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A Guide To Failure... Epic Failure

It Looks High Due To Gnomish Relativity, It's Actually Only 3 Tauren Lengths It Looks High Due To Gnomish Relativity, It's Actually Only 3 Tauren Lengths

Failing in World of Warcraft is a common occurrence.  Perhaps you lagged and that mob got a lucky crit in before your heal/potion/Vanish/Feign Death went off.  A terrible right mouse button misclick may send you plummeting to your death.  Maybe your greedy self finally got burned by a Pickpocket resist.  Failing isn't only a normal occurrence, but one that can come in many shapes, sizes and varieties.  The most hilarious of which is failing epically.

My personal definition of failing epically has a pair of possible meanings.  The first is the inability to do something gimmicky, such as the numerous Super Mario Bros. type of deaths (Frogger (mobs after him), Safety Dance, Chilly Willy, etc).  The second is exponentially more painful.  Not only does it include yourself dieing, but you take someone with you, by accident.  The idea of an accident means sitting on a hunter who popped Feign Death to save on a repair bill does not count as an epic failure.  That is just endlessly hilarious and entertaining.

A few examples of epic failure include Thaddius wipes, allowing people to die in Maexxna's web, allowing the tank to beat you in the DPS meter (assuming you are full DPSing), and rolling anything but a female dwarf.  I am by no means perfect and have been a part of these shortcomings along with most of the WoW populace, but I personally added a new category to the topic of doing things incorrectly, Lemmings.
Treznor - In Memorandum

During a quick run of The Nexus everything was going quickly and smoothly until I decided to take a shortcut.  After dropping Anomalus like a bad habit we headed towards Ormorok's wing.  I decided to cut out the middle man and jump from the ledge rather than taking my time walking down the ramps.  "Look before you leap" is an intelligent colloquialism, wrong ledge.  As I plummeted to my death I hit my push-to-talk button to allow my guildies to hear me laughing at my own stupidity.  When Solidsamm went *SPLAT* another maniacal laugh cut across my own, followed by another *SPLAT*.  The mage mistook me for someone who knew what I was doing, and followed me to the bottom of The Nexus.  I had managed to create Gnome Lemmings!

No one is perfect, but we all love embarrassing stories so that is one of mine.  What other ways have you failed epically in WoW?  Remember, it's not the fall that kills you, it's the sudden stop at the end.

As for the PL dungeon crew, we want a blooper reel!

Reader Comments (44)

i managed to wipe on hogger. you know the one in forests end.

and there were three of us, i tanked him right into a bunch of mobs and when we ran for our lives we ran into another group. i decided to stop and fight and the rest followed me. bad decision.

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermetall

Died by gamon's hand on my lvl 10 warrior,

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKimeghale

Had a full 25 man raid togethar and we had just buffed and summoned everyone. Just the normal start to a raid right? We were going to start on Arachnid Quarter, no biggie right?
We pulled the first AoE pat mob, and began to burn them down. Nothing unusual so far.

Then we wiped. All 25 raiders in our group wiped on the first AoE mob.

I was dieing from laughing so hard. Im not sure why we wiped, apparently there was some mis-communication amongst the healers and who was healing who but, as a hunter, i just threw up volley and watched as our raiders fell one after another.

Don't worry, this wasn't a crappy group, we cleared 3 quarters before we had to call it. But that was just a hilarious start.

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKalgorn

my guild was doing naxx yesterday. so we got to maexxna and about 65% of the way through our mt dies and OT couldnt pick him up so 2 dps die. and the druid brezes our Mt as the Ot dies so we do a switch. as tank dies again, Maexxna is at 5% so we basically kite him. hes at 1% and we only hav a mage and a healer up. the mage wins and we downed maexxna, BUT the spiders kill the pally and mage. So we won and noone but wiped and noone could rez. we had to release and run back. i think that is a fail

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkurt

Wow. The return of the lemmings not only happened to you i am afraid. After dropping anomalus, my group headed out. i stopped to dring first, me being the only mana user in the group, and everyone else headed out. I watched them run and jump the edge and one by one i saw their party icons go grey. I went to see what had occured and laughed excessively. then i proceeded to try to see their bodies but hit the right mouse button causing me to join my comrades.

Then there was the announcement for a server restart in 15 min and we rushed to complete the instance. To make up for our lemming-esqe failure, we finished the instance with 1 min to spare.

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTyzz

i remember the first time i went to naxx and we were on thaddius, which is a tough fight if u dont have the dps for it.

So we downed stalagg and feugan and i went for the jump and missed, in fact i missed 5 times in a row.

So on the last time i jumped i got it and went to wrong side and wiped the raid, needless to say i felt stupid but we got back and killed thaddius no problem and i have never missed jump again.

I think i really had an epic fail there

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercoltsfan

Archavon wipes are failure... i mean.. i solo healed him with one mildy (mostly 10 man/heroics) geared tank and no dps higher than 2.5k. We somehow downed him, with 2 sec to go before he enraged... now when i wipe on him i just want to rip my eyes out of my sockets...
(btw my pally is also in mostly 10 man/roic gear)

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShnoo

i actually have a pretty good win story. at lvl 13 with a shaman i accidentaly fell off the shrine of eternal flame. before i hit the ground i was already screaming that i would 1 take durability loss and 2 do a stupid corpse run. however to my great suprise somehow i survived the fall and got the achievement Going Down? achievement at lvl 13!

(check it out if u dont believe me)

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSakkari

God, my guild wipes all the time because someone (usually the GM) accidentally aggros something, and we aren't ready. We usually laugh it off and keep going, but one time, when we were getting ready for 25 man flame leviathan (yes, the ulduar vehicle-combat boss) I tried to hit a hotkey to reset Recount. I hit '1' instead and sent not one, but somehow two rockets right into the boss. 45 seconds later, there was no raid. /sad

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRaethos

Ive jumped off a cliff with my horse out instead of my Drake, by accident. Horsey didnt like.

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRaknor

I have chopper which can lead to come fails, Like jumping from a cliff thats to high or forgetting that your passanger is to low for the zone and getting them aggro. Most times it not to bad though, as the people I drive around with get a fair warning that driving with a gnome at the wheel can be very dangerous at times.

Also, there the standerd wipe chances with a hunter or rogue (which is me) with a misplaced MD. I'v never done it, but I'm come close to tricks'ing to the healer a few times. Bad days if you do that.

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJason

I remember one time I failed epically....

I invited Koopa to my guild.

Since then for some reason we just have too damn much gnome.... I think they are breeding behind the guild bank personally.

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRhev (koopa's GM)

Oh, on a serious note tho...
They recently changed it so you take falling damage while on a chopper, you never used too. Im notorious for taking people off cliffs, then dismounting and popping my parachute cloak as they fall to their death.

Anyways, the other day Im giving someone a ride after PROMISING not to dismount and laugh as they fall to their death. However as we fly off the cliff, we both splat on the ground and die.

I don't know if that's epic fail on my part or bliz for the nerf.

*grumbles about how F***ed up engineering is now*

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRhev (koopa's GM)

I admit that I am worse than a lemming.

When I first started playing the game, 2 of my friends were running me and my 2 nephews (whom I had convinced to take up the game, as well) through Sunken Temple. We had just finished clearing the room on the main floor with all the dragon kin when one of my friends says in party chat "ok you're the tank you gotta jump in that hole in the floor first." I looked in said hole and saw that it was a long way to the bottom and typed back "what for?" "Trust me we all gotta jump but tank's gotta go first. WE'RE RIGHT BEHIND YOU." I jumped and went KER SPLAT! on the steps below while the rest of the group said they all nearly wet their pants they were laughing so hard (apparantly my friends had informed my nephews of the trechary and they said nothing!).

Ah well, live and learn, right? =P

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlawman30

Taunting the boss instead of the add :P

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAndré

This was a fun one this happened today we Where in H HoS we where at the Tribunal of Ages fight...all was going well until Searing Gaze started up and I guess a few people didnt know that it hurts you...so one by one we started to fall...I surpisngly was the last to survive but I died shortly after...and as we saw the Mobs rushing towards Bronzebeard we all figured it was over....but with 1 HP left we won so with a complete party wipe we managed to hold them off long enough to win

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKurotenshi

We were buffing up and getting ready to run TK, when all of the sudden, our guild leader goes charging into the first set of mobs, and keeps running! Everyone is panicking, half of us ran out, the other half wiped. We were yelling in vent, when all of the sudden we hear her pic up her mic and tell us her three year old grabbing the mouse when she went afk, lol.

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJuinia

i always fall in nexus -.- ..lol...

gnome lemmings ftw xD

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTrial

For me you cant beat putting misdirect on a mage on1 trash mob and watch them panic. I run with the same mage so we laugh about it unless his ice block is on cooldown XD

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMoo cow

Jumped off a ledge in nexus and died, hands up! Along with about 2 or 3 guildies!

And female dwarves ftw!!! :P

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjimbob

There's a lot of embarasing stories I have to tell, but the most notable one would be in 25man OS 3 drake. Before the whole story is described you should know i'm an 80 holy pally, assigned to MT healing. So our MT is tanking the boss and everything is going well, when I move something out of my bar. I'm pretty OCD about these things so I grab what I think is missing, which was DI (divine intervention). I'm clicking it back on my bar and bam, doubleclick. DI'd the main tank and the entire raid just goes down in 10 seconds.

Why were we made with "I lose" buttons? :x

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDavo

farting around mining in ungoro had me running like a moron and screaming as the huge giant elite dinosaur thing got me in one stomp. Damn thing appeared out of NOWHERE (and no warning noises like those damn fel reavers!) and I was so starteled and yelling and trying get my first shot off that I hit the wrong button, and action bars not being locked, moved the spell and got splatted.

I have done my share of falling.. mostly in Shatt trying to get the 'going down' achievement....and failing 100%!

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDulica

To start off I am a FEMALE DWARF HUNTER..my first Fail !!

I think of myself as being well geared and I have some exp. in the main raids of the game. I was with a guild group in 25man NAXX one night. (Semi top ranked) and I manage to embarrass myself.

You know of the pipe that you walk across in the Abomination Wing..well I fell off of it TWICE.

Name of Wing + My Exp. = Auto Laugh and Red Face.

Epic Fail !! (I made is past the slimes without dieing) =]]

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPyckles

Some epic fails I remember:

1. My husband and the mage lead on Magtheridon. Everyone's buffing and eating. My husband had the first channeler targeted waiting for the pull. He accidentally hit POM-Fireball. He died. The raid laughed and rezzed him. While he was getting his new buffs, the mage lead (who also had right clicked the channeler to target) moved a little too close and stabbed it with his dagger. Raid wipe: successful.

2. Lots of people should remember this: Archimonde Tear Failure. You get every excuse in the book on that one. "I misjudged the distance," "I lagged," "I forgot to get my tears."

3. Healer autoran into Kalecgos and pulled while we watched in horror.

Most recently:

4. Vent conversation: "Someone hit the sheep target...someone with moonfire..." (I'm the only raiding moonkin in the guild. lol)

5. Just about 4 minutes ago on vent: "If we've got a battle rez up, let's get the tank...oh crap, I just walked over a bomb while I was talking." (this from our guild master and long time raid leader).

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmbermist

Hah, I find this hilarious.

Me and a friend of mine who were doing a Heroic Nexus run did the exact same thing you did. He went first and I went with him, right away so I had no time to stop or anything. We both tried to get up though because we had landed in that little broken crack off the side of the platform.

So failure? Yes. But luckily not as much of one because we could remove our gear before having to fall to our death since there was no way back up.

Yay for no durability damage!

May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWonocva

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