH, lookin at the pics of the armour for the Hunters, it's kinda tough to decide what I think about the Furious Gladiators Set. For the simple fact that the 1st 3 are bein worn by an Orc, and Furious is bein shown on a Human. Bodies sizes are so far apart that yea, it make the Furious look like shit, so I will have to wait and see how it looks on my Moo Cow.

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTharon

I love most of the gear in Wrath, Blizzard have finally realised that the floaty bits and dark portals on armour from BC where wholly unrealistic, they've gone back to a basic look, and I think made it look far cooler than BC ever did.

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGullsnikk

i love the new armor so far, although i still think some of the bc sets were way cooler

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterConxcore

God blizzard is so lazy w/ PvP gear. I know WoW is a PvE game, but it would be nice to get some decent non-PvE models for PvP.

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterex-WoW player

PvP Gear models in Wrath suck big time.

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFrostSeer

Just goes to show you Blizz has run out of ideas for anything cool. But thats just MHO

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterscorge99


All gear models in Wrath suck big time.

Drab, dull, repetitive monstrosities.

If they just have to copypasta armor sets, why no do the cool ones?

You know tier two paladin, tier one and two rogue ect?Some of those were the greatest looking gear I've ever seen in WoW.

We all know they love to reuse models, so why not the good ones?

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCotytto

I like the hunter and shammy gear, but warior epic fail.

Oh well, time to go kill my warrior and start playing some more on my shammy and hunter.

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterThe Guy

OMFG shammy shoulders r pwn

I'm not that bothered what the armour I (my characters, I mean) wear looks like - what it looks like isn't going to make me hit harder or live longer... tell me the stats. it will have, the colour scheme is the last thing I care about.

I play my characters for what they DO, not to be MMO supermodels... :(

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJeff

... and I'm surprised no-one's asked, but which of the Warrior PvE sets are Tank & which are DPS...?

... same for the respective roles on Hunter/Shaman, too...

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJeff

I actually like the warrior pvp sets a lot, mainly the helm, because i like to see my character's face. but imho, i think the S3 arena set for warrior was the best ever and the s3 weapon models were badass too

April 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJoe

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