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Warcraft's Real Legendary Items

                     Scott Baio gave me pink axes.

Most of us have never had a legendary item as defined by the WoW community. Nope, those elusive oranges are prizes for a very select few. Sure they are cool and have sexy stats, but for the most part they succeed in only making their owner happy. The good news is, there is a different kind of legendary item that is much more prominent among players.

Have you ever had an item that you named? Did your guild ever talk about a piece of your equipment as though it was an actual person? Does the story behind how you got your gear mean more to you than its stats? If so, then you know how awesome these real legendary items are.

The first time I experienced this was in the Burning Crusade. At the time, I was playing a night elf hunter and we had recently taken down Al'ar. I was awarded a Netherbane axe and while it was amazing statistically, I was disappointed by how it looked. It's hard enough protecting your masculinity as a night elf, but try doing so while walking around with a glowing pink axe! Well rather than fight the jeers from my guildmates, I embraced my new weapon and named it Scott Baio. Some people thought it was humorous and began talking about it during the next raid. It quickly started to feel like my friends were more excited to see Scott Baio at the raid than they were to see me.

A few weeks later, another Netherbane dropped and as I won the DKP auction, everyone laughed and wondered what I would name this one. My offhand axe was dubbed Pink Lover and I bought myself a pink mageweave shirt to complete the ensemble. Most people got a big kick out of it and of course there were those that did a /facepalm every time Scott Baio and Pink Lover were mentioned. My dad, who is also in my guild, was not a huge fan of the twin fuchsia blades. Eventually, another one of our hunters won a Netherbane and he didn't disappoint when he named his John Stamos. It was a bitter sweet when I finally got an upgrade and had to replace those axes. I hated how they looked, but they will probably be one of the few items I'll remember long after I'm done playing this game. They were my legendaries.
A face only a mother could love.

A similar phenomenon has occurred recently in Ulduar. Our guild's tanks have had horrible luck upgrading their shields in WotLK. They just don't drop for us, especially in the heroic raids. A group of us were running Ulduar 10, when our luck finally seemed to be taking a turn for the better. Auriaya dropped the Shieldwall of the Breaker and it was claimed by one of our paladin tanks, Beomaire. We were so excited for him, that is, until he put it on. We stared at the graphic for a few seconds in silence and then all at once started telling him how ugly it was. One person thought it looked like Grizzly Adam's head was chopped off and slapped on the shield. Another guy said, "Actually, it looks like my mother." We chuckled a bit and then moved on. The rest of that raid things went downhill. We were wiping and not making much progress. When we finally ended the raid, we blamed Beo's shield for the bad luck.

The next night we were in heroic Ulduar and even though we had beaten Ignis before, we kept dying. Then someone said, "You know, we haven't been able to beat Ignis, since Beo got that heinously ugly shield." In that moment, that homely shield had become legendary. Now, every time we're struggling during a raid, Beo's shield is blamed. It's been weeks and we've still yet to have a shield upgrade drop. so the hilarity continues. I even asked a GM, while they were working on another issue for me, if they could change the graphic on Beomaire's shield to change our luck. I'm still waiting to hear back.

So who else has had an item attain legendary status in your guild? Please share your stories with us.

Reader Comments (39)

The horseman blade FTW! 3 pumpkin warriors at your command what else can u ask for?! :D

June 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTrian

You want a legendary gear? farm barrens for Loincloths of the monkey, nothing makes you feel more manly running around barren and being Tarzan-ic than Tarzan's own pants :D

Or maybe you're feeling heroic, why not run around just with your loincloth, cloak and maybe a sword and a shield then yell: THIS IS SPARTAAAA! (Rogues can use Kick spell to emphasise hehehehe)

PS: Never been in an RP server before :D

June 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShamtastik

I don't have one that stands out, but I love to share my husband's story.

His legendary is the Nathrezim Mindblade from Prince in Karazhan. Even after we'd moved into SSC and TK and no mage weapon upgrades, he and I joined guild 10-man offnight Kara runs all for the love of his Mindblade.

From the time they first killed Prince until halfway through TK, he desperately wanted this weapon. Every Thursday night (our guild raids Sun-Wed) we would get our 10-man Kara group together and roll through it, and every Thursday night, everything except the Mindblade would drop. Even his priest friend got one before him one night when frustration required that he take a break.

Finally, the damned thing dropped. All of the regulars in our raid knew what this meant, and there was a pause before loot rolls began.

I told our raid leader (the very cool Bonjamo who has since moved across the world and switched servers) that if he gave that Mindblade to anyone else I would personally hunt him down and kick his ass.

Two months later, my mage husband equipped a PvP dagger instead. After all the desk-pounding, soda can-throwing and moping about the Mindblade, I felt a little cheated.

Still, he keeps it in his bank, and people will sometimes ask him if he still has the Mindblade. There are many Mindblades, but that one is his. Trust me, it will be in his bank until the day WoW dies.

June 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmbermist

I guess my legendary items are not really something in-game tangible. My item is my dice during rolls.

I am one to wait until everyone else has rolled for the item and then I roll. Inevitably I will ALWAYS beat out the highest roller.

So when I started rolling under even the lowest roller, someone was heard saying my dice had been either stolen or on the blink.

June 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOmbrenoire

Good post.

I have a bow I never sold. A friend bought it and gave it to me if I would run his alt throught DM. Hurricane. One awesome bow.
And everytime I pwnd someone, you can see me macro "Rock You Like A Hurricane".
/dance !

June 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEneder

@ Enedar

That's funny. I wish I could see that. Even if I was on the recieving end of it. ;)

June 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterXian

Not necessarily an item. But for my guild and I, it's Aspect of the Wild.

Sometimes I have to put it on Dragonhawk incase I get the guild banned in a Karatechop motion, because my Aspect of the Wild is that OP.

To my guild, it's the Chuck Norris of spells.

It isn't fair on the mobs when I have it on.

June 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSean

I have my Sul'thraze the Lasher,. i did so many ZF runs to get that last one hand and when i t finally dropped iwas head over heels in love with the two hand

June 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBrightow

back in the good old classic days, all i did was pvp, trying to get up in the ranks. but then blizz changed the wap pvp worked: we could now get honor points and use those to buy, so the very first thing i got was this amazingly cool looking 1h sword that was about twice as good as the 1 i used to have xD. so i went into AV, for the billiont time) and for the first time i could remember: i pwned a frost mage... oh man that blade was THE best thing ever xD

now i'm actually thinking about lvling another warrior till 60 and do bgs, just to fight with that sword xD

sigh... good old days :) in which i was a total nab xD i remember enchanting that 1 with +5dmg or something like that xD just cos of the cool blue glow hehe :))

June 21, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterrickthetank

Thunderbrew's Boot Flask
back in good ol' vanilla WoW days... the questline for this was rather long, awkward and not well-known... so popping this trinket during duels/random times always got a "woah wtf" from people.

June 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCheets

"This is my <A HREF="http://www.wowhead.com/?item=40396"Turning Tide. There are many like it, but this one is mine."

Archmage Vargoth's Staff. The Naxxramas 18.6 Episode where Kyle was standing outside the Loatheb fight with the Image of Archmage Vargoth was a good show of how Legendary this item can be! He also used it somewhere else for "support" (I think in a Beta episode of UK.)

It's definitely something quirky to pull out, and how many Horde get confused when they see a Human standing in the AH in Org. :D

June 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBlight

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October 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterArtip

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