5 Easy Achievements You May Not Have Known About
Posted by
pixiestixy on
Tuesday, June 23, 2009 -
24 Comments Tags:
achievement whore,
achievements are like candy,
easy achievements,
going down,
it's happy hour somewhere,
shave and a haircut,
ultimate triage,
unknown achievements

It was easy. Perhaps too easy. And if I was as big of an achievement whore as some of us out there *cough* Juggynaut, I certainly would have already completed it, even if it meant intentionally waiting until the last second possible to make a killing blow on a mob while it beat me senseless. But, like many aspects of WoW, achievements are like candy. And once I got the one easy fix, I started searching for more.
I've come to expect certain achievements - exploring areas here, completing X number of quests there. And I'm sure you have, too. So I won't detail those. The achievements that seem a bit more random, and still relatively simple, are what I'll focus on for now, since those are the ones I'm going after myself.
For one, there's It's Happy Hour Somewhere. I had seen this one on the list before, but I didn't look too much into it previously. Turns out not to be too tough if you've made it to Outland. A quick trip to the Shattrath bar yields 13 different drinks from the two different barmaids. While your there, buy coffee from a roaming vendor in the Lower City. If you have any mage friends (or are a mage yourself), each of the 9 conjured waters counts. Find any remaining drink needs from a general goods vendor. Cha-ching.
One warning: I do not recommend drinking and riding (your mount). The simulated dizzyness can make you feel sick IRL (or maybe I'm just too sensitive!)
Another achievement that I didn't intentionally go for but was happy to get was a while back when I visisted the barber in the Undercity. Style your hair, and you get Shave and a Haircut. So simple.
Then, there's Going Down?, which you get for falling 65 yards without dying. I got it a while back after an accidental fall, but as you can see from the WoWhead page, players have figured out plenty of high spots to jump off of for the achievement.
And regardless of whether you like tabards as a fashion accessory, buy one and you get the Represent achievement. Of course, if you collect 10 tabards, that's another achievement. But if you're just starting out with achievements, you may not want to jump for that one just yet. I would consider these at the bottom of the difficulty scale for achievements, but a good place to start if you want to up your achievement points.
WoW may make an achievement whore out of me yet.
So who else out there loves achievements? What other achievements would you recommend for someone starting out? Any achievements you're stuck on? I'm still /love-ing and then killing all the critters I see in hopes of one day getting them all!
Reader Comments (24)
I love the critter gitter achievement,It was so funny to see my rogue being followed by a legion of penguins.I'm kind of a achievement whore too,I love to have feats of str achievements so I can brag about it.
Nice post thur (:
In the EU Realms I was going for the Immortal, which of course did not work (:
I do consider myself as an achievement whore as it is another way to "complete" the game.
pixie needs to catch up to Dorkins :P and maybe watching Achievement-ology might help :D
/agreed with Shamtastik.
A little trip to the episodes list will get you hooked on your achievements there pixie.
@ Helsing
I did mine with the turkeys in Howling Fjord. I then ran around and Nova'ed the litttle suckers for yet another achievement.
I also have achieved both 'To all the squirrels' achievements and Pest Control. :P
My name is Dyra and I'm an achievementholic. I have absolutely no plans of quitting and will continue to actively seek out those little boxes that I love to light up my screen ^^.
I definitely go for achievements where possible. I'm a completionist, what can I say? :P
But lately I've been working on get the Loremaster achievement, which has obviously involoved a lot of hard work, QuestHelper, consulting Thottbot, and -- above all -- patience. I do sometimes get rather frustrated, so I take that as an opportunity for a break.
I confess to being an Achievement whore and I am not ashamed, my faavourite thing ids to try and get as many achievements out of doing just one thing Like when I got Exalted with Argent dawn i got 5 in on go and almost fell out of my chair with glee
i try to do all tje easy acheivements oen i am close to finishing or onece that are fun i did the tatste like chicken and happy our somewhear just fromstuff i got of the AH suprisinly cheap 50g for both achievements i allso have criter glitter i am close to get to 25 mound achievement i have the money jus dont have the time got from AH as well quick and easy and painless then thier one a bit harder the explorer achievement i only got eastern kingdom so far
The exploration achievements of Northrend and Outland are easy once you are able to fly.
I, however, am going for probably one of the hardest non-instance acheivements. Mountain O' Mounts. The 100 Mount achievement. I am currently sitting on 52/100. This includes all of the horde racial mounts (Ambassador title ftw), all of the vendor flying mounts (normal and epic) from Outland (This includes the Netherwing Drakes). Not to mention the Albino Drake from the 50 mount acheivement. I also have an Armored Brown Bear and the Black War Bear.
wow thats must have been expensive :o
i must realy admit i am a BIG achivement whore
i got 20 titles and if i should chose between 250 g or a achivement then its no doubt the achivement
i am currently going for loremaster, bloodsail admiral, and the insane titles:O
currently got about 5700 achivement points XD
i am just goino wait for the next patch to come out much cheaper
U know on paper achievements don't look that exciting. I mean, o great i get to do meaningless things to get 10 achievement points which i can then do nothing with (Outside of the select few with rewards). But then once u earn a few u really get into it and it is another major aspect of the game u look forward 2. I think its because its like a trophy case, there is a story behind each achievement and its like a biography of your WoW career. Why do u think hardcore raiders go out of their way to make boss fight harder than need be to earn achievements, its not like (with a few exceptions) that the loot will be any better so y bother risking your time and gold on another wipe simply to get an achievement... BECAUSE ITS REALLY FUN!
I'm currently after 75 pets and 100 mount (doubt I'll get the mounts, but it's worth trying) and I do both if I have nothing else to do, but I usually find that happening (I mean who cares about doing hc's when I can go grinding azure dragons in azshara). I've only just really started with them, so I'm going to wait till 3.2 (<3) for cheaper prices on faction mounts.
I already have the 3 critter achievements to /love and kill, and I found an addon called 'Over achiever' very useful, it basically just says whether you need to /love or kill, or if you've already done it when you highlight a critter. It also shows some other things like schools of fish fished, and if you click a linked achievement by someone else, it shows you your own progress.
Anyway, I am and will be an achievement whore for life!
I enjoy them just happening to me. I rarely go out and actually do them. but it's fun to hear that noise and it light up!
Easy achievements I have finished:
Dual Talent Specialization - had 1k gold to waste
Pest Control - kill animals..um...
To All The Squirrels Who Shared My Life - /love
Armored Brown Bear - have gold will buy
Did Somebody Order A Knuckle Sandwich? - unarmed fighting to 400
Master Of Arms - 4 fighting skills to 400
Got My Mind On My Money - this one dinged before I knew what it was
Friend Or Fowl? - I wanted a turkey sandwich
To All The Squirrels I've Loved Before - /love
Going Down? - this was an accident
It's Happy Hour Somewhere - strange how toons don't need to take a leak after this
Tastes Like Chicken - 50 foods eaten
Shave And A Haircut - 2 bits
Safe Deposit - 7 bank slots
Critter Gitter - penguins!!
Fish Don't Leave Footprints - learn to fish, that's it
Ultimate Triage - 5%
WoW's 4th Anniversary - polar bear cub!!!
Crashing Thrashing Racer - Winter Veil, heh
Well Read - I was always curious about those books
These are the easy ones. The others require just a tab bit more work before you get to the groups required ones.
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