Entries in 8 man (1)

Making Your Own Achievements

The moment that achievements were announced I knew it would quickly become one of my favorite aspects of the game. The reason is because I spent most of my days in Burning Crusade doing them before they were even implemented. You may wonder how this works, but it is really quite simple. You don't need a shiny rectangle to appear on the screen to know you have accomplished something out of the ordinary (although it doesn't hurt). Myself and a few friends have a long standing tradition of trying to push ourselves. Back in the day we would often try and complete heroics with only 3 people, or 10 man raids with only 8. There is a great sense of adventure in trying to do things in a way that makes them more difficult. Other variations included doing a heroic without a tank, or without a healer. These exercises make you get creative, and that is one of the aspects of the game I really enjoy, solving problems with a group of friends. Looking at the in game achievement list can be a spring board for new ideas. So there is an achievement to 8 man Naxx? Great idea, but how far can we push it? How about a 7 man, or a 6? It really makes you stretch and ups the challenge immensely. So in a time when many people are making great progress on their achievement list, and dare I say, running out of things to do, I urge you all to give it a try! It's an amazing way to milk even more enjoyment out of this game. For my next project we plan on trying to do Naxx10 with only one healing spec'd player. Think we can do it? What about you guys? Have you done any achievements that are not listed on your character? If not, what do you think would be a fun challenge? I personally would like to see someone 20-man Sarth 3D!

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