Vomit, Poop, and Other Nasty Quests of WoW
Posted by
pixiestixy on
Thursday, June 18, 2009 -
14 Comments Tags:
poop achievement,
rotten eggs,

It's not enough that we've massacred villages, stuck banners through our enemies' carcasses as a warning to others, and brought back the heads of their warlords in exchange for a new, shiny trinket. No, all that's not enough.
The oftentimes vile, repugnant World of Warcraft sends us hardened war heroes to do the tasks that no others dare do. And so I had been roped in to performing this raunchy You can run, but you can't hide quest, getting puked on along the way by the always-nasty Abominations.
And yet, perhaps I should have been thankful. I mean, I could have been the one vomiting. Like I was back in Outland, when Borak, son of Oronok (curse the name!) asked me to collect a Rotton Arakkoa Egg. What he failed to mention is that I'd have to search through dozens of eggs to find a good one. And all those that weren't perfect cast a disease that not only brought down my health, but also had me projectile vomiting. Of course, upon turning in that quest, everyone else started puking, too. Lovely.
Perhaps a slight step up from that are all the damn poop quests that people seem to love sending us on. I've searched through the excrement of felhounds, bats in the depths of Razorfen Kraul, cliff giants and Nagrand wildlife. And from that last one, I later had to eat Nagrand Cherries created from the poo I searched through. All in the name of defeating Lake Spirits.
The poop quests are so frequent that I recall a WoW Forums thread a while back that suggested there be an achievement for completing them all. One poster suggested it could be called, "I hope you washed your hands." Not a bad idea.
So what would you peg for some of the nastier quests in WoW? I know there are plenty of other gross substances we've been asked to brave other than vomit and poop - which made your skin crawl?
Reader Comments (14)
Blizzard is kind of Poo obsesed
Lol, blizzard leaves all these quests in order to remind us of all the crap we put up with for a game... I guess this is why you don't see a Chuck Norris WoW commecrial. Because Chuck doesn't take crap from nobody..(I'm SO sorry for the joke.. had to.)
dont forget the quest in borean tundra where u have to trow a wolf bait then the wolf poo in front of u
oh yea and the one in nagrand were you collect dung
There is the one in Grizzly Hills where you eat the seed out of a bucket then you have to collect plants so you can crap them out again. Then when you turn it in the guy puts them back in the bucket.
They never get old, the one that made everyone in shattrath vomit made me laugh quite hard :P
I like the poo quests even if they are a bit "poo" lol sry for the poo pun :P I thought it was a refreshing change to the normal quests lol in fact I have screenshots of a poo from each quest
I remember the quest in Hellfire Peninsula where you have to follow that felhound and dig through its poo looking for something.. That quest grossed me out a little.
also theres another one in howling fjord u have to throw firecracks under a bat then the bat comes down and poo and u get bat guano it reminds me the ace venture movie where jim carrey hates bats and he didnt know what means guano x]
according to two of my favorite movies, "Stand By Me" and "The Goonies", other people puking is always funny. Can't wait to do the one where everyone starts vomiting when you turn it in!
Best poo quest has to be the one in Grizzly Hills. You all know the one I mean.
You see an exclamation point above a bucket. There's a tasty pinecone you simply have to eat. What happens? You're send to collect mats to create some sort of Correctol type brew that quite literally blows your last weeks meals out of your body. Love the note "Don't drink this until you're actually in the outhouse. It's powerful stuff."
I still remember my characters groans of agony. It was as if she had gone to Taco Bell, pigged out, and now was suffering the consequences.
Poor little Hunter.
Oh Lord, I remember that one. In the end the dude collects the poop from the outhouse, CLEANS UP THE PINE NUTS, and then sets them back in the bucket with the rest....Sweet Jesus, I nearly barfed IRL.
"A suitable test subject" in the Borean Tundra where Bloodmage Laurith has you rub the pollen you just collected on your face and end up keeling over and puking.
@Ombrenoire, yeah, that's the one that ckiemnstr345 mentions, if you stick around you'll hear a dialog from the quest giver NPC to a nearby NPC something along the lines of:
Quest NPC, "Here's the Amberseeds back"
other NPC "Shall I put them back in the bucket?"
Indicating that this has happened before (the seeds eaten, and... um... evacuated from the body and placed back in the bucket) and it will happen again.
I'd feel disgusted if those seeds weren't so good though.
As far as the poop quests goes, which I often feel is a cheap laugh from Blizzard), I found that little bit on the Grizzly Hills one to actually be amusing.
The Nagrand one for the Nagrand Cherries (which, has changed recently and you only get 5 instead of 20 *sadface*) was interesting too when you know that certain high priced coffee beans are made using the same exact method (consumed by animals and farmed from their waste.)
Either way though, I see it is merely an objective, and it's all digital anyhow... if some quest developer at Blizzard gets some sick delight out of making these quest and then seeing how many people actually complete it... well.. yay for them.