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The Mountain Dew Experience

How Could Such Unnaturally Colored Soda Be Bad?!

In an effort to cover World of Warcraft's extended Extended Universe I drank not one, not two but four Game Fuels recently, two of each flavor.  Now I know the Horde is going to freak out about this with claims that Project Lore hates hordies, but your drink taste exactly how I would imagine Cherry citrus-flavored death to taste.  The stuff is absolutely awful.  It should be pulled off the market as fast as Zicam and its creators forced to drink it, and only it, until they beg for mercy.   Screw waterboarding, just force terrorists to drink this concoction of chemicals and "flavor!"

As with most things, the Alliance is better.  Well, that is simply relative to the Horde mockery of a refreshing beverage.  This pop is only mildly less appalling than its co-branded cousin, offering gamers a Wild Berry-flavored potion of high fructose corn syrup, caffeine and almost the same collection of chemicals that are difficult (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid), and scary (Glycerol Ester of Wood Rosin), to pronounce.  I've yet to meet someone who drank the disgusting tonics out of something other than curiosity, but the shocking thing is that they have both been around the block before.

As unattractive as I find Horde Red, the carbonated catastrophe is a re-branding of Mountain Dew's Halo 3 GameFuel which debuted in 2007.  Not to be outdone by unoriginality, the Alliance Blue is also a re-branding, this time of Mountain Dew's election tie-in flavor, Mountain Dew Revolution.

Something good did come of the cross branding though, IRL dailies.  Again, I am not a marketing mastermind, but forcing us to view the same junk, much of which has nothing to do with the sodas, day in and day out seems like an odd marketing strategy.  Even money says it has to do with the act of repetition forcing the human brain to remember things more accurately (see Navi).

In all seriousness the good aspect is another vanity pet!  After this morning's failed attempts at the Scorched Stone, my GM and I took out our frustrations on each other's Battle-Bots.  Once fueled up (you have to reboot WoW after requesting your fuel) these guys duke it out for a bit and then one explodes in a great show of leakage.  Glad Blizzard gave the animators some time to play with these machines, but it makes me want a mini Diablo vs. mini Tyrael battle even more.
Yes, We Battled As Rabbits

I'd say that between the chance for IRL rewards, even if the token collection system is absolutely stupid, and the in-game combat pet, the co-branding has been a success.  But Blizzard, next time make the other company create interesting IRL dailies.  It really shouldn't be that difficult, some guerrilla marketing, puzzles we have to solve, trivia, need I go on? There are a ton of things more entertaining than "watching" videos over, and over again.

Here I thought reading numerous Knaak novels was the worst thing that could come from the Extended Universe!  I kid, I kid, the story arcs are entertaining and leave absolutely no aftertaste (of death).

I am sure many of you out there actually enjoy these deviants of ahh, but are you proud enough to admit it?  Me?  I will stick with my Pepsi/Mountain Dew Throwback, as I cannot stand the aftertaste left on my palate by High Fructose Corn Syrup.  The Throwback stuff is awesome, as far as soda goes anyway.  Anyone else get a kick out of the Battle-Bots?

Edit: Yes the Horde Drink is the Halo 3 GameFuel, not Code Red. Thank you readers!

Reader Comments (31)

I haven't gotten a Battle-bot as they don't sell the gamer-fuel in Canada. But by the sound of your article it seems that I'm not missing much :P

June 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShme

I dont really want to convert my blizz account to a battle.net account. I realize that sometime down the road i will be forced to do this anyway. However, getting an ingame pet does not justify me having to type out an entire email address as my username every time i log in. Sorry Mtn Dew.

June 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRaknor

Honestly, they both look and taste like sugary death. So no hate taken from this horde lover.

But the fact you need a battlenet account to get the pet is total BS.

June 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGene

Meh, I think the drinks are alright, I do indeed like the blue better then the red, but then again, I'd rather just have Coca-cola.

I was mainly interested in the Battle-bots though, an easy to get in game pet, sure, why not.

One trick with the website, apparently you don't have to watch the whole video, I just play it till the token count was updated (usually in the first 5 seconds) and move on to the next. It would of been more interesting if they just gave us one video to watch each day that was different then the last and gave us the same amount of points for the one video as they do for all the videos..

Either way, I gave up on the whole daily token things. I've got about 10 bottles of fuel on a few of my characters and that's all I really care to do.

June 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBlight

@Raknor - just click that little box on the lower left of the login screen that says remember username... or something to that effect, now all you have to do is type your password... unless I guess you use different accounts to login with.

June 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBlight

"As with most things, the Alliance is better"
Bbpsh! You're just jealous of the super sugar-high that us Hordies get when drinking our red fuel. Drink one for 15 seconds or more, and you'll get super speed buffs and automatic ganking rights :D (unless you prefer Ally, in which case it's the sugary death you described)

June 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterpixiestixy

I've bought two bottles of Alliance and enjoyed it. Hadn't tried the Horde yet, but I like Code Red anyway.

My favorite flavor of Mountain Dew is still Voltage followed by whatever that purple Halloween one they had a few years ago was (caffeinated grape soda), Live Wire, and then original.

At least none are as vile as Live Wire II. Ugh. That was horrid!

I have the in-game pet, but he's empty. Haven't bothered to figure out how to fuel him up yet. I had assumed there was a code or something under the bottle cap. Nope. Apparently there is ZERO point in buying the soda at all.

June 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPatrickD

I love The Horde Flavor im drinking one right nao!
No Seriously I am The alliance one tasted like
A rasin with a BlackBerryCarmel filling

June 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteroaky

Dude, I'm sorry, but there's no way Horde is Code Red. It's the same flavor as the HALO 3 Game Fuel.

Code Red is just too delicious to be this. What they SHOULD do is bring back Livewire nationwide.

June 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmatera

well, i have my pet and fuel him everyday. I time fueling him so he can demolish whoever just one. Wish they had a battle counter for those little guys.

I thought the red tasted like the game fuel for Halo. Blue wasn't bad, I will stick with the plain jane MtDew though. Not worth the extra $$ (stupid deposit in my state).

didn't mind doing battle.net account as you said will have to do it sooner or later.

June 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRogue4Life

Horde is not rebranding Code Red, it's the game fuel from last year. Code Red tastes completely different. The Horde Game Fuel tastes like overly carbonated, water downed, tropical Koolaid. I'm not even trying Alliance, the Horde tasted so horrible.

June 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJuinia

I love sugar! I haven't seen either around, but I'm buying one of each if I do. I did notice commercials for them on the local radio stations and one of the videos they added to the site is a commercial. Two girls are buying for of each, and the Horde girl notices the Alliance. They turn around and change into a female night elf and a male orc. That's right, male. I thought that was a pleasant nod to our cross-dressing community and I was a bit surprised they didn't go for scantily glad girl fight.

June 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCuppincakes

i like the horde flavor i dont see what is wrong with it

June 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterscruffy

I agree with PatrickD...the grape Mountain Dew kicked ass! Slap a Lich King label on that and I'd be pumping it down my gullet. Hell give me ANY reason to bring it back and I'd be pumping it down my gullet.

Grape Mtn Dew FTW!!!!

June 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlawman30

I have never consumed Mt. Dew's soda brands, and I never will.


I agree, players shouldn't have to have a battle.net account to get the in-game pet.

June 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

lol i havent tryed any yat but byt these post and commets i am a bit discouraged not by th people who say its horrible but by the hordies who like it it would make sance that the the red mt dew taste like shit it represents the horde represents walking and talking flash and bones that being hte undead it represents cows walking on 2 feat those are the tourens it represents skiny bastards with tusks the trolls represents huminoids with sharp teeth and bad skin the ruthless orcs represents magic hugrary elfs with white/red hair the blood elfs you dont cant get the point across with "good taste" i dont get why you would make the alliance bavrage the same way the yare supostu be the good guys

June 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

I tried the Horde flavor a few hours ago and I thought it tasted like liquid Slurpee. I bought a case of Alliance flavor andI'm planning to try it the next time people come over. I have a battle-boot on both of my mains and I'm trying to get both fuels for both so they can duel anyone.

June 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAllen Ibrahim

the video is awsome but wierd to see a women turn into a male orc

June 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

i just heard the sound you here when you level up anyone know wha that could be

June 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

I've tried both and like both. Got my bot in game and have had a blast fighting with it using my RED fuel. As said, will probably have to go to battle.net at some point. I don't mind, makes keeping up with stuff easier. Especially if I get into that top secret next-gen that blizz is working on.

I enjoy the throwback mtndew but my all time fave will be Baja Blast that only Taco Bell has. Why they have not released that for general sale is beyond me. It rocks!

June 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLadyWolf

how do i get hte bot i made an account but i still cant get the bot

June 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

I like both, but I'm actually a fan of Mountain Dew flavors. Though I find the Alliance to be a much better tasting flavor than the Horde's.

June 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRikaku

I have never had cause to seek out these "new" flavors of Mtn. Dew. When I read about the in-game pet I was intrigued, but upon discovering it required a battle-net WoW account, I immediately discarded any thoughts of attempting to gain one.

To me the very idea of combining the two seems stupid, as it actually INCREASES security risk so far as I can tell. (I am by no means an expert.)

Q:"How does it increase security risk? That doesn't make sense!"

A: "I dunno. It just seems like it does."

June 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterXian

Because if they gain access to your b.net account info, they gain access to all the games you have merged with that account. This too would bother me, but I only have Wow.

June 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCuppincakes

Ok so i see i am in the minority that thinks the Horde flavor is awesome.. I love the taste and most people i know, even peple who play alli toons, feel the same way. I will also add that neither of these are rebranded flavors either, I drink code red, and it lacks the citrus flavor of the horde fuel. I have bought quite a few of these already, and will continue to do so as long as they are offering them.

@LadyWolf.. agreed! baja is a great flavor, seems odd they are exclusive to taco bell.

June 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterThrodar

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