i hope that the team will show some more heroics but why arn't they on now. its been month now :( and why is it that there episodes are split in half how they olay an episode one day and the next nothing?
OMGOMGOMG we miss you guys... we love you guys.... how could u make us wait 2 days for a 5 minute video? and now 1 more day for another 5 minutes... and then another for 5 minutes...
and ya i checked out the armory, wanted to get a sneak peak at what was coming up on project lore :P, and the guys have, count um, 0 new achievements, no ulduar, no nothing, Jeffs most recent one is The hundred club, he got it like a month ago o.O, so they re roll horde? we gonna have more lame reps we all did 6 months ago? or is PL dead??!!? really hope not.
BTW its 300 fishing u need to use the fishing pole, nice work PL and wanna see more Dorkins does dailies, do the four main tabard reps and their dailies
Reader Comments (23)
well another 5 minute-er... but hey i have to admit i missed soloing :)
Good to see you again Dorkins.
Lol still showing off the bronze drake.
I well earned week off,.
But not for the ever fighting Dorkins,. :D
Bit of an anti-climax to Naxx, but I just chilled, watching his pretty drake's funny feet when it was strolling along.
why is jimmy always being put down? he should maul your face off!!!!
I want Zand/Dorkins babies, but this is still v boring :(
I know its just a supplement and temporary but hey, at least do two old bean!
What's happened with the team? Dorkins, Bowbins and Winterstrike haven't been online for a month now...
maybe they got hired by blizzard?
i hope that the team will show some more heroics but why arn't they on now. its been month now :( and why is it that there episodes are split in half how they olay an episode one day and the next nothing?
I absolutely love Zand's humor during these haha.. "They really need these supplies, so we better help them"
i love how dorkins and zand have kinda the same hairstyle....:P where are you guys?
OMGOMGOMG we miss you guys... we love you guys.... how could u make us wait 2 days for a 5 minute video? and now 1 more day for another 5 minutes... and then another for 5 minutes...
come on guys kaluak rep ........
and ya i checked out the armory, wanted to get a sneak peak at what was coming up on project lore :P, and the guys have, count um, 0 new achievements, no ulduar, no nothing, Jeffs most recent one is The hundred club, he got it like a month ago o.O, so they re roll horde? we gonna have more lame reps we all did 6 months ago? or is PL dead??!!? really hope not.
BTW its 300 fishing u need to use the fishing pole, nice work PL and wanna see more Dorkins does dailies, do the four main tabard reps and their dailies
I am glad Zand likes these guys (Tuskgar) as much as I do. Really feels like you help these guys when you do the quests and/or daileys, doesn't it?
To Zand/Dorkins and all you out there, my favorite quote:
"May your nets always be full"
Bit late on the Kalu'ak, but still looking forward to his comments on the Argent Tournament and the Frenzyheart - Oracles dailies.
A tip: if you have a crowded server or you just can't find the crates in the base itself, go to [73, 53] and you'll find 4 crates nobody ever takes.
Map: http://www.wowhead.com/?maps=3537:730530)
yay soloing is back
I hope Zand does the kiting trick with the last Kalu'ak daily, "The Way to His Heart". Nothing like a club on the head as the start of a good romance.
ROFL "they are basically getting attacked by viking people which sucks for them cause they are walrus people"
Hehe, everybody has that bronze drake! Chill ep though.
i was like chang then i was like wang
It's an old video. Taped kina long ago.
if you look the naxx vids he got a better gun (from KT) and t7.5 instead of 7.0
You can use the Fishing Pole at 300 fishing.