Knowing Your Place
Posted by
iTZKooPA on
Monday, May 25, 2009 -
32 Comments Tags:
fond memories,
gear check,
know your roll and shut your mouth,
knowing your place,
pvp stories,
sucking at pvp

I've never been a big PvPer in World of Warcraft. Sure, I've had my fair share of battleground victories - especially when they were first introduced - but I never took it seriously. I never specced for it, I never bothered to know the best counters to this or that, I just didn't care. It isn't that I think it's stupid, PvP just is not what draws me to WoW, and yet I rolled on a PvP server. I made that call over four years ago without knowing if I would like the ability to camp players or not. I don't regret the choice, I made the executive decision to keep my options open, just in case. It may not be my favorite thing to do in Azeroth, but it has brought me hours of fun and hilarious stories.
Case in point; Attacking a druid doing Threat From Above with my lance equipped. Yeap, I totally had the advantage there. The only reason I went after the Horde player who was attacking Chillmaw was because the humanoid cow stole my tap. I wanted revenge for the slight against all of my people who are all too often overlooked. Needless to say, I got nothing be a ghost screen thanks to my trusty Argent Lance. Newbed it up there didn't I?
We rogues are known for finishing off low health players before disappearing into the shadows or even more extreme, PvPing everything that moves, but that isn't me anymore. Once upon a time I attacked the Horde with reckless abandon. I'd roll in with half my health and start tearing into a mage, I'd sap one character only to take on two more, I was cocky. Those were the days when I had the best gear available, the best daggers, the latest Tier of armor and the most disgusting trinkets a rogue could strive for. This could have easily been a Fond Memories post, but it's not about the fun I used to have, but the difficulties I come across now.
By no means is my toon in the position he used to be. Solidsamm is still equipped with a few blues and even a green trinket (!) because he can't buy a good roll in heroics. Seriously, I have tried to buy one. With such awful gear the little Gnome is no longer the terror he once was. Rather than being a cocky, fearless, burstDPSing machine, Solidsamm has "matured" into a "tactical master" who selects his battles carefully (read scaredy cat). In essence, the vertically challenged rogue has been relegated to believing that he is seriously outgeared in most scenarios.
Sure, there's a good chance that Solidsamm may go down because he's undergeared these days, but I still PvP when the opportunity arises. Especially with the boredom that is now stemming from my insert-stupid-number-here consecutive days doing the Argent Tournament quests. How do you roll inPvP? Do you dive right in hoping for a heal here and there or do you selectively chose your battles? Do you bother trying to figure out what gear the opposition has - a visual check - or do you expect to outskill them regardless?
Reader Comments (32)
I can sum up my PvP philosophy in one sentence: "You work with what you have."
This is more true to people who play on PvP servers then PvE but when you PvP, that's how you have to roll.
If you're a healer, you work with what you have. If you're a tank, you work with what you have. If you're DPS, you're probably the one who is using what you have.
I usually just jump in, even if i die, there's some1 behind me to finish the job :D this is in BG ofc cos I'm playing in a PVE server :D
I just move from PVP to PVE after 4 years of getting ganked trying to finish a quest. I accepted the face that I might get ganked one then go our separate ways. But being camped has got to be the lowest point in my wow history.
I did Arena during TBC which has helped when know what to do against each class.
I've pretty much put my PvP days behind me because the gear isn't what it used to be back in BC, where you could do PvE stuff just as good (or at least almost) while wearing PvP gear. I started playing WoW a few months before BC launched, but I was such a casual player that it wasn't until after patch 2.4 that I hit the level cap. Since pretty much no one was doing BC heroics at this point, I had to get all of my gear upgrades doing PvP. (If the jerkwad who mocked me for wearing green PvE legs is reading this: you're FTL.)
It took quite a looooooong while, but I managed to get the entire s2 set in the end. However, the experience burned me out royally. I try to avoid getting entangled in PvP combat as much as possible these days.
I'll start off by saying I love PvP...but:
I know I'll no doubt get some flak for this but I hate PvP Servers. I personally do not see the fun what so ever in being ganked or ganking.
For me I love 20v20 - 40v40 battlegrounds, preferable with an objectives. My favorite PvP WoW days were the old AV. My best WoW momment is (and will most likely always will be) a 7 hours AV. 6 and a half of which was in the middle with pure Horder Versus alliance with what seemed to be an unending fight. I loved every second.
For me the idea of PvPing without there being some form of 'balance' is pointless. I get annoyed if I'm outright ganked by someone 20 levels higher or killed by a group of 5 going by and vice versa I dislike having a clear advantage..I just dont see the point.
So unless its RP-PvP (because I will say I'm not a Warcraft Lore nut, when 40K online comes out I will be on a RP-PvP Server because the idea of say a Space Marine and an Ork just walking past each other is beyond silly). So I can get the RP-PvP side of WoW but the 'normal' PvP servers I avoid and those I have been on (Was on one for some time as a few mates had characters there) while I made some friends I found the realm to be generally less-mature and even more filled with 'IPWNYOU' chars.
So to round up lol (sorry went on a bit there). Love PvP but I love a fair fight, especially with strong objectives like AB & AV. But have no personal joy in open world pvp unless I was immersed in the lore which for WoW I'm not.
I myself play horde on a PvP server(eredar), and love every minute of it. I'm not huge into BGs or WG or stuff like that , but I think playing on a PvP makes i more realistic for me.WoW is basically a war between the Alis and Horde so if we see eachother i think attacking each other is normal. However Killing the same person 20 + times is a little bit nuts. So basically i like a little bit of killing eachoher but try to keep it to a reasonable amount :-)
I have been playing on a PvP server for as long as I can remember, I love PvP in every aspect of it.
But I have found myself becoming a bit more mature during the 2 years I've been playing, In BG at the beginning I would rush into it, no matter how little life I had or how many opponents there were, and I couldn't stop laugh when I killed a poor lowbie struggling to kill a named mob:S
But now, I may find it fun to Kill people between 3lvls above or belove my lvl during a stroll through a zone to another, but if I see someone much lower lvled than me, I usually just /hello and ride past, and in BG's I will take my time and think through it a bit before I charge at an enemy and I find it extremely fun to gather some guys and tactically kill people and get to the objective togheter wether it is the Flag or Capture point
My favorite moment of pvp history.. was the old 2467576054 Alliance vs 27 Horde at TM... (i mebbe hit too many numbers on alliance.. by about 2 digits) I remember hitting the lowest "Officer" rank on horde and feeling like i was on top of the world.. then they did away with it all.. I was a major world pvp junkie (b4 BGs) but then settled into a PvE role tanking When BC hit i lvld up a tank (btw to all those noobs who tried to gank me.. YOU GOT PWNT BY A PROT WARRIOR NEWB(this is waaaaaayyyy b4 we got the dmg upgrade) At 70 i was no longer a major aspect of my small guild's raiding because of the 10 man raids being filled up by others (I still love the GM Ochwa and Swishtail, and of course Shao da gimp) So i went back to hardcore BG (i hate arena's and find them quite lame (becuz i got behind on them in BC and never got into em gear wise) and got myself 3 more pvp mounts. Now that WOTLK has hit a find myself at a standstill - Not being in a raiding guild means i've had to PuG to get my pally and rogue raid geared and if i ever pvp its the occasional Wintergrasp.. however ganking the occasional ally doing who knows what every now and then makes me happy (BTW i pwnt some noob 77 dk who tried to gank my shammy today, :P)
I totally agree with Cadia, i love PVP also, but would hate to go onto a PVP server, PVE is better I think, as you can PVP and do that when and only when you want to. The only chance you will get ganked is if your side has WG and you fly over to the starting point for your side ( In my case alliance ) and a horde ganks you on the way to the keep.
Needless to say PVP is fun, I normally go the way off, whichever i need more bg marks for enter those battles, and ofc go for the bgs that have their holiday weekends. I have almost a complete deadly Gladiator set, just the chest to go and I am all set. I love PVP. Theres always a rush, and at the moment i am just under 2000 kills from getting the 25000 hk achievement
In my opinion, I don't see much point of PvP.
I mean, yeah the Horde vs. Ally blah blah..
But following the storyline, The Wrath Gate I mean, Horde and Ally worked together to overcome ( Well try.. and fail ) The Lich King..
And all you PvP lovers, don't get me wrong, its good for occasionally having a break from PvE.. but surely finding a group and using some well put out tactics to down the PROPER enemies is much more of a "Thrill Seeker"!
Yeah, we can have the odd BG there, but you don't see a Silverwing Sentinel holding the Warsong Flag on the cover of WotLK? This is my opinion, but I believe there's just that extra excitement from downing a world boss, then killing a player, who's lagging to death :S
Sorry if i've gone off on one :D
I enjoy pvp a lot because it allows me 2 see how i stack up against other players skill wise, however i do not play on a pvp server and frankly have no idea y any1 would want 2. I mean i guess the idea of a global struggle of horde versus Alliance( horde will always win) is appealing to sum ppl but with me i like to have a choice. If i want to go do dailieswithout getting ganked bye 10 allies on thier way to do a heroic then i think i should and if i feel like bashing sum heads in with my axes in a BG or WG or Arena, well then i think i should have that choice, and if i do feel like killing an allie in Icecrown then i can flag myself and wait for sum1 to attack me. Personally its all about choices and I log on to WoW to have a choice of what i feel like doing. Pvp servers limit those choices severely to where u can go and what u can do without getting jumped by a dozen allies.
I also roll as a rogue, in this case im a mutilate rogue. Although I chose a non pvp server( which I dont really mind)I still roll all over the Alliance in battlegrounds:)
My realm is Executus, and I'm pretty happy with the choice I made. There are only a few zones where you get ganked (STV, Hellfire Peninsula, etc.). But I accept it because probably, when I ding 80, I will do it too!
I play both servers, but have come to like PvP through BGs and WG. It's part of the game that I avoided because I was working so hard to level (with professions) that I avoided BGs until I hit 80. Now, I see it as part of the end-game experience on my PvE toons, and as part of the daily-do of my PvP toons.
What I don't understand is how some players think that all level 80s are the same. After losing Wintergrasp, I had a warrior try to gank me while fishing, so I burned him down, since it was one on one. But then he kept coming back another 11 times, finally bringing a rogue on the last time, so I burned the rogue too. I LOVED that.
BTW, Retpally. Always was always will.
I find 2 things endlessly thrilling:
Healing in extremely tense situations where the outlook looks grim, only to live with just me in spirit form and the tank left;
and being locked in an endless struggle of strategy and power with someone of the opposite faction.
I LOVE the adrenaline rush that is PvP. I have a very large hatred towards all things alliance, even though once upon a time, I was an alliance player. And sure, while I'm PvEing and questing and what not, I may help out an alliance character that I've taken pity on, but when the arena/bg match starts, the gloves come off.
Its fun to be home after a long day and take out some frusterations on some poor alliance. I can hate them as much as I want; its part of the game =P And the hate is all superficial anyways, because some of those alliance players are my friends! On occassion, I also play a night elf for nostagia.
However, on PvP vs PvE realms: I much prefer faction combat that is well controlled. BGs. Arenas. World PvP with an objective (halaa, WG). I'm very careful to not run around flagged in high level contested territory because I dont feel like getting jumped.
However, if I see a flagged alliance at full health, I might attack them. 1v1. I wont if they have less health, or are fighting a mob and never turned their PvP off, because I myself hate that, and I wont be what I hate.
Long story short: PvP is a huge aspect of the game, and I prefer it to be only when I consent to it.
Now the rush I get when I save asses in a 25 man raid? That's a whole other story.
Yay! I'm glad there's another rogue out there like me.
Sample guild chat dialogue.
Eddie: <--Doesn't pvp
Guildie: What!? But you're a ROGUE!!!
I think part of it is because in Balnazzar we alliance are vastly outnumbered (the best I've heard is 2 to 1, and I've heard crazier numbers than that), so picking a fight usually went bad. This has carried over into Wintergrasp where I've never ever not had high tenacity in that battle. We get smoked every time.
Ohhh noooes i have to run back to my body!
Yes on bad days you have to run back 5 times. I think if you dont roll pvp server you are missing out on an important part of the game. I didnt think this way until i moved from pve server to pvp.
I play both pve and pvp servers and find leveling my 5th toon to 80 that you get bored doing quests for the fifth time and like to be ganked for a bit. (breaking the monotany) I also like looking over my shoulder all the time. It adds sooo much more fun to the game there is a real sense of suspense. Granted that is not for everyone.
If someone outplays me fair enough. I dont go crying to Blizz saying "needs more balancing" i think, what could I have done better?
For this reason the skill level in general of players on pvp servers in general is higher (even if they are all kids), as they know about all aspects of the game.
I liked the pvp from prebc
At the begining of wow you got to earn your honor points by world pvp, later the battlegrounds came.
(skill was more important than gear which i mis in wow these days)
Just stop these freegiving epicgear and make epicgear back epic.
this thread and post seems very much full of what we non-noobs like to call carebears.
roll pve servers if you're a carebear
oh and if you are a carebear, and are on a pve server, you're a noob
i'm not a big fan of PvP combat, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy the sight of people running from me sometimes....i just hate when the opposite happens
I have always been playing on a pvp server, at the time leveling up with the first wave, so getting ganked was not an issue yet ... everyone who might attack you was at least in a reasonable level-range so you at least stood a chance. I must say i thoroughly enjoyed the "fear" ... always questing on a freezing trap ... never ride on the streets, scout ahead before you go to an instance - great times.
Now that I'm leveling again (pvp again) I must say it's very different, because often you walk through a peaceful plane and all of a sudden you are 30 meters away, and dead in the next half second, because some deathknight wants to have some fun with your corpse ... truly annoying.
ergo: pvp would be a lot more fun, if people stopped attacking you when you are grey to them.
This reminds me of something that happened a few weeks back. I was still interested in my Argent dailies and was out to get the fire thing to free the ice lady. When I get to the fire dude, there's a Horde druid already working on him. And let me tell you, it looked like work. The druid was barely doing any damage, and taking more than he was dishing out. And he was 80. I felt bad for him, so I decided to finish off the fire dude for him. Plus, I was getting a little impatient at this point.
First, I accidentally hit the druid before I hit the fire dude. Oops. My bad. But then I cleaned him up with just a couple hits, like a proper death knight. After he died, I didn't want my blight ticking all over the druid so I ran away a bit. Then I pulled my ghoul off of him, oops again. At this point I was pretty sure he'd want to attack me back. But to my surprise, he thanked me for helping him, as much as cross communication will allow, and flew off.
We both went peacefully on our way. I wonder now whether he would have tried to fight, had his gear been better. Oh well, HK +1 for me :)
My personal experience of PvP realms is not a happy one.
1. Being killed and camped by a lvl 58 rogue while questing in a level 18-25 area.
2. Being killed and camped by a level 70 mage in a level 18-25 area.
3. being pursued for 5 minutes across EPL so a mage a lock combo could kill me the once and ride off.
4. Questing for the 1st time in Hellfire and have 4 separate players killing and camping me (and others) so we could even quest (logged out in the end and never went back to that PvP realm)
Finally and while ultimately annoying and extraordinarly petty was the level 62 rouge who stationed himself in the Old Durnhold keep to kill low level questing Horde.
What was so clever about that I hear you ask. He did it with a botting program!!. If you went to close the Rogue would kill you then reset to the position he started in. We tested this out several times then reported him.
NOTE: if you click on the link with my name, its my spell power gear, not my main set...and i dumped the lock for the DK(Unholybane, my DK, isnt on armory yet ;-;)
well, i have a 26 belf pally on Jaedenar US. it sucks training in hillsbrad..(endless ganking) cause im used to a PvE server. but it IS fun going to Elwynn Forest and ganking lv 5's in goldshire, but it sucks to be ganked. i really like PvP for the BG's and WG, etc. but i like PvE servers more so you can safely train. ive been told i outskill many on my lv 26 paladin in Warsong...
"Blackfalcon whispers:You don't need gear, because you got skill"
but still i like PvE servers more
Personally, I love to PVP. I don't play on a pvp server as I don't enjoy beign camped for hours and people interupting my race to the level cap. As soon as my level is maxed out, I only do BGs. PVE to me is boring, you go into the same old dungeon or instance and its the same every single time (predictability) because the game plays the same. PVP however, is choas. Sure you have the same objectives but it doensn't always mean that everyone in there will behave as predicted. I just wish they'd bring back titles.