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WoW's Legal Rampage

Mmm People. /Nomnomnomnom Mmm People. /Nomnomnomnom

Blizzard Entertainment's legal team has been on a bit of a rampage lately.  After crossing some t's and dotting some i's the team, one that I can only imagine lives in the recesses of Blizzard's HQ, was able to finish off the MMO-Glider lawsuit in their favor.  Hungry for more, not enough food falls through the ventilation system and into their cages, the team began sending out cease and desist orders to nearly ever facet of the greater World of Warcraft community.

The C&D barrage started off in the appropriate realm of private servers before moving towards legally grey demands.   More recently, the group of iPhone apps dedicated to our favorite MMORPG has seen their ranks thinned to endangerment.  Warcraft Characters, Warcraft Chest and WoW Realm Status, have all received a puff from Blizzard's pack of wolves.  A puff that has other authors fearful of their mailbox.  Lucky for them, the sights were moved to other properties, including the popular Shakes & Fidget comic and WarcraftPets.com's store.  It's still unknown exactly what Blizzard's intentions are.  Are they just protecting Warcraft's copyright from material that is deemed too alike, or is the company targeting these projects for some other reason, like plans to produce an official comic, store and apps?

Just as few of the people in charge of the aforementioned projects saw the impossible-to-decipher letters coming, I doubt Blizzard expected not one, but two full blown lawsuits to be launched by The9.  The9 was formally in charge of WoW's distribution in China, but lost the renewal in April after a bout of financial troubles and the inability to get Wrath of the Lich King launched.  Losing a hot property, meaning one that prints money, like WoW would piss anyone off.  In true American fashion, The9 is suing Blizzard for the immediate property loss, as well as commercial defamation.  In severe laymen's terms, this means that The9 is trying to have property returned to them, possibly the servers, and they want Blizzard to stop dissing the company.  Of course, The9 will let this all go if Blizzard just lines the distributor's pockets with millions of dollars.

We haven't heard a response from Blizzard yet, but I would be surprised if World of Fight (almost a worse title than Warrior Epic) isn't a little too close to WoW for the legal team's liking.  Countersuit for Copyright Infringement anyone?  The country in question is China, a land known for cheap knock-offs, piracy and a wall that is totally compensating, so I don't see Blizzard's chances of a successful lawsuit being all that great.  That doesn't mean the sharks won't try it.

*Note: Signed on this morning to see that World of Fight is now World of Figher and seems to have something to do with Street Fighter...

Come June, NetEase, the new kid on the block, will take over distribution and finally get WotLK out to the hungry Chinese market.

What do you guys think of all this suing?  Has anyone lost their favorite iPhone app to one of the C&D letters?  I don't have an iPhone or iPod Touch, so for the moment all I have lost is my favorite WoW comic.  Dark Legacy is a suitably hilarious, but poorly drawn, stand in.  I hope they don't sue me for blogging defamation.

Reader Comments (22)

oh cool :)

May 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVag

Good read but i'm not interested in the legal stuff ^^ Oh, and now no one can say f-word because of me. :) awesome.

May 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVag

I love and use the iPhone apps soooo much. Having chest on my phone is helpful in so many ways.

May 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterUjabah

I think some of these C&D's are just boneheaded and right now it's giving me one more reason to go do something else other than play wow. I was attracted to the game by the open nature of the programming framework and macro system, and this heavy handed legal stupidity is just the opposite of that mindset. I hope all these letters come back to bite them in the butt, they certainly have earned my disgust. It's akin to being a fruit company and litigating individuals for making better fruit containers (ok maybe not the best analogy but you get my point). I just can't stress how utterly stupid some of this seems to me (not that our legal system makes sense all that often).

May 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterThad

one thing i don't get...
blizzard sued the comic for using warcraft related things or by somewhat insulting blizzard (who doesn't), but doesn't blizzard have a monthly comic contest on their website?
seriously blizzard

May 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDecado

@ Decado

Exactly, BLIZZARD hosts the contest... it's like a 5 year old who shows his best friend his "treasure chest" then screams like a..something bad (i can't think of anything, too tired) when his friend tries to take one.. It's not the same.. but it is along the same lines.. sorta.. not rlly.. well.. yeah kinda.. in a way.. i'll stop.

THANK GOD for action against private servers.. but i see no mention of bots, gold sellers/buyers.. unless i skipped cover it.. seems blizzard, after their dispute with the infamous Karatechop no longer cares about "unfair advantages in-game" when it comes to people "stealing" their ideas.. although i will no doubt be playing WoW up to or past the release of their Next Gen MMO (I think around 2013-2016 or somewhere near then) I am very angry at how they handle things.. legally..

May 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShnoo

I'm gonna sue you cuz you're a big jerkface!
I don't think I've used that line since I was oh... 7 or so? I think they're going over the top on all this. Sure, some things make sense to make sure other companies aren't capitalizing bigtime off of blizzard, but other stuff seems like they're just being ridiculously nitpicky.

May 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEventime

ahhhh massive nostalgic attack, i loved rampage

May 28, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteracheron's fall

They are trying to protect their intellectual property - which is a good thing. These people wouldn't be getting sued if they had asked permission to distribute pieces of Blizzard's creation.

And, yes China is one of the leading heads in the sand when it comes to the value of intellectual property.

May 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKrowtz

they are doing all these C&Ds. There is one gold spammer i have seen on the servers for over 2 years, and yet there is no mention of Blizzard sending anything to them about stopping. Dam u Susanexpress

May 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDaragor

Blizzard, you have to remember, is a company and not a charitable organization. They are the reason people spend countless hours playing the world's most popular MMORPG. How they choose to steer that company, both in game, and legally is their right. Copyright laws exist for a very good purpose, but it seems in this modern age too many people want anything and everything for free. Clearly, many people need to think how they would feel if their ideas and creative work were abused or slandered. Yes, some of what Blizzard does may be disagreeable to a few people, usually the most vocal it seems, but keep in mind they are the reason you spend hours having fun and connecting with people across the globe. Sit back, relax and enjoy the game. It's a game, not politics so remember that.

May 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRyan Scorpion

seriously blizz COMICS?!?!? kill off SusanExpress then worry about comics.

May 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBK

Well the private servers had it coming to them anyway.

May 29, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdragoro

Blizz didn't contact Warcraftpets.com. It was the company that printed the item that where being sold. A bit of a difference. But some of the items where Blizzard's art work. Of cousre some where not but that is another story.

May 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRedaurora

@Ryan Scorpion

"...but it seems in this modern age too many people want anything and everything for free."

All too true, unfortunately. I went to WoW Insider's site and read all the comments that were posted on the subject. There were some that agreed along the lines of what you're saying, but the majority consisted of the "I'm entitled" mentality. (Seriously, beyond basic human rights and what law affords you, you really ARE NOT ENTITLED TO ANYTHING.)

May 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

Ok to all of you pointing out that it is their legal right I would like to point out: Just case you can, doesn't mean you should.
Also while I agree people should get paid for their intellectual work, our copyright laws in the US have run ridiculously rampant to the point of stifling innovation. The fact that blizzard rakes in millions doesn't mean they are making genius business decisions, it just means people still really enjoy playing the game. At this point, I think there are many ways in which blizzard could make more money if they'd pull their heads out of their bums, but then that seems to be the nature of large corporate cultures.
I'm just so sick of seeing the defensive response of "it's their legal right" ...as if somehow that's supposed to exempt it from also being asinine.

May 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterThad

I prefer Ding! (http://www.crispygamer.com/comics/ding/) and Experience points (http://www.crispygamer.com/comics/experiencepoints/) for my WOW comic needs

May 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBludstorm

Blizzard can do whatever they want to these companies, if they take no action they will make a ton of money, if they take action they will make a ton of money. I don't personally agree with some of the places that are getting C&Ds, but in the end Blizzard wins, because I'm not going to stop playing WoW.

May 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGilnid

Lets just hope wowhead, thottbot, and the likes aren't targeted next.

May 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDefkon

if thott and wowhead go down idfk what i'm gonna do. i use thott/wowhead for everything..

lol i totally agree with you alayea everyone (especially during this economy) complain about being entitled to so many things but you only need so many things to survive and thrive and if you cant exactly figure those things out you're a dumbass. enough said

May 31, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDave

Turns out WoW might be building their own app... details on epicwins.com :-)

June 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDefkon

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