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Reflections on Voice Chat

soundlikeamanA few nights ago I was on WoW, not unlike a lot of other nights that I play. But unlike most other nights, I was in a particularly reflective mood.

It had been at least a week since my previous jaunt around with Pixiestixy, my alt draenei hunter on Executus, in the alliance Project Lore fan guild. So I logged on to get a quick level or two and to chatter with whoever was online. While running a couple of questlines on Bloodmyst Isle, I noticed someone spamming guild chat with information for logging onto a Ventrilo server. Personally, me and my main character guildies prefer Teamspeak. But a while back, I DLed vent for just such occasions. So I input the info, connected to the server and listened in for a couple minutes.

I realized right away that these were not the voices that I had imagined I might hear. One person clearly spoke with a Spanish accent. Another had a boyish, high-pitched voice. I heard a kid screaming in the background of one player's audio. And while I'm used to hearing east coast, and often southern drawl common in Virginia, I picked up from those few short moments of just listening that we were a diverse group. I'm not listing our differences to poke fun or to point out what separated us. I rather enjoy the idea of playing with people from all over the world. But I suppose my perception of their character names didn't match up to what I heard. I could compare it to meeting a giant, rustic Tauren druid who opens his mouth and sounds like an irritated 6-year-old girl.

I stopped thinking so much about it and finally introduced myself (and immediately heard exclamations that I was a RL girl.) Apparently, I broke their perceptions, too; They assumed that I would be a guy. A couple minutes later, one of them whispered me, asking how old I am. 26, I replied. Then I realized something. My voice makes me sound much younger than I really am. Or, so I've been told. Another misconception. I'm still unsure whether that's a good thing.

I don't usually think that any of this would matter; it's a game, and what someone sounds like doesn't change how the game is played. Unless maybe you're roleplaying through Vent.

But it does make me curious - how many of you have ever connected to voice chat and been surprised by what you heard on the other end? Or are you the one providing surprises, if your voice doesn't match up with your character?

Reader Comments (55)

Never done voice chat, ever. Firstly don't see the need for it (not a hardcore raider), and secondly, don't wan't to spoil allusions. Like i said in previous posts, i always play female characters. I don't play on that fact like some others have said they do, and my guild knows i'm a male, but that is not the point. I play female characters, so 'in-game' i'm a female, voice chat negates that.

Anyway, i guess my point is that unless you are a raiding guild that needs instant voice communication, give voice chat a miss, there is no real need for it and it will mess up your own preconceived ideas about those you are playing with, and who does that help? No-one.

Wow is a world of fantasy, and fantasy is best left in the world of imagination!

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjimbob

Oh, and btw, gz pixy on another incisive post< seems like i@m becoming a bit of a fanboi :s

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjimbob

There have been a few times where a new person's voice has thrown me off for a bit, mostly when it is a very young person playing the game. There are times where you assume someone is very young and when you hear them on vent it's no big deal cause you expected it, but when someone who seems very mature and all that talks for the first time on vent and sounds like they are 10 (and aren't far off from it) it does make you raise an eyebrow.

I come from a guild though with an Australian, tons of ppl from the South, Canadians and North Westerners and a pretty big mix so not a whole lot throws us off.

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBaek

I just wanted to randomly comment and say hello to my fellow Virginians out there. Who knew there seem to be so many with this post! I'm from Richmond and have to agree that there's not much of a twang in central VA but I went to school out in Amherst where you do catch it on certain words. As for vent, I sound like I'm 10, but that's what I get for being soft spoken I suppose.

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbrandywine

I can't do Vent, too many prepubescent middle schoolers spamming the channel with high pitched chaos and stupidity

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShoogs

When we were raiding with a shaman level 80 he was probably the funniest dude ever response to his voice.

Basically he would cuss and say the "n word" alot of times, so we kinda assumed he was black.

He DLs vent and gets in the raid with his mic and says "Hey, wat-a-you up-a-to?" Hes a chinaman xD

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRok

I had quite a surprise some time ago when I first heard another paladin in my guild speaking in vent after having posted a picture of himself. He looked like a guy in his mid teens, but his voice was like that of a 40 year old man.

After not having had a microphone for a long time, long enough for the people in my guild to forget how I sound like, I yesterday got a new one. Much to the amazement of my guildies I apparently sound very young over vent - despite being on the heavy end of the guilds agescale.

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJanus

I am also one of those that surprises others.. I am from the UK and play on the US servers... that normaly throws people off and the female players love it... which is cool by me :-) lol

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStu

My accent has the stability of Uranium (or Element 115 if you prefer) and may skip from british to american to god knows where from.
Yeah, I surprise people.

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterIlligetimi

biggest part of my guild is dutch.
im portuguese,others are polish,americans,italians,etc..its really funny to listen to everyone trying to speak right english xD.

we laugh at each others and nobody is ofended..


wait,what..your a girl ._.?

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTrial

Well i know what you mean, i've heard plenty of people on vent and went "Wtf". Most of my guildies that use vent are american and i'm dutch, so i usally only talk when needed because i'm ashamed of my horrible accent.. eventhough my english is pretty good imo.
(And i've got a pretty low voice compared to most of them so i guess i suprised them too lol.)

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFarsythe

Back in the days, when I played EQ2, I logged into the Teamspeak server of my guild and have a little chat. The entire channel went silent. I thought I had said something wrong. Turned out that apparently all the guys in the channel were silently oohing and aaaahing my accent. I have a British-Norwegian accent, and apparently my voice is nice to listen to. They'd keep asking a friend of mine to keep asking me questions so I would not log off Teamspeak. I dread to think what went on when their hands were not on the keyboards. Ofcourse, I did not find out about this until I moved over to the US to live with my now husband. (Whom I met through EQ1 and 2) Did I feel dirty? Somewhat. Also somewhat flattered.

When I then logged onto my WoW-guilds vent, I kind of expected the reactions I got, and they did not disappoint. A lot of oohing and aahing over my accent. It tickles me that people react the way they do, because to me, I feel I sound like a 10 year old with a bad cold. ;o)

Does this have it's downside? Yes. I have been harassed by people who obviously know whom I am, and log on alts and try to "talk dirty" to me. But, the majority of people have been really good fun to talk to and hang with on Vent.

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLil ole me

Everyone knows in my guild what to expect when they hear me talk, since i'm from liverpool (UK) they all take the mick out of my accent ;-) I've had a few surprises too, usually the transgender characters. you expect them to be female, and then they come out with this big deep foreign voice. Fun times!

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterReeves - Terokkar EU

i have vent but not a mike i often liek to log on vent and listen to my guild mates talk and i get a few laughs once in a while my guild jsut got new info to me they sound real grown up i never asked if they were really old as tehy sound but this got me thinking maybe i whould next often when i talk on trade or general chat i see "bove" or if i am playing on my main "littlewarrio how old are you they are suprised when i tell them i am 16 just becasue once in a while make a fel splling mistakes to them i sound like a 12 year old

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

Yeh its a bit wierd, one of my ingame friends that i quest/raid and talk to alot went onto VC and spoke like a 12 yeard old girl. Never really asked him his age before so i was really suprised that i was having fun with a 12 year old girl when im nearly 19 xD

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBveryon

I don't think we've ever really had surprises on out Vent. Though, I may be the one providing surprises. As being one of the few girls in our guild and being the only one from the West Coast (as our guild is primarily EST), usually my voice and accent surprises anyone who hears me for the first time cause judging from my character (NE F Hunter) they probably assumed I was a guy lol

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRikaku

Haha. As soon as he found out you're a girl he was suddenly interested in your age. That's hilarious. But i can't say how people on vent react when they hear my voice because i don't have a mic. I've got vent for guild raids. But that's the only time i use it. Sometimes i'll leave it on channels and just listen to the conversation every now and then. Sometimes that's more interesting than the in-game music.

Learned alot about playing a DK and a Rouge doing that. lol. I plan on getting a mic someday so i can acctually participate in vent conversations vocally rather than typing as fast as i can to say something i wanna add to chat, such as my idea for a way to tackle a boss when we've wiped constantly.

But yea, what kind of voice do you imagine a Blood Elf Hunter named Kalgorn would have?

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKalgorn

because of my lack of having a mic, im unable to talk in vent, but regardless, i've had alot of fun in vent sometimes.
A few months back i joined a PUG group for some old BC raids i'd never gotten to see, since i hit 70 the day WotLK came out, and joined their vent channel. There were alot of diverse people in the group. We had a bunch of guys on that sounded to be in their mid teens, which would make since because this was a late late weekend night, there was a kid that sounded really young. Maybe 12 or 13. Then we had some adults who didn't speak up much. But our raid leaders were constantly joking around with sarcasm and joking around.

Even though i gained no gear or anything useful from the raids apart from the achievements, it was the BEST time i've ever had on WoW. I laughed so much that my DPS was crap at times.
We first tried to clear the Eye but couldn't down a single boss. Still, good times in there...
After a few dropped we moved over to ZA (with no healers BTW) and spent half an hour trying to get the gong right. I'll never forget that night. lol

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKalgorn

im 14 here i don't get why people think that if your young you cant or dont know how to play, i always end up getting completements or people asking for advice since i can pull great deeps.

But i just still hate how people think that like teenagers or younger = can't play...

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJaceman

lol i dont you can guass someones gender by thier class though one class you done see is a female hunter i am a male and all my characters are male my cousn how ever is allso a male and he has a 2 female characters so the best way to guass a characters gender is by how they chat usualy a women whould not curse as much a men owcurse that has exceptions

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

I'm a girl IRL also, and I sound at least 5 years younger than I really am. I give a few surprises.

I love listening to my guildmates talk, I wasnt expecting a few english accents, or the extremely deep voice of the tauren shaman raid leader. Oor, the southern accents of a few of my friends.

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNebyula

i would like to quote from my response to my guilds questions over my voice on vent "no! i'm not British!"

Churchill lvl 80 human DK of the Bronzebeard realm

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterchurchill

I always feel like I do sound like a man over the phone/teamspeak, but my guildies don't seem to think so. I play with my sister a lot (she's the GM) and they all think we sound alike. I enjoy hearing other people talk, though I haven't been really surprised with anyones voice. but, we've got a few people in Canada that don't have mics yet :)

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDulica

LOL I don't see how altering your preconceived ideas to reflect the facts of reality is somehow a horrible thing. If you want to play in your own private fantasy land in your head, then by all means. But the very nature of the game is to play with or against other people. While it might be surprising to actually hear who is on the other end, it's not a bad thing.

I don't have a mic, but I love listening and have the computer render my text to speech. It makes me sound like Stephen Hawking, which makes me seem smart.

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCuppincakes

lol churchill i dont think it is your excent taht brought up if your birtish or not i think its your name

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

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