Entries in rotten eggs (1)
Vomit, Poop, and Other Nasty Quests of WoW

There I was, running around killing Putrid Abominations to collect their oozing, purple guts and searching through Zul'Drak's Reliquary of Agony to find gooey ghoul drools, when it dawned on me.
It's not enough that we've massacred villages, stuck banners through our enemies' carcasses as a warning to others, and brought back the heads of their warlords in exchange for a new, shiny trinket. No, all that's not enough.
The oftentimes vile, repugnant World of Warcraft sends us hardened war heroes to do the tasks that no others dare do. And so I had been roped in to performing this raunchy You can run, but you can't hide quest, getting puked on along the way by the always-nasty Abominations.
And yet, perhaps I should have been thankful. I mean, I could have been the one vomiting. Like I was back in Outland, when Borak, son of Oronok (curse the name!) asked me to collect a Rotton Arakkoa Egg. What he failed to mention is that I'd have to search through dozens of eggs to find a good one. And all those that weren't perfect cast a disease that not only brought down my health, but also had me projectile vomiting. Of course, upon turning in that quest, everyone else started puking, too. Lovely.
Perhaps a slight step up from that are all the damn poop quests that people seem to love sending us on. I've searched through the excrement of felhounds, bats in the depths of Razorfen Kraul, cliff giants and Nagrand wildlife. And from that last one, I later had to eat Nagrand Cherries created from the poo I searched through. All in the name of defeating Lake Spirits.
The poop quests are so frequent that I recall a WoW Forums thread a while back that suggested there be an achievement for completing them all. One poster suggested it could be called, "I hope you washed your hands." Not a bad idea.
So what would you peg for some of the nastier quests in WoW? I know there are plenty of other gross substances we've been asked to brave other than vomit and poop - which made your skin crawl?