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Reflections on Voice Chat

soundlikeamanA few nights ago I was on WoW, not unlike a lot of other nights that I play. But unlike most other nights, I was in a particularly reflective mood.

It had been at least a week since my previous jaunt around with Pixiestixy, my alt draenei hunter on Executus, in the alliance Project Lore fan guild. So I logged on to get a quick level or two and to chatter with whoever was online. While running a couple of questlines on Bloodmyst Isle, I noticed someone spamming guild chat with information for logging onto a Ventrilo server. Personally, me and my main character guildies prefer Teamspeak. But a while back, I DLed vent for just such occasions. So I input the info, connected to the server and listened in for a couple minutes.

I realized right away that these were not the voices that I had imagined I might hear. One person clearly spoke with a Spanish accent. Another had a boyish, high-pitched voice. I heard a kid screaming in the background of one player's audio. And while I'm used to hearing east coast, and often southern drawl common in Virginia, I picked up from those few short moments of just listening that we were a diverse group. I'm not listing our differences to poke fun or to point out what separated us. I rather enjoy the idea of playing with people from all over the world. But I suppose my perception of their character names didn't match up to what I heard. I could compare it to meeting a giant, rustic Tauren druid who opens his mouth and sounds like an irritated 6-year-old girl.

I stopped thinking so much about it and finally introduced myself (and immediately heard exclamations that I was a RL girl.) Apparently, I broke their perceptions, too; They assumed that I would be a guy. A couple minutes later, one of them whispered me, asking how old I am. 26, I replied. Then I realized something. My voice makes me sound much younger than I really am. Or, so I've been told. Another misconception. I'm still unsure whether that's a good thing.

I don't usually think that any of this would matter; it's a game, and what someone sounds like doesn't change how the game is played. Unless maybe you're roleplaying through Vent.

But it does make me curious - how many of you have ever connected to voice chat and been surprised by what you heard on the other end? Or are you the one providing surprises, if your voice doesn't match up with your character?

Reader Comments (55)

every once in a while ill log onto vent and a wow buddy of mine will finally get a mic. ill hear his/her voice and go, "didnt see that comin o.o"

first btw =)

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKuzzie

Oh yeah, I remember that time the Ventrilo Info was spammed.

I'm usually the one providing surprises.

I'm from Madrid, Spain so as soon as I start talking, almost everyone asks ''Dude, where are you from? Mexico?''

So yeah, Ventrilo is pretty cool. Makes the gaming experience more enjoyable.

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCarlos

I Pugged Malygos at 1am the other night. I was a bit surprised to hear that my Raid was comprised of 4 women and a handful of Australians.

They were surprised that anyone playing a toon named Twinklëtoes was a man. =/

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRandom_Tangent

first time i was ever in vent, aparently my voice sounded like a 7yearold, mind you that was 2years ago. but now aparently i sound like a 40year old man with an extreemly deep voice O.o

Osku (shu'halo) 80 dwarf warrior

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterteddy

You should have said to the person asking:

Why do you want to know my age? If i were a guy you wouldnt care, why does my being female make a difference?

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCoxy

the first time i went on a guild raid back in the days of kara my guild asked me to go on vent. i did and immediatly after saying helling i got bombarded by my guildies asking me if i was a geardie (im frm england as you may have guess by the geardie remark)
i told i was frm near newcastle and since then i was kind of made a guild beating pole wen it came to accents and the areas they live in

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBabyeater

You know when you listen to a radio station for a long time and then come across a photo of the DJ, host, or announcer and they're nothing like you pictured?

Same for WoW. People's voices don't sound like you expect.

When you meet them at BlizzCon, they don't look like you expect either.

It's not a bad thing and I'm not saying people sound bad or look bad...just different.

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPatrickD

I occasionally get dragged onto Vent, but I avoid it if I can.

Transgender voices throw me off a little, but what REALLY gets me is the chit-chat that can go one during gameplay.

Two people having a conversation totally unrelated to anything going on, especially when it's a subject matter you have no interest in, can get annoying. Or people talking over each other, so you can't understand ANYone.

Keeping it in Chat just simplifies things for me...

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStormdragon

Hi Pixiestixy!

I was on when the vent info was spammed in guild chat. And yeah most of the people don't sound like I imagine them sounding. I don't know what I was expecting really but it happens. Southern twang in Virginia? You must be further south of me. I'm up in NOVA.

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZang

once i was in a Nax raid and this Female Gnome lock was asking me for the Focus Magic buff and typed like a girl and winked, but when i went on vent it was a black dude with a REALLY deep voice

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGerolden

I'd imagine that at least some adults might change what they're talking about if someone told them they were 11. This is not a save the childrens!!11 rant, but yeah... I tend to think everyone is my age and at the very least some jokes don't go over well if I'm reminiscing about hammer pants and double tongue Reeboks with people who weren't around then. And I'm all about the funny.

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCuppincakes

I remember, 1st time I raided, I was with the best tank I've ever seen. He had all the gear, knew all the strats, and generally was an expert player. When I heard him in vent, turned out to be some 10 year old. Go figure.

In an unrelated note, PL should have a fan vent server available to people who are too active on mains to spend much time on the fan-guild toon.

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRaethos

I remember pugging 10 man naxx a few weeks back, our tauren druid tank had a scrawny (not high pitched just, edged) and our pally tank has this deep voice and i always assumed the guy with the deep voice was the tauren, until they said their char name...

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShnoo

It was a rather strange experience for me when I first used Ventrilo. Sure, some of the voices were different than what I could've reasonably expected. But what really got me was the fact that I was actually hearing other people. It sure adds another aspect to WoW.

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

In my guild there's a dranei shammy that is amazing at dps and an excellent healer. The first time I heard him speak I was shocked... he sounded like he was 12. I know what you mean.

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEddie T

I remember years ago hopping on Socom for the first time to hear nothing but foul mouthed 12-14 year olds. Gave up the idea of voice chatting on video games for awhile.

Tried a few years later with a linkshell on FFXI to a much better experience. Now I prefer it, but have friends that tend to be too lazy to get mics.

Also, I agree with @Zang

Virginia? Southern? Where do you live? Granted, I too am in NOVA, but Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, etc would have been better choices. I lived in MS for 11 years, and am now in NOVA and so far have not heard anything close to what the real south accents are like.

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commentericedtrip

Ventrilo/TeamSpeak/skype or whatever you use makes instance grinding so much easier imo. You can joke around with your guildies and just chat about stuff. All in all much better game experience!

Abut strange voices I was in grp with a DK from my guild when he asked me to come on vent with him and some others, i joined and the Undead DK with full tier 7,5 gear armageddon and 3.2k DPS sounds like a girl(which was not funny until he finally convinced me he was a boy lol)!


May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPitchpine

Did you just say I have a high pitched voice? I am slightly offended :D

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBarugaara

When i first heard my Gm speak in vent, I though he was a chick, and needless to say I got the demote in guild rank joke played on me for making fun of him

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKimeghale

Back during my novice years of Kara, I would very rarely talk. I prefered talking via chat, so I could listen in, get used to everyone's attitudes/personalities, and such. So when I started to talk, everyone was flipping surprised at my voice. I typed as if I was an educated English man from Harvard, but my voice (and I'll proudly admit) was higher pitched and didn't carry the "drawl of the S's" they expected.

Same goes for me for another raider-friend. She typed ... half text and half serious (i.e. "I'll see you l8er! Don't forget to look up what I told u about!"), but would correct you if you pronounced a word wrong (i.e. You SAY "Lose-iana" instead of "Loo-isiana"). We still joke around by saying words wrong to see if she tries to correct us

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlternate

Just a few nights ago I was listening to someone I swore was 26ish, found out she was 13 or something like that...I was shocked.

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTaskun

@carlos, @barugaara I intentionally left names out of my post, so you guys called yourselves out on this one :). It wasn't an insult, just an observation :P

@zang, @icedtrip I'm in Lynchburg. It's not so much a twang as it is a drawl, I'd say. Like "about" is pronounced more like "aboot." But I do hear some southern accent here, too. It's a pretty rural area, not like NOVA :)

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterpixiestixy

Lol, I was on vent for the first few minutes of you talking I believe,
I logged because I was tired, but anyway, what I'm trying to say is that you dont sound too much like a child, but I wouldn't say you sound 26, as for the guild, lets just say we dont have many girls. @_@

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNoal

hey! im from Virginia. and yes we do have an odd accent. i dont use Vent or teamspeak. i just use the built in bliz system, granted its not as nice as the others,but in all honesty...i have no idea where to go to DL either one! lol. so i just make due with what i got

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVayder

haha yea recently i got into a new guild and just talked to people over typing and never really thought much of a voice for people then i got into a ventrillo server for a guild run and over half the people in the guild run have a very heavy boston accent at first i was alittle stunned by it because i live and texas so that boston accent is something i never really hear and it really makes you realize that yes this game is played by people everwhere in the world.

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTalcoya

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