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Modern Raiding: Wasted Potential?

I admit that little of Blizzard's new raiding philosophy has sat well with me, so when details started trickling in about the next major content patch, you can imagine that I had a few beefs. Most notably, this little nugget:
Crusaders' Coliseum: In order to prepare for a siege on Icecrown Citadel, players will be called by the Argent Crusade to test their mettle in the Coliseum. 5-player, 10-player, and 25-player challenges await inside.

With the wealth of raiding content added in Burning Crusade, am I the only one that feels like Blizz has been sort of phoning it in? Sure, Ulduar's a fantastic instance, but Naxxramas really did feel like recycled content. Remarkably few people experienced its first iteration, and it was nice to smash Kel'Thuzad's face in, but the feel and design screamed "hand-me-down."

Likewise, before Wrath hit the market, we knew Ulduar was on the horizon and were told that the doors to Icecrown Citadel would creak open with the release of 3.3, but Blizzard also hinted at a mystery raid that would appear sometime in-between. Now they're telling us it's the Argent Coliseum, a raid instance that Blue Zarhym describes as "Ring of Blood or Amphitheater of Anguish, but more epic" is the only bone being thrown?

You call that a raid dungeon?! You call that a raid dungeon?!

A raider's appetite is voracious (just ask Ensidia), and the meatier the content, the happier we're going to be!

I hate to take a Blue's words at face value -- after all, they're just trying to help and don't necessarily represent the company as a whole -- but "another Ring of Blood" doesn't exactly inspire. You've already got three of those in various areas of Northrend! Coliseum-style quest lines are all fine and dandy for a few extra boxcars on the leveling train (as I sometimes describe my experience bar), but as a raid instance? I'm not so sure.

Those raid designers are going to have to work some juju to convince me.

Really, though, it just feels symptomatic of a greater malady. Hard modes? Who wouldn't want to see whole new encounters as opposed to a few over-charged bosses? It smacks of the same sort of lazy design most developers use to "enhance replayability" in their games by juicing the enemies and nerfing the player.

A true Hard Mode works great with well-coded AI that becomes more and more devious as the difficulty scales higher, but the structure of WoW's PvE gameplay doesn't lend itself to those sorts of augmentations. Bosses are clockwork machines that work either on strict timers or random number generators. It's easy to strategize for them, and from there it's mere player execution.

The path is not that hard to follow: a raid group encounters a boss for a first time, wipes and wipes to the point of frustration, finally kills that boss, then has it on farm. The "freshness" of any given in encounter doesn't last very long, and Hard modes, at least in my eyes, do very little to lengthen it.

Despite my problems, I feel like i'm peeing on the wrong hydrant here. Blizzard's put a crazy amount of effort into this expansion and it shows in the cohesiveness of Northrend. I think it's great that the community can have differing opinions and honest debate about this topic with those that actually have to create the game. It shows a great amount of love and investment on all sides.

Perhaps that's why their new raiding philosophy feels do damning to long-time players like myself. The focus has been on expanding the casual content, providing a wealth of quests to work through on the path to 80, dailies galore once you get there, and the opportunity to traverse content you never would have had a chance to in Burning Crusade. But in doing so, it seems to rob successive content (and the lore associated with it) of its impact.  Once terrible fiends in the WarCraft universe have had their rears thoroughly kicked in 5-mans, and as I've discussed here, the raid bosses haven't had it much better. This philosophy would've worked fine if it had been implemented from the ground up, but two expansions in, broadening the base of the content makes for an increasingly flat experience.

Perhaps I'm belly-aching too much, though. I do find it weird to make a post like this on a night spent entirely having my face cratered by Mimiron, but it's also strange to know that by this time next week, yet another Titan will no doubt have been toppled.

So you, dear readers, does WoW's new raid direction feel like a sweet deal to you, or does it leave a faint, sour taste in your mouth? Will 3.2 serve as a sufficient stop-gap between Ulduar and Icecrown, or is it just another bump in the road for the hardcore set?

Reader Comments (28)


May 26, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterangesh

I like that the coliseum will be for 5/10/25. I think thats great. Being in a small guild with just RL friends who arent always on, I saw very little raid content in TBC, but since wrath, Ive been in all the raids with all 3 of my characters at max level. I like being able to pug 25mans and succeed. Im all for this new coliseum instance, bring it on.

May 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRaknor


May 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBucketface

Interesting site, but much advertisments on him. Shall read as subscription, rss.

May 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRichardOn

First things first, if you are haveing to easy of a time with the content. i would suggest not raiding every week. do some other things world of warcraft has to offer. Have your guild do battle grounds or get a arena team up and running. i started in burning crusades, i am glad i will be able to see most of the end game content, see before you had to be a part of a group of gamers that take this game way to seriously. Why? i ask, when i started playing this game i did not respect people with great gear, and i still dont. i know that if i gave up alot of things in my everyday life i could have great gear, because it is works for them and they are willing to do so. call me crazy but i dont think they deserve any kind of respect for it, mabe a pat on the back or a that-a-boy; that is all from me. i think alot of this old content gamer frustration is that raiders can be anyone now, and they do not like that idea. the monsters you talk about in world of warcraft lore that were so strong, and how you can take them down in a 5-man. we are level 80's i mean i dont know what the conversion to real life would be for a level 80. i am beting somewhere along the lines or Rambo meets Terminator.
imo, i belive that everyone that is saying the encounters are too easy, needs to take a break from wow for awhile. go outside have some fun with real life friends (hopeing you have them). No one can design a video game to keep people challenged that play 6-10 hours a day. Blizz is doing a good job i think, allowing people to see things that they have waited 80 levels to see, as i was leveling to 70 my friends always told me about kara. They said it was so much fun they couldnt wait for me to see it. when i hit 70 there was not enough time to get me geared to see it before wrath, and even then it was hard to get geared in heroics. that turned me off from this game for awhile, i leveled and leveled each day to get to this glorious content only to not even be able to see it because the requirements were out of my reach in the time i had. basicly what i am saying is give them a chance there are many raids still to come, and after all is said and done if you dont like it still. dont play.

May 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlphadoom

To be honest I think WoW community, especially non-casual players are just too conservative.

The game has changed, the market and the consumers have also changed (and that is the main reason). Now everybody plays MMO's, and this was once a "nerdy"/ no lifer genre with much less players than now.

I didn't like those huge time consuming raids, it would get boring after 2 hours, and then I couldnt do other stuff that I would like to...my free time would be playing the game or NOT playing the game, cuz PvP kinda sucks here. Anyway, in tbc I got my merciless gear just because I could't raid a lot, so I kept doing some arenas and BGs, but I love WoW lore and PvE is the thing I like the most in this game, working WITH other people is way better than against them. For that I rather play a FPS or a RTS.

So, I'm happy raids got more casual, hardcore players are unhappy but they must understand that most of wow players just can't play that much.

I'm looking forward to try this Coliseum, I loved Ring of Blood and Amphitheater of Anguish. I know blizzard for quite some time (WC3, Diablo, SC) and I know they are one of the best teams in the world, they won't let us down!


May 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBolas_Peludas

@ Alphadoom , couldn't agree with you more, the people that say it is too easy, are normally the type that raid every single week, raiding is all they seem to do, but in WoW there is so much to do. Dailies, Complete low level quests, if not just for the fun of taking you back to when you first started playing WoW..aim for the Loremaster title, or PVP aim for the 1000,000 kills and the title "Of the Alliance", or hell even raise your fishing skills. Failing that there is Arena, blizzard cannot roll out new content every week to keep the raiders happy. But the pace they are rolling out new content now is a nice pace for me, and i look at top geared people, and i think to myself, gratz on getting your gear etc, but it doesnt bother me too much, as i go at my own pace. I suppose the message i am trying and probably failing to get across is ...SLOW DOWN!! Take a break, or if WoW is your heroin, then do something out of the normal, you be surprised how much fun it can be.

May 26, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteronthebuses

ahah bucketface. you crack me up.On topic, honestly, i was hoping for a new 5-man instance :( im happy with what ever

May 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlbullno

I also enjoy playing warcraft. just not for 12 hours a day, raids are fun but its damn near impossable to find a goodd 5 man heroic group

May 26, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersolidhunter

@ onthebuses

I think it's safe to say that people complete different kinds of content in different amounts of time. The crux of it is, at least for me, that I've done all of those dailies and low-level quests enough times that they're no longer all that engaging. I do try to raid every week, but our guild only has a 3-day raiding week, which is pretty moderate by most hardcore standards. With a good enough group you really don't *need* to spend ungodly amounts of time raiding.

And don't get me wrong, I actually love 10-man content (more than 25), I just want it to be challenging.

May 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmatera

"... but Naxxramas really did feel like recycled content. "

LOL that's because it was you drop kick. :D

May 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTom

well im somewhat of a casual player. and i dont get to make every raid my guild does because of work. and even then we're not the best but we're slowly progressing. im fine with the pace, but i can see how its extremely frustrating for hardcore raiders. ppl like to feel important or bad ass. and when anyone can just put 25 random ppl together and get the same awesome piece of gear you have. it loses its value. and yes none of it actually has any value. but alot of ppl play games to be the best. and when everyone can be the best, whats the point of even trying. also blizz is working on A LOT of games right now. and WoW is becoming old news. yea they will keep adding to it. but no where near as they use to. times change

May 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBrian

Brians last few sentences said it all - Times change, WoW is not gonna be around for too much longer (meh, 5-6 years).

May 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLovekillsall

^ :(

May 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWilliam

Dis anyone else notice that the layout of the Colisseum looks a hell of a lot like the layout for the Scarlet Monestary?

Maybe it'll be a multi-wing instance.

But again, that's recycling material. No, what I really want to see is the starts of the next expansion being integrated into the game. Start showing us the docks, have world events, have SOMETHING different than the same old re-hash we've been seeing.

True, the tournament is slightly original, but it feels like a glorified version of Darkmoon Faire.

I would like to see an opening of maybe a wing (if those exist there) for Icecrown Citadel. Give us a peak like they did with Ulduar.

May 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOmbrenoire

"I want this!"

"Give us that!"

Man! I'm starting to really understand that I'm in the minority here but I am TOTALLY satisfied with the state of the game. I'm sure it's mostly due to the fact that I can only play for 1-2 hours a day, tops (weekends maybe 4-5 spread out over the day). People who can play for 5+ hours per day every day probably do blow through the PvE content in short order and get bored. I mean really, you try working full time, being a good husband to your wife, being a food father to 3 kids, being involved in community functions and then try to make time for raiding? Ugh. I can't do it. In fact, reading as I type I'm not even sure I'd want to try. Look what happened to BRK.

My first question is "What are your other alternatives?" Is there a game that offers more content of a greater challenge? If so, why aren't you playing that? People who complain (as opposed to those who constructively criticize) about WoW but still keep playing remind me of guys I used to go to school with in college/high school who always complained about their girlfriends but never had the guts to leave them and go after another. How unsatisfied are you if you stay?

I also agree with the other posters who have suggested maybe dabbling in other aspects of the game. If you can get 25 people to raid, why not put together some premades for BGs? I loathe PvP myself but from the challenge aspect, can it really get any better? Tired of clearing the SAME trash and fighting the SAME bosses using the SAME tactics? Sounds like PvP is right up your alley! You are fighting LIVE opponents that rarely ever use the same strategy. You need to adapt on the fly EVERY time. Again, not my cup of tea but if it were, BGs seem like a winner.

Or become an achiever and push your achievement scores to rare heights. Grind rare mounts. Hell, the choices of different things to do in this game is nearly limitless.

Personally, the game can never grow stale for me because I actullay LIKE leveling alts. I like learning about how the different classes play and function. I, personally, can't concieve that the game will be boring until the day that I ding 80 on my last alt of the last class I have yet to play. Given my time frame for available play as listed above, that will be a looooooooooong time coming.

Here endeth the War and Peace of reply posts. =P

May 27, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlawman30

peeing on the wrong hydrant lol

May 27, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdoug

You also have to take in mind the fact that they have to create these raid dungeons from scratch, (except from naxx) and that takes a lot of time. Mobs, boss' and not to mension the inviorment of the raids arent created with the crack of a wrist.
The constant preseurre from the pro gamers, always demanding new things to do, dosint help either.
On top of all this, they have to make changes to the other aspects of the game too.

And come on. Its about 6 months since WotLK landed, and less the a month since 3.1 was released. theres a hell of a lot to do,. :D

May 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBrightow

While reading this blog, the only thing that came to mind is im just wondering why you would be playing a game you don't enjoy? Let alone one that's adding another bill to you each month you continue to play.

I've throughly enjoyed every aspect of World of Warcraft since i joined back when TBC was released. WIth the exception of PvP but even there ive had some fun. I can remember i was on auto-flight on my way to Sholazar Basin while i alt+tab'ed out of the game to look up the spawn points for Loque'nahak. When i brought the game back up i was falling down into Wintergrasp with that parachute thing. I was stuck there but, strangly, there was a WG battle already going. So i decided to stick around and try it out. I ganked two player right away. Then i joined a WG group and we won :) So, i've had some success but it's been very limited.

But i love the idea of a 5/10/25 man coliseum. That's something i'll have alot of fun with. Im curious how that's going to go.

If it's an entire raid, but it's a dungeon, i wonder if it's just going to be adds that spawn and steadily grow faster and increase in numbers, much like the fight againt Gothik the Harvester, until a boss arrives.

May 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKalgorn

Wow is Wow it is always changing, things can't always be the same. I have to admit the shift to easier is a bit of a downer, but most people are right about not having the time to play hard core so that is what ya have to do. Bliz is working for the majority and they are doing it well but still with all the money and resources avalible they should throw a few bones to the hard core raiders so we can all look in awe at the few elite raiding guilds that do and see things most casual will never see. I mean really when it comes to fighting Arthis should a pug 10 man in green gear even have a chance at entering the instance. It should be the best we have to offer fighting the toughest bosses. If not, is Arthis really that much of a bad ass?

May 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJason


I agree with your post. The thing is that they have thrown bones at the hardcore raiders, to the extent that they can with the casual players in mind. That being hard modes. Ensidia would have had Ulduar cleared within the first few days or even hours if there wouldn't have been hard modes, so they are getting their bones thrown to them. Some people are just way to good at what they do. From what has been stated before Blizzard is doing what is good for the game as a whole, but they are keeping hardcore players in mind by doing what they can.

May 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlex

@ Alex
And it seems that Blizzard's efforts with Hard Modes are, by and large, greatly appreciated by the hardcores. I read Ensidia's blogs just to keep up with their progression and one of their leaders (mcktzer ?) blogged that Hard Mode Mimiron was one of, if not the, best-tuned fights EVER in the game. Seems to me like Blizz is keeping up their end of the bargain, so to speak.

The other thing I always wonder when people start complaining about the lack of a challenge is 'how many of the people complaining have even taken down the hard mode bosses yet?'

@ Amatera
Have you fought Algalon yet? If so, have you beat him? If not, how can you complain about lazy design and over-fast progression when you haven't even FINISHED Ulduar?

@ Jason
I think you're reaching with the comment about 10 man pugs in greens downing Arthas. Pugs of Uludar on my server typically last through Flame Leviathan. Maybe. And I can assure you that no one is going into Ulduar with greens on.

So calm down, Chicken Littles. The sky is not falling. There is still plenty to do and see here. Move along.

May 27, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlawman30

I've always supported new ideas and I do so now. I really wonder how this coliseum or whatever will work good. As for the new raiding philosophy, I totally like it because it really saves a lot of time for social life.

May 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFrostSeer

I have been a WoW fan for many years now, and have seen the community and game come along way. Gone are the days where walking around Orgrimmar was a who's who in their T2 or T3 gear. Tales of Saturdays spent plowing through BRD for 13 hours once a month are generally responded to by a simple !!! WTF !!!

Then along comes BC with epic battles and more content to please everyone. Kara having the a simple requirement that you have at least obtained the key by progressively making your way through some simple instances, obtaining the fragments which eventually end up as your golden ticket to join other like minded players that have taken the time to progress there way through the story. More importantly you had pretty much a whole week to spread out your run with friends.

Epic mounts were things rode by the selective few that took the time out to read up and work their way steadily to acquire.

Now my days are filled with 25 minutes for OS, 20 minutes for VOA endless rude little S.O.B's that might as well have brought there tons on ebay pug'ing everything under the son with their unforgiving "Recount DPS" meters dictating where one stands on the Nub - Scrub scale.

The sad part about this tale is that I write this while watching a youtube video of the first boss in 10 man Ulduar being 2 manned.... Nice Work lads ! wonder if that was the challenge blizzard had promised us?

As much as I enjoy wow and Blizzards new approach to make content accessible to all, I can not help but miss the simple fact that there were things that I would have to work hard to see instead of the standard LFM 25 man Ulduar PUG!

May 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWoody


Oh, despite a little bellyaching over the nerfs here and there, I've actually enjoyed Ulduar a lot. That's what I want to see more of, and why the Coliseum seems, at least in concept, a bit of a step down.

May 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmatera

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