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Children's Week Completed!

At Least They Are AppreciativeChildren's Week is only a few days old and I have already completed what I set out to do.  I have said in the past that I am not a big Achievement person, so what I wanted to accomplish is far less than many other people.  In fact, all I cared about was grabbing the pair of pets for escorting orphans all over Azeroth and Outlands.  After some creative travelling, tiring flights and a bit of hoofing it, I turned in my whistles and snapped up Sleeping Willy and that cute-as-hell Turtle.  I still think Egbert is the best pet ever though.

I came across this little gem over on WoWInsider a scant few hours before I completed my mission.  I read the headline and knew that my fear of Achievements was coming true, if just a little.  One of them was ruining the gameplay experience for many players, while frustrating the others to no end.  My GM was actually on both sides of the issue, trying to score the achievement but becoming incredibly frustrated by everyone sitting in their base, hoping to return a flag with their brat out.  He was so irate that his wife had to leave the house to avoid the cursing, anger, frustration and likely the destruction of a perfectly good keyboard.  I can attest to extensive use of the Caps Lock key, and a nice selection of four letter words.  My poor virgin eyes.

To elaborate, the way I view the Achievement system is to promote extended play, while enabling players to show off their feats.  In theory, its a very sound addition to any video game.  Instead, this "controversial achievement" has created a firestorm in the Battlegrounds, leading to selfish play and highly unusual experiences.  It wasn't since WSG was first released that I have been in a BG that was so long, unproductive and painful, and I wasn't even going for the achievement!  I queued up solely to experience some of the pain that my GM was lamenting about.  Sadly, all I ended up doing was helping the Horde players with their achievements.  The greenskins allowed me to walk to the flag, unstealthed mind you, and cap it.  At this point I was pummeled by ten angry players and their orphans as they spammed right click to pick-up the flag.  What violence the young minds have been tainted with.

How have you found the Battlegrounds recently?  Are they as frustrating as my GM would leave the guild to believe or is he just having bad luck?  Has anyone become desperate enough to try to trade flag caps with the opposing faction?  This is the first time that I have been happy to not care about achievements.  What a terrible time to first experience a BG to boot.

Reader Comments (47)

took me over 6 alterac valley games just to complete 1/4 of the hard knocks achievement.
/pistol to head

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterriff

Your very right. I completed all the achievements and got the title within the first day. But never have I seen such bad language in a BG. Especially AV. I mean a whole raid going for the exact same thing.

If you still haven't got the BG's achievement with your children out. Tip: Do it late at night or early in the morning when less players are online fighting for the same thing.

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTinkee

i hate that bg achievement
it will be the death of me

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSalima

@ Tinkee

While waiting until late helps with most selfish-type achievements, in this case it would probably make it harder due to having fewer BGs up. AV will still likely be full of people who just want the achievement, it will just take an hour for the queue to fill to the point when the battle can actually start.

The only one that I had any real trouble with was that AV one, just due to so few targets.

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKagitaar

I hated this achievement for a long time...being a rogue it was hard because when you went into stealth your orphan was just chilling there basically tell the other faction you were close by. I attempted all bg for awhile before completing this. But once I got one done it was a short time before i finished them all.

AB- I was running by the blacksmiths when i noticed the horde had captured it and once they did they ran away. So i snuck up call out my orphan and captured it.

AV- First one off the break and was leading the enitre alliance on the run off the horde towers. I completely over ran the first tower to easily capture the 2nd tower with no one else trying to fight me for the achievement.

EoS- This one bugged me for a while. Yes I was one of those campers in the middle. The first time i got the flag we had no towers so I was quickly finished off by the horde. Luckly one game a horde druid grab the flag and ran over by one of our towers where I then killed him and grabbed the flag for an easy caputre. Also i got Storm Glory and Storm Capper in the process :).

WSG- Was my last one to go into. Many of times we got the flag to drop and I was never able to click it. And once again I got lucky. The horde grabbed it and ran down the tunnel while all his friends stayed in the flag room as me and a lock i think chased him down killed him and i grabbed the return quickly /afk to get out of the bg.

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJoenips

Man was i annoyed when i forgot to have my orphan out in Eots and Wsg when i capped/returned the flags..

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSylvester

Two terrible world events in a row that have been exploited by the dull at heart to make gameplay miserable for most.

First egg camping, now this. I am almost completely turned off by the holiday events now.

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCozmus

I managed to get all of the achievements for Children's Week on the day it started. But do I ever have hatred for the achievement "School of Hard Knocks". It took me about 5 to 6-ish WSG bgs alone to return to the flag with my orphan. Don't even get me started on the other battlegrounds...

Blizzard, I have just one thing to say: Remove the stupid, pvp-ruining achievement from the requirements!

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

PvP achievements for holidays are probably the worst thing that I've seen, even moreso than some of the difficult PvP achievements that you can get whenever you want.

In Warsong, I somehow got lucky and found a group of people willing to share the flag returns so we could get the achievement. But I did notice that the game, for Horde anyways, had turned into basically 9 out of 10 players on defense and one player on offense. Sure, we never really lost our flag that much, until the Alliance ganged up on us, but we weren't DOING anything.

In Arathi Basin, I got lucky because I popped in and ran to an alliance-controlled Mine. Luckily their were a few left so everyone was fighting. I helped out of course, I'm not a complete jerk, but once it was over, I made a bull rush for the flag and managed to assault it before the other two.

In Alterac Valley, I got lucky enough to run towards one of the Alliance bunkers right off the bat and capture it, as a Warlock passed over it and went to attack a NPC, but then backtracked in the middle of my assault.

And finally, in EotS, a friend helped me out and we both managed to capture the flag and get it to a base. Mine was nerve-racking, however, as once I captured it, a handful of mages, warriors, and rogues were on my ass slowing me down anyway they could. Thank god for healers who are not selfish, I'll tell you that much.

So while I did manage to get all the achievements by concentrating on them, I didn't get sucked into the idioticness of the whole situation in the BG. Not only did I contribute to helping others get their own achievements, but I also stayed after completing each and finished the BG until the end. Yes, I even HELPED try to win the BG. Shocking, I know.

There's a fine line between wanting the achievement and JUST wanting the achievement. Luckily, although I'm an achievement whore myself, I don't lose sight of whatever else is going on while I go for the achievement.

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWonocva

Ive been on a bit of a pvp kick lately and this ended it. I too was going for the achievement and once i got it, i haven't been in a BG since. I will not even think of doing a BG again until this is over. Everyone in my battlegroup was either trying to prevent people from getting the achievements or helping the other faction get theirs. Good thing there's still wintergrasp.

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJosh

It was the only achievement that took me freaking 5 hours to do. My dad had come up after trying to hide from my rage and use of four letter words, asking if I got it so that he could give me a "grats, son". AV was the WORST EVER. With only two towers that count, you had only two chances unless you let them recap, which rarely happened with the people who were actually doing AV for honor. WSG, AB, and EoTS was simple... ish. I agree with everyone else that this one was a bit rediculous.

As I said on the post for Noblegarden World Event, did anyone catch the bug for the *Daily Chores* Achievement for this holiday? It said "five consecutive days" but all you had to do was 5 dailies with your orphan out.

Anyway... great post. Thanks for the work you put into all this. It's great.
Ambassador Laeltis
Illidan (US)

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaeltis

Did anyone else come across these die-hard PvPers running the the EotS flag then taking off with it demanding that those center campers go get towers. Had to be the most irritatign part about it. In all reality, it would have been easier for them to just let the Achievement junkies get it and get out.

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDrPruz

@ Laeltis

The Daily Chores one isn't bugged, they changed the mechanics to make it non-ridiculous and forgot to change the text.

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKagitaar

Here's my short and overall all opinion of PvP. Dunno how to make it any more clear and shorter than this.

It Sucks

Stay away from it

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKalgorn

I hate PvP. Hate it with a passion. It's not that I'm not any good at it, it's that I don't understand the point of it in a server that is RP or normal. If you want to bash the brains out of other players, go to a PvP or PvE server.

That being said, PvP achievements for holidays should be removed. Those of us who don't PvP miss out on the meta because of it.

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOmbrenoire

the 2 hardest for me were AV and EotS.....

AV i got on i wanna say my 4th try? maybe 6th idk lol
EotS took me almost a full day due to people not realizing that to get the achievement we kinda need to have at least 1 of the towers lol....there were many a game where alliance owned the middle but that meant nothing because horde had all 4 towers lol

i didnt see a problem with the achievement at all because its not like you are forced to do it....a guy in my guild was pissed and his logic was clouded because of that and he was talking about how "this is BS, they shouldnt make you PvP because its unnessesary, and everyone actually HAS to do dungeons"

i wanted to argue with him on that because some people dont do dungeons at ALL and only PvP...but whatever =P

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLittleraven

I wanna be a Matron...... :'(. I have tried and tried and tried, but cycling through the battlegrounds one after another and not getting any of the 4 achievements has grated on my nerves so much, I can't go into then anymore without thumping my desk in utter frustration as my 'sure-fire' cap is destroyed by the alliance or shamelessly stolen by a fellow hordie. Please Blizz leave the PvP to the PvPers. Besides how does taking an orphaned child into a war-zone help celebrate their holiday?

Answers on the back of a stamp please.

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDyra

the achievement imo is really stupid. all it has done is make the pvp players pissed at the non-pvp players and it has made the non-pvper's lives hell trying to get a dang flag in a bg. If i was blizz i would have made a different achievement to get the title with.

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbahldoan

@Ombrenoire - A normal server is a PVE one.

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSnaggly

This sort of thing happens a lot in BG's when various Achievements are at stake. It seems to be a pattern that happens. Is it frustrating? oh hell yes. Is there a solution?
When holiday achievements take to the BG's I schedule Guild premade runs to take care of it, rather than trusting a pug to complete the BG and help you get you're achievement.

As a premade we never lose against pug BG's and we generally get the achievements we need. So if you're guild is having problems with the holiday achievements schedule a day to run a guild premade through some BG's should solve the problem.

Note: this will not solve the problem if- everyone in your guild never ever steps foot in a BG hardly ever. While working as a team helps a lot being a little experienced in BG's and pvp is ideal. If you know the Achievement is going to be in a BG then preparing might help. If your guild is full of pvp haters then maybe look into asking another pvp oriented guild to help. Hope that helps others in the future avoid the frustration. :)

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbatmunkh

as a person who has the wrong gear and experience and has a habit of getting excited too much and running straight at the nearest paladin (i'm a lock so any running at stuff is bad. i blame being being Scottish and having seen Braveheart.) i know that i am never going to do this one. it's impossible to do those things anyway while in a normal BG let alone with a child and with a hundred people trying to do it. I am just not going to try and see if it gets changed or nerfed in the future. There's always next year anyway.

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKalcifer

Did the all my first try, thought it would be more difficult, but it was fairly easy.

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRaknor

The problem I see with the Battlegrounds based achievements is that PVEers and PVPers are elitist in their own ways. If both sides could come down off of their high horses for a little while, both would get some benefit out of these events. PVEers would get some BG experiences that would help them be better players, and get the achievements they want. PVPers would get some fresh blood into BG games, get through the events with a lot less grief, and get some nice easy honor accumulation.

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCappyG


Interesting point. Blizz has been known to do things in the past like this; they're human. Did you find this out on a forum post or in a Patch Note that I overlooked? hmm..


Interesting also... Never thought about it that way.

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaeltis

I got AV achievment my 2nd try, but AB killed me... remember to check if your orphan is out and you may keep whatever hair you have on your head.

I pray for anyone without crusader aura or some other speed boost on their mount.

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZerth

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