Entries in quest (3)

Find the Most-Used Gear with 'WoW Popular'

gearI'm always on the look out for new tools to use to keep track of trends in WoW. And it looks like a favorite of mine, what used to be called TalentChic, recently updated to allow users to find the most popular gear, enchants and gems, depending on a number of filters. I wrote a post a while back about how to use the same site to find talent builds and appropriate glyphs for those filters, so I'll skip over that information this time around. Now, the site is renamed WoW Popular, and has several other useful tools. Here's a refresher on how it works:

"To find the most popular talent builds, the (WoW Popular) system scans both the US and EU WoW armory sites to find the talent points, glyphs, gear, enchants, and gems chosen by characters. It then sorts those according class, spec and playstyle and collates the results."
Now I'm sure this is a debatable point, but the site asserts that the results of this search show the most accessible gear for a class.
"Because there are a limited number of choices, the collective mind of all players usually migrates to the best, most accessible option for players. What’s ‘best’ (top tier raid gear, or top arena gear) is not attainable for most players so it is usually shown a little further down the list."
Time for a little fun. Let's test out the system by taking a look at the most popular gear items among players of ALL classes. Here's the top 5, as of my writing this post!
  1. Sundial of the Exiled
  2. Band of Channeled Magic
  3. Ward of the Violet Citadel
  4. Tabard of the Kirin Tor (I guess we have a lot of raiders looking for Kirin Tor rep rewards out there!)
  5. Shroud of Luminosity
Now, how about a look at the most popular main-hand weapon, again among all classes:
  1. Hammer of the Astral Plane
  2. The Turning Tide
  3. Wraith Strike
  4. Torch of Holy Fire
  5. The Impossible Dream
Let's narrow it down a bit - Now a look at the most popular main-hand weapon for a fury-specced warrior:
  1. The Jawbone
  2. Betrayer of Humanity (I'm envious of that DPS)
  3. Titansteel Destroyer
  4. Armageddon (You will destroy the world with this weapon)
  5. Ironsoul
As you can see, you can narrow down or broaden your search depending on what you're looking for. The search works for each armor slot, and you also can add in another search requirement based on one of five playstyles: crafted, mob, PvP, quest and raid. If it's not gear you're looking for, you can search for glyphs, gems or enchants, too. It's pretty handy and can simplify the dilemma in choosing gear - if you have faith in what other players are using. For the skeptics out there, try it out and let us know what you think. Are the results surprising? About what you expected? ...Laughable?

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Wintergrasp Dailies Changing to Weeklies

lakewintergraspIn an effort to reduce lag by reducing the number of players who are in Wintergrasp at one time, the daily quests in the zone, such as No Mercy for the Merciless, Slay them all!, and Defend the Siege will only be converted into a new weekly quest format in an upcoming patch. Honor and Stone Keeper Shard rewards are said to be increased, though the gold reward doesn't seem to be affected. MMO-Champion is reporting that certain quests are giving 20 Stone Keeper Shards each, but the current reward is showing 10, so we will have to wait and see how things unfold. There are a couple of known issues with the new weekly format, specifically the quest showing up as a yellow exclamation point instead of a blue one and the quests not showing up after the reset until the player moves out of line of sight of the NPC who gives it. I am not sure how much this change is going to affect the numbe of players who go into Wintergrasp during each fight, as most of the people I know go in for Marks of Wintergrasp or so they can go into the Vault of Archavon afterwards, and not necessarily for the quests. , the quests are a nice bonus, and the new format may actually increase the amount of honor and shards that many players get who don't usually finish the dailies every day, like me. What do you guys think? Is it going to affect you at all, or will you still go into WG every time you get the chance?

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Where's the Joy in an Alt?

So I've been leveling an alt. Now I will say that I have a lot of alts. Mostly from starting a character before I had a 70 and just losing interest before they were done. My first character was a Troll Hunter. I got her to 31 before the Burning Crusade... Well then of course we all had to roll Draenei, so I started a Paladin. After getting him to level 52 I realized I just didn't like Pally that much. I never wanted to Tank, I hate healing, and the melee DPS just wasn't kicking it. So I started what was to become my main, a Night Elf Rogue! Now that I have a full level 70 I've been wanting to level another. So I started a Druid... but I hate leveling again! So where is the fun? Is the fun seeing how fast I can level? Maybe trying to find quests I missed on my first go? I just don't know. So please if you have an opinion on how to level an alt without gouging your eyes out with boredom... comment here and let me know. - Dr Dark

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