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Easing into WoW Lingo

We've all been there. Those early days when we first start playing a game, and it seems that we know less about it than everyone around us. The gameplay mechanics are totally new, maybe the controls are something unlike what we've ever used before, and it's sometimes hard to find a place to even begin to learn how to get around menus and customization. But for me, one of the most alienating aspects of this delicate time period boils down to lingo.

When it came to WoW, I was one of the last among my RL friends to start playing. Now I don't need babying, but I did appreciate the occasional explanation of one of any number of 3-letter combinations common to WoW. Let's face it: for a game that can fill an entire glossary, there's a lot of terminology. And when multiple terms are grouped together, it can be perplexing for a new player to discern what it all means.

With a little help along the way, soon the game became second nature. I knew the difference between BoE and BoP (not to be confused with Bot).  I could find my way to RFC, RFD and RFK, and once inside I could pwn on trash without anyone knowing I was a newb. Just don't ask me the difference between CoA, CoD, CoEx, CoR or any of those other warlock spells. I still get them confused!

But I can see it going an entirely different direction. If I had started out playing and joined a guild of non-RL friends who only laughed or scoffed at my lack of knowledge, I also could have just decided the game wasn't for me. And I'd never have gotten to the point of watching the Project Lore crew tearing it up in Naxx and knowing enough to laugh along when Alex joyfully proclaims, "Now this is what we call crowd control!"

There's a lot of lingo that overlaps with gaming in general, so anyone with experience with other RPGs, especially MMOs, has a bit of an advantage starting out in WoW. But try to remember: there are tons of other RL people on the same server with you, and not every one is going to be a lingo expert right away. Don't potentially ruin someone else's gaming experience by being an ass. Just like with me, babying isn't required. But a shred of common courtesy goes a long way.

So do you all remember your first days of WoW? What abbreviations or terminology tripped you up at first, or still puzzles you now? I still can't keep track of all the dungeons, but then again there's still plenty that I haven't been in yet. Leveling FTW!

Reader Comments (40)

I get tripped up by any Abbreviations of any Dungeons that i ahven't done before or any abilities iof a class I haven't been before

May 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDitz

First time in Orgrimmar as a lost level 9 Troll shaman, and all I see is:

LW LFW, WTS 20x[Item] WTT [Item 2] for [Item 3]

I think it was safe to say I was completely lost.

May 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGhiki

I agree with Ghiki going into Silvermoon for the first time with my now deleted hunter was almost mind boggleing, even though i had played Guild Wars prior to starting WoW. Then there was all the dungeon names, I was once but in a grp for mana tombs at lvl 20 cause i thought they needed a main tank and dps for another instance. The one I still remember mose about all the abbreviations was when I was first getting into all the gems with my pally and someone in my guild posted: "LF JC", in trade chat and I asked over vent "why are you looking for jesus????" I got ripped on for that one for months lol

May 5, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersaxonn

Oh that and OMW puzzled my for a long time before I got a guild. I only got it when someone wrote out the whole thing lol

May 5, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersaxonn

Mine definitely dealt with BG's. First for AB and later for EotS when I would see someone yell out "inc LM" or "inc BE". I caught onto LM, BE, GM, BS, etc pretty quick, but could not figure out what "inc" meant for the longest time.

As for dungeons, I still don't know half of them. Mainly just the ones I have been in and a few of the more popular ones.

And of course, VC for deadmines? For someone fresh to the game, you can understand RFC, WC, etc, but VC initially just didn't make sense until you actually played it.

May 5, 2009 | Unregistered Commentericedtrip

Ya, i can remember when leveling my Hunter in my early days of WoW. I was still learning names of places and spells and the odd language spoken in Trade chat.

I had picked up a quest somewhere that told me i had to go deliver something to someone in Thunder Bluff. I asked in trade where it was and all i got was

"You're joking right? Tell me he's not serious'

Thankfully there are some kind people who play on my server and they were able to help me out. Even now, i sometimes don't know what something will mean. Sometimes i'll get RFK confused with RFC.

I'll never forget the first instance i did. It was Wailing Caverns. We were in there for hours. And i kept getting yelled at for doing things i didn't know i was doing. Like a mage would sheep on mob and i would use Volley. Of course, that breaks sheep. So i'd get told 'No AoE's!"

No idea what AoE ment. Haha. Good times....

May 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKalgorn

I'd played WoW for 2-3 years before i found out what mp5 was :S

May 5, 2009 | Unregistered Commenter5oren

It took me a while to figure out that PST wasn't "Pacific Standard Time". I thought people were saying what time zone they were in for some reason. (...and I was playing on a Pacific server.) I'm still not sure why it's a "tell", but don't really care either.

I'll admit that after 4+ years, there are still a lot of abbreviations I don't know. As a casual player, it's not a huge priority for me to know.

May 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPatrickD


I didn't know either until fairly recently. It means "Please send tell".

I found this out as I saw more and more people using it when trying to get raids together to complete the "For the Alliance" and "For the Horde" achievements. I knew it meant to contact them, but didn't know why.

May 5, 2009 | Unregistered Commentericedtrip

Of course, playing on a PvP server, the first new world I added to my MMORPG vocabulary was "gank". Surely I had no idea what it meant at first, but trust me, I learned it the hard way.

May 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZvonimir


Pst (with how ever ss s you want) is onamatapaea (sp) - the noice made to gain someone's attention before whispering. PST is indeed Standard time.

May 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNiimrod

what the hell IS mp5, lmao

May 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShoogs

*besides a sub-machinegun manufactured by Heckler & Koch

May 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShoogs

mana per 5

May 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSjof

LOL at "being an ass".

I quickly learned that being an ass was almost a requirement for most WoW players. I salute those few that aren't.

May 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCozmus

MP5 means mana per 5 seconds, aka your mana regeneration rate in combat.

May 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKagitaar

yeah be an asshole.. ppl will be scared of you and respect you and if you fuck up they'll be too scared to yell at you....

becides if worst comes to worst just switch realms

May 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJohhnyboy

I got lucky, mostly, when I began to play WoW. I started literally four weeks before Naxx was originally introduced. My brother got me into it and I started to play, thinking, "Hey, its a fun game!" Then I get to Darnie (made a hunter as my first char), and I decide to look all over, and I notice that theres more gray letters in my chat screen. So immediately I think to myself, "Dang, General Chat is busy here in Darnie ... Note for others, don't voice this in the trade chat XD. As for the acronym's of WoW, I learned mostly by asking my brother and his friend, but for some of them, I just wasn't even trying to learn. First trip into Deadmines was when figured out that when you play a warrior, when they say to keep your BS up, they mean your Battle Shout, not your Blacksmithing, so I naturally, and innocently, told them that it would be in my way. Needless to say they were A) pricks that decided to pick on the noob, or B) kids who like to laugh at new players. Either way I had to whisper my brother and ask him "wth was going on." He filled me in that when playing a warrior, BS is Battle Shout. Before the warrior, I had a pally, so he was also a Blacksmith, so thats how I learnt that bit of info on what BS meant.

May 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlternate

At first I started playing on private servers with my friend. There was a TONS AND TONS of lingo for me, because I'm Russian. I just didn't look at chat, because if I saw the lingo discussion in it, ny only thoughts were "Ok, I daon't care about LF GD (good donor on private server) for BT, I should ask my friend". His thoughts were the same, and the decision we made was to go to our English teacher and to ask her. I don't know what did she think about us when we ased " What is QQ, what is BRB, kk, DND..." The first thing i understood were the meaning of WTF =) After it WTB and WTS and the meaning of the word...anvil (don't think I'm an idiot!) because I wanted to buy it ^___^. After this "research" I've found PL and glossary...and I was singin "Haliluya (I don't know the right spelling)"

May 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterIvan

pst means please send tell??

haha, i thought it had to do with "whispering", ya know, like pssssst haha, I've been playing for three years and just found that out

May 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStevo

Being someone from classic WoW, I still get confused when people say they're "LFG DM" and they don't mean Dire Maul. 'Why, back in my day, we called Deadmines, VC'.

Originally I had to learn VC though, as it didn't occur to me Deadmines could be shorthanded from 'Van Cleef".

I still get RFK RFC confused just because I've never ran them.
First time I saw "LFG SM", I thought it was an RP-group that was looking for some S&M O_o

May 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRikaku

Oh god i remember that time.... I didnt know what a "tank" was..... but now im tearing down 25 man naxx, OS 2d and 10 man Maly like i've been doing it my whole life, so yeah.... A little friendly education goes a long way in the unfriendly world of Warcraft.

May 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHerofTime

[quote]Mine definitely dealt with BG’s. First for AB and later for EotS when I would see someone yell out “inc LM” or “inc BE”. I caught onto LM, BE, GM, BS, etc pretty quick, but could not figure out what “inc” meant for the longest time.[/quote]

This has totally lost me...

May 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJeff

Luckily when I started playing it was in a guild made by people I already knew from a FPS gaming community. I'd never played a MMO or RPG before and no idea what anything meant. The class acronym's still confuse the heck out of me. I didn't run any instances until SM and still remember being whispered "Are you a tank?" and answering "No, I'm a warrior.".

May 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLoki

Mats. The aconmyms have not been much of a problem for me, but when i saw mats i thought of mats like on the outside of a door at a house. However now luckily I now know it is materials

May 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKimeghale

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