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Wintergrasp Dailies Changing to Weeklies

lakewintergraspIn an effort to reduce lag by reducing the number of players who are in Wintergrasp at one time, the daily quests in the zone, such as No Mercy for the Merciless, Slay them all!, and Defend the Siege will only be converted into a new weekly quest format in an upcoming patch. Honor and Stone Keeper Shard rewards are said to be increased, though the gold reward doesn't seem to be affected. MMO-Champion is reporting that certain quests are giving 20 Stone Keeper Shards each, but the current reward is showing 10, so we will have to wait and see how things unfold.

There are a couple of known issues with the new weekly format, specifically the quest showing up as a yellow exclamation point instead of a blue one and the quests not showing up after the reset until the player moves out of line of sight of the NPC who gives it.

I am not sure how much this change is going to affect the numbe of players who go into Wintergrasp during each fight, as most of the people I know go in for Marks of Wintergrasp or so they can go into the Vault of Archavon afterwards, and not necessarily for the quests. , the quests are a nice bonus, and the new format may actually increase the amount of honor and shards that many players get who don't usually finish the dailies every day, like me. What do you guys think? Is it going to affect you at all, or will you still go into WG every time you get the chance?

Reader Comments (33)

thats a pity, i only like WG because of the huge number of people doing it. And its the only pvp thing alliance win on our server

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZumo

Changing the dailies to a weekly is NOT the answer. Either players need to do some upgrading, or Blizzard should change some stuff about the landscape, maybe how WG works (they've done it before, with very mixed results) to help reduce the strain.

Punishing dedicated PvP players is unfair. (I'm not even among that group and I can still see what Blizzard is doing is wrong.)

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

@ Zumo
u like the amount of ppl in WG 0.o? have you tried playing at primetime? takes 35secs to cast a shadowbolt!

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertheone

I agree with Zumo, its only fun because theres a ton of people which gives it a very epic scope. Not to mention, having quests there to do while pvping makes it that much more fun. This weekly thing is gonna kill it, i think.

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRaknor

That is the stupidest idea i have ever head. Weeklies???? I am a big pvper and that is how i farm the bulk of my honor is from wintergrasp dailies. I dont care if its laggy. I hate you billzard.

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTehowner

Blizzard... you just killed my last link to TM vs SS type pvp...

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShnoo

Well that sucks... now it will take even longer for me to obtain a mammoth..

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVag

Well i guess this can be a good thing. I always foorget to do them and i usaly go once or twice a week to WG.

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDeemert

@theone, yes lag can be bad every now and again, i'm just blessed with a good PC that can handle it most times.

i just hope it doesnt reduce the number of people hugely...

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZumo

Weekly for the win! I actually enjoy that, you get all the honor right away one day, which is badass, no need to come in every single day to do dailies..

I'll still be in wintergrasp everytime its up though, best honor every 3 hours... so I doubt it'll decrease the lag by "that much" maybe a little for people who don't farm wintergrasp.

I do think the weekly is better though, cus I personally hate having to do the dailies every day, and doing it once a week for all my honor in one shot is pretty damn good, get shit quicker.. than waiting all week.

I'll still be in there farming honor though every time its up.

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLordReinhart

This is not about framerate, it's about server overload. No amount of upgrading by players will alleviate it.

You'll still get the same amount of honor per week from the quests, plus you'll actually have a better chance at completing some of the more difficult quests like assaulting the towers.

It takes quite a bit of effort and luck to be able to do that one every day, 7 days a week. Now you can do it once and get the same amt of honor you would if you managed to do it 7 times.

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSam

It's dumb because the dailys are not why people are in WG to begin with, they are there to gain or maintain control of vault. To control or get control for the elemental farming. They are there for controlling or maintaining control for shards in instances. I go so I can smash alliance face, and normally I don't even pick the quests up. I don't know of a single person that goes, hey WG is up I have to go do my dailys.

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPauldy

"You’ll still get the same amount of honor per week from the quests..."

Actually, according to MMO-Champion, the rewards for the weeklies are not just 7x the rewards for the dailies. It's significantly less.


May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNance

The honor is the same though Nance.

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLordReinhart

This horrible decision and the affront to humanity that are the argent tournament quests is making start to wonder if Blizzard has any designers working on the game any more.

I think they've all left to go work on the "new" MMO, and left WoW to the interns.

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterdeSadist

Its not just the WG fight that makes it lag. WG and the rest of Northrend are on the same server. In normal BG's like AV and SotA, they are on different servers. Have you lagged worse in a BG than in any other part of the world? I certainly havent.

Also, if you have the idea that it totally levels the playing field, (ie 40 Alliance vs 40 Horde) it doesnt have to. Have separate raids from separate servers, but in the same BG.

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNomzz

killing people who are lagging is the best part!!!!
dont take that from me!!!

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterchillidog

It is the WG fight that makes it lag. I've been in WG fights at the weekend where we had 2 and a half raids full (100 players) and the Horde had similar. Towards the end of the battle the majority of those players are in the courtyard protecting their Siege Engines and the doors. It becomes unplayable. Instant cast spells don't go off instantly, and any spell that has a cast time cannot be cast because you have to move before it leaves your fingertips.

Whilst the combat it spread between walls, the workshops and the towers it is all fine. The concentration of players in one spot makes it lag (maybe because they're all casting spells rather than just moving from one spot to another).

May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPegraath

I am with most of the posters so far in that I feel this is a poor decision.

There are a number of other ways lag could be reduced, though I won't venture advice as I am in no way a programmer or designer - but suffice it to say I think this is a hurtful blow to the mechanics and gameplay of Wintergrasp.

It will be a shame to see this go through. Hopefully enough of an outcry can be mustered to make the change something more appropriate.


May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRilandune

@LordReinhart: Quests gives aorund 1200 (easy to do math :)) honor. Thats 1200 x 7 = 8400. But it will give 3723 Honor, so not same amount.

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBonedancer

his might exualy work i am not a very big pvper and to be honest i dont even like to pvp i havent done WG since the noble garden and holly crap was the lag bad i couldent even control a siege engine i am going to gate one sacond then i freeze and when i unfroze i was dead not taht this help with the lag if anything more alliance will be attracted but atleast i only have to go though that once a week if you wanto decrease the amount of players maybe you should put a limit on how many players can come in that would help the tanacity problem to how many times i have entered WG and i read "can i get an invite" and my responce allways is" get the hell out if here" i oftened tryed to explain your are making the tanacity and lag worse but they dont listen maybe if you put a limit on how many raids can enter WG they would after the battle is over as amany can enter as they want frankly i think the tanacity problem is way worse then the lag problem even if i could move and land a few bls a player with a high anough charged tanacity can easily kill me and that isnt just becuase i lack pvp skills

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

it doesnt bother me as i only tend to do WG once a week but full time pvpers will be greatly effected by this

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLeonitis


But there is 3 quests that give 3723 Honor so times that by 3 and you get: 11,169 Honor.

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHolydos

I'm with Zumo:
I like the high number of people in WG. And yes, I do play prime-time for my server, I've never had lagging problems in WG (aside from the occasional new-patch day which always makes our server wonky fora bit). Maybe it's not just the sheer number of players causing your lag? I dunno. All I know is that many people I raid up with in WG never complain of lag and we've had huge encounters for 7 straight minutes just in the courtyard before the door; so it's not an "everyone" issue.

It bothers me alot though, this change. I love WG and I do it all the time I can, and I like collecting the shards for my alts, it sucks now that I get 1/3 of what I can get in a week now, once a week.

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRikaku

Im not too crazy about PvP, so i can't honestly say i know what the goal of WG is. I've done it once just to see what the whole craze for it was and had.... an okay time. Nothing too painful. But it wasn't that great either. Nothing about it made me get excited and exclaime 'Im so coming back here !"

The upside to it for me was i didn't get ganked 1000000000000000 times in a row like i normally do when im dumb enough to step into a BG of try and quest in IC while flagged.

I've never acctually did those dailys. I"ve gotten plenty of Shards from the Heroics and Raids. Never knew what they were for so i accumulated a massive amount of them without even stepping into WG.

I've seen the quests whenever waiting for a VoA raid but i've never picked them up. Usually i just wait for WG to be taken by the horde then go with my guild to VoA.

So, this has no effect on me. Sorry for those of you that do WG frequently.
If i knew how to PvP correctly i might enjoy it a bit more than i do. But i just get so impatient with getting ganked again and again.

I do gotta say though, it was scary how many people were in that WG. I made the mistake of falling out of that temple thing when i was exploring around it. At first i thought i fell into a red sea or something. Then i realized that they were all alliance players. There were just so many of them that their names in red had blended together to make the ground look entirely red from the arial view i got on my way down from the fall.

Needless to say, i died instantly. Not from fall damage. But a whole volley of spells, arrows and bullets that flew at me.

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKalgorn

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