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Patch 3.1.2 Breaks Wintergrasp Instead Of Fixing It

Band-Aid Fix For Lag Kills PvP Zone Band-Aid Fix For Lag Kills PvP Zone

For all intents and purposes, Patch v3.1.2 was designed as a clean-up to Secrets of Ulduar.  The minor content patch added a few features that were meant for Ulduar's patch, including the swanky Equipment Manager, further "fixes" for Wintergrasp and general tweaks to the massive amount of changes v3.1 brought us.  Unfortunately the Band-Aid (TM) patch tore the wound open.

It took Blizzard a little while to admit it, but v3.1.2 completely broke Wintergrasp on many servers.  If you don't happen to be on one of the affected servers then you missed out on some serious Honor.  The issue is that the Wintergrasp timer is royally screwed, which caused the battle to restart ~5-10 minutes after it had completed.  I managed to score a few Wintergrasp Achievements during my struggle to complete my daily fishing quest. I was also rewarded with a handful of marks and a token amount of Honor for my anglin' expedition.  It's unknown what caused the error, but Blizzard has disabled the PvP zone until it can be rectified.

Thankfully, the Wintergrasp bug seems to be the only lingering issue, but it wasn't the only one for Magtheridon (US).  As with most patch days, my ancient server struggled to re-open in a timely fashion.  It was then plagued by login and world server issues, a problem that delayed last night's raid for more than an hour.  During the wait I tried to busy myself with Terminator Salvation.  It just wasn't my night, the action title fails to install from the DVD.  Sigh.  In the end my night of gaming was worth the wait.  By the evening's culmination I had scored a shiny new dagger to replace my dull Maexxna's Fang redux.  Score.

How were your servers?  Any login problems?  Did you get a chance to soak up Wintergrasp wins, honor and tokens?  Exactly how bad is Terminator Salvation?

Reader Comments (20)

Too bad, my server was fine.... I would LOVE to get some extra honor and tokens

May 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAgán

Oh and FIRST!

May 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAgán

ya WG was broke on my server (trollbane). i enjoyed the extra tokens and honor but i wonder if Blizzard will take the tokens and honor earned away?

May 20, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercoltsfan

WG was bugged on Malfurion (US), but in that the timer was stuck at 2:59:55 (the Alliance had control, sadly). There reportedly was also an issue in which many players were getting stuck at the "authenticating" process upon trying to log in after getting disconnected.

May 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

it happend to my sever too it would have been nice if it let us cap the fort but the free marks were useful

May 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBilz

Silverhand did horribly and none of the instances were avaliabe (except Uludar) until like 6:30 server time.

May 20, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkayaanai

As for Terminator, I beat it in about 5 hours. really lame for a game that costs that much.

May 20, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterscorge99

Hydraxis(US) had problems with WG and logging in.

May 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDave

lol, wow.

That soudns AWESOME!!

May 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBucketface

No problems with WG so far, although something strange did happen a few weeks back, the alliance had won and defended the keep, but then the clock went up another 10 seconds and horde scored the win, so each side got 3 marks of WG. Free Marks i guess though, and not yet been into WG since the new patch, but there has been no complaints on my server..as of yet.

May 20, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteronthebuses

None that I know of on my server, the only thing I did today in WG was going into a VoA 10 pug and bagging the Valorous T8 gloves for my warlock :P

May 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSlyfanitor

WG was being bugged and then as I was sitting in Dalaran fishing up coins when BAM DISCONNECTED pops up on my screen. Turns out Northrend became victim to GENOCIDE! xD

After that people also had trouble because the login server was down.


So many people on so many servers got effected that it would take months to sort through everyone and take away the honor and marks they made. By that time people could spend the honor/marks on something and then replace/vendor them and then they'd also have to trace the gold that they got and take that away.

Oh.. btw.. I never cared really for WG... I only cared when it went so as to know when NOT to be doing dailies or be in Icecrown for the incredible delay lag there >_>

May 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaeltis

Wow, Its so rare that Magtheridon is known for anything bigger then its lag issues. I play Magtheridon, and I can vouch entirely for what your saying bro. My guildies were telling us all to go to wintergrasp for free marks, but I wasnt interested, we were getting ready for 10 man Obsidion Sanctum. And as soon as we got the group together, EVERY member of the guild, besides myself, gets shut out. It was crazy. Thankfully it didnt happen in the raid itself, though I myself was not fortionate enough to get any loot :(

May 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCeleria

The Northrend server went down on my server. Which actually happened to be pretty fortunate for me, since I was doing Sons of Hodir daily quests at the time and the Lake Revenants were pretty heavily camped. When I logged back in, the lake was at full spawn, and I just pulled as many as I could and got the drops I needed in no time.

May 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBlight


May 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSakkari

I am not pleased with Blizzards "Battle-Net Account Binding" that has honestly caused nothing but problems. Every week The B-Net users are the last to get their accounts working again, even if the servers they play on are up.

And here I thought Binding my account would make it better. LOL lies. :(

May 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDan

i got on about 6 pm when the dowload and everything was finished i was autheticating for 2 hours but finaly got didnt have much time to do anything though :(

May 21, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

Im not a big pvp-er, the only time im in WG is for VoA. The patch caused me to keep getting dc'ed. I got bumped of the server 3 times. But i heard nothing about any WG glitches on Azjol Nerub server in EU.

May 21, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteraadjed

I have a QQ about WG right now. So the horde on my server (Blackwater Raiders US) is defending WG and thinking we're winning. All of a sudden, BAM, "The Alliance have taken control of Wintergrasp Fortress". I'm going "wtf?"

Turns out the only reason that the Alliance won was due to a lucky paladin who BUBBLE-CAPPED.

WTF Blizz? So you "fix" it only to leave out a glaring error in there. Paladins should not be allowed to use/capture the WG fortress while under the effects of Divine Shield/Hand of Protection.

/end QQ rant

May 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterXian

the horde(me) have the Server and its stuck at 29:05. its great

May 22, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdennis

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