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Season 5, Arena Tournament Phase 3 Winding Down

Ah, the smells of spring. The snow has melted, the sun is shining, and there is a new content patch on the horizon. And its a doozy.

Most serious PvE players have content to a satisfactory farm status. Most PvP players have all the gear they are capable of getting this season. Players have found distractions like achievements or the arena tournament, but there is little sense of progression for most players who have been level 80 for months.

We have received confirmation from Bornakk that Arena season 5 will end very soon, as early as April 14.The Deadly Gladiator's titles and frostwyrms will be handed out, and patch 3.1 will be launched nearly simultaneously, and its even implied that season 5 will end only after patch 3.1 hits. Could this mean that patch 3.1 will hit as early as next Tuesday? Its likely.

In the meantime, be sure to spend any arena points you have left over. All arena points will be set to zero once season 6 starts ends and all teams will be disbanded. Honor will remain intact. In fact, I suggest you save up the current maximum of 75,000 honor to start buying any deadly gladiator's pieces that you may need. Matchmaking ratings (MMRs) will be preserved, so when you start up your new teams next season, you will quickly progress to a rating that reflects your skill and likely your current ranking.

In other news, the Arena Tournament is moving past phase 3 on April 7th. This is the cut-off for players to play their 200 games to get their armored murloc pet (which we have been using as a thumbnail for every PvP post) and try to get in the top 1,000 teams to advance for cash prizes. I personally missed the boat and threw away $20 on this deal.

Have any of our readers secured their murloc or even a spot in phase 4?

Reader Comments (9)

If 3.1 is out next Tuesday, I'd be surprised and slightly sad. I've barely managed to get into groups for Naxx and OS etc. When 3.1 comes, I think only people who are extremely bored and saved already to Ulduar will run Naxx anymore. Then again.. that's my skeptisim and dramatism. Perhaps I judge the Alliance of Illidan too low.

As for the PvP. I don't care for it, and I didn't even bother trying in the Arena Tourny. I would've failed in the first round or 'phase' or w/e.

Thanks for this insight.

April 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNathan Harris

I really hope 3.1 Comes out tommmrow but i have heard that only season 6 comes out and the follow week on tuesday 3.1 may come out not positive. k ty

April 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDeathtalk on Blackrock

I can't stand PVP mainly because it seems like when I'm doing good there is always the one player who you just know has to be cheating. When you see them you get the one shot they insta target you, your machine locks up for about 4 seconds, and your ready to release.

April 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPauldy

Great post, although with life and the economy keeping me
me on a tight schedule i've managed to save up some honor points (around 70,000) once 3.1 comes out.
Unfortunately i wasn't able to participate in season 5 i'm looking forward to busting out my warrior and shammy in Season 6. With all the new changes to all the classes in 3.1 it's going to a very exciting new season.

April 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkiley

changes changes everyone talks about changes. until i see changes to the honor / battleground system to make it fair for everyone, I will not be participating.

I have said it numerous times that the current system that allows losing premades and AFKers to farm free honor and marks is # against the BLIZZ TOS, and # 2 not fair to those of us that get thrown into it because we happen to be put into the group because from a different realm and are trying to either do the daily battleground quest or are there to WIN to make te grind for honor and marks for gear alot faster.

Which is my whole point Winning is the fastest way to grind honor and marks. And on a side note / point IMO those that do nothing in the battle in each battleground event deserve just that NOTHING. that's the whole problem with the battleground to mainy AFK honor , mark farmers there just so they can get their free "wellfair" gear. that's why people don't see when ur sporting your PvP gear much anymore as an achievment since they know it's so easy to get.

I'm not saying that those with the deadly gladiator set are bad or fit into this catagory it takes work to do arena but points can be farmed there as well. that's why i'm glad they are now with the policy that points get reset to 0 after the season ends that way the points don't roll over and the people get the deadly gear at a cheaper rate plus anyone can get a 1800 rating even for the most expensive piece of the off season arena gear. hats off to those that are sporting the deadly gladiator set nice job. ersonally i know you worked hard and earned it. now if they'd fix the honor system to be the same PvPing in the battlegrounds would be alot more fun. AFKers and losing BGers free!!!!!

enough ranting hope everyone has better luck then I

April 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteralex

My team has a spot in Phase 4. =)

April 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterIllithian

"plus anyone can get a 1800 rating"

haveing 1800 or higher rating is actually an indicator that one is above average. MOST people who participate in Arenas never achieve 1800 rating.

April 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBlightear

I have never even tried to get into an arena tournament. In fact, I have never been in the arena at all. I have one level 80 character so far, and I have absolutely NO pvp gear on her, or any of my high-end chars. It's just too difficult to get.

The only character I use to pvp with regularly is my 70 marksman hunter, and even doing the daily BG and a couple runs of AV doesn't net me more than maybe 1-2k honor points if I'm lucky. Even with the alliance players coming to fight/die by the dozen, it just doesn't cut it.

/end semi-off-topic rant

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterXian

I'm really exited for Ulduar. So sick of farming Naxx, and I'm hoping that Ulduar puts up a real fight. So sick of people pugging Naxx and EoE hc and getting the gear I'm getting with my guild.

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJesus

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