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Making Your Own Achievements

The moment that achievements were announced I knew it would quickly become one of my favorite aspects of the game. The reason is because I spent most of my days in Burning Crusade doing them before they were even implemented.

You may wonder how this works, but it is really quite simple. You don't need a shiny rectangle to appear on the screen to know you have accomplished something out of the ordinary (although it doesn't hurt).

Myself and a few friends have a long standing tradition of trying to push ourselves. Back in the day we would often try and complete heroics with only 3 people, or 10 man raids with only 8. There is a great sense of adventure in trying to do things in a way that makes them more difficult. Other variations included doing a heroic without a tank, or without a healer. These exercises make you get creative, and that is one of the aspects of the game I really enjoy, solving problems with a group of friends.

Looking at the in game achievement list can be a spring board for new ideas. So there is an achievement to 8 man Naxx? Great idea, but how far can we push it? How about a 7 man, or a 6? It really makes you stretch and ups the challenge immensely.

So in a time when many people are making great progress on their achievement list, and dare I say, running out of things to do, I urge you all to give it a try! It's an amazing way to milk even more enjoyment out of this game.

For my next project we plan on trying to do Naxx10 with only one healing spec'd player. Think we can do it?

What about you guys? Have you done any achievements that are not listed on your character? If not, what do you think would be a fun challenge? I personally would like to see someone 20-man Sarth 3D!

Reader Comments (15)

I've soloed healed half of Naxxramas 10 man :)
Quite an achievement for me.

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChristian

It really fun trying to do thing a way that wasn't intented, eather because you want to or because you have to.

A random pug I made to get the Rose Petals fell apart with only the Tank (Warrior 80) left to get them, so he jump on his second account and used his healer (Priest 80) to keep himself and I (Rogue 80) alive on the first boss of UK. Was hectic but we did it first try

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJason

Sounds like fun, maybe I should persuade my guild to try some :p

And you can also make custom achievements at http://worldofwarcraft.mmocluster.com/index.php?mod=wowachievement for those interested.

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSalamance

haven't done any archievements not listed but like 20-man Sarth 3D would be awesome.
maybe doing all lich king heroics with less then4 people would be a challenge

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterpctjuh

me and my bro make our own achievements as well, we are now doing the outlands heroics with just me and him and we are trying to look if we can dual Kara (we know we probably die but it's always fun to try things) and if we can't do it with just the two of us we are going to bring just three others, so making your own achievements is fun also, really when you are doing it with someone you know and you are friended with :)

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHitmen

Tanking all the Hc dungeons in Northrend as Arms specc warrior and doing max dps at the same time:)

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterThe Guy

a few guilds out there did sarth 3D with 20 mans

to name one :)


April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterElunedruid

I want credit for these (or at least the first one!)

Achievement: Have an active account since the game launched

Achievement: Travel on foot from Swamp of Sorrows to Redridge Mountains WITHOUT going through Deadwind Pass

Achievement: Climbed to the top of Ironforge Mountain

Achievement: Explore Old Ironforge

Achievement: Swim from Westfall to Menethil Harbor

Achievement: Swim from The Hinterlands to Eastern Plaguelands

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPatrickD

@ PatrickD

Except for number 4, which is a bannable offense lol

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterArmadyl

My new goal is getting cooking 450 so i can do cooking dailys (if you check Churchill on bronzebeard's armory page, you will see that it will take a while) i also wish to finally see the IF airport before blizz folds and removes it/opens it to the public.

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterchurchill

I know that EVERYONE who has ran Kara has tried/wanted to pull the "audience" in the Opera Event. Its always tempting!
Or to Pull all the horses in Midnight's Stable (in one pull).
Solo Deadmines naked? (not hard, but still fun)
Level 1 40-man Hogger!
(They have "Deaths from Hogger" as a statistic, why not have an achievement aswell?!?!?!)
Remember Un'goro?! "Escape from Jurrassic Terror - Survive an encounter with one of the Devilsaurs"
And a personal feat that should have been an achievement: "Deliver the killing blow (melee only) while Shade of Aran's Arcane Explosion is below 3 seconds." ... Man my ears still ring from all the people yelling at me to get out.. then cheering me on when he was at 1300 hp... *LAUGH*

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlternate

Me and 2 buddies 3 maned Heroic Violet Hold and Utgarde keep. good times and plenty of gold too = )

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWerk509

if you are gonna do it i hope you can record it i wanna see it than :-)

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDanny

i 2 manned heigan, id like a reward for that haha

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterConxcore

LOL The Guy, I nearly tanked Drak'Tharon as ret the other day. Had to start waiting 10 seconds before starting to dps and even then I pulled aggro 50% of the time. Healer was soooo pissed. Nobody ever died and I was doing 45% of the damage so it all worked out. (was a bear tank btw - not uber geared, but geared enough to not be having that kind of trouble imo).

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRanger Joel

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