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Soloing: Dorkins Does Dailies Part 15

Dorkins continues his onslaught on Onslaught Harbor and loots loots his share of keys from his victims. Will those keys open the lockers and find the information he wants? Find out how in this episode of Project Lore.

Reader Comments (14)

Good job continuing yet another 'solo'ing segment with your partner juggy.

June 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJohnJohn

Nice episode I hope you do a raid like Ulduar soon. =-)

June 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEbytown

I love Project Lore and all, but a 5 minute video of doing an easy quest that you already did healf of last episode?

June 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAggrø

@ YouSuck

If you don´t want to watch PL, then do not. They are doing it for us to enjoy and the only thing you do is complaining. If you think you can do better, go ahead. I will be expecting 5 videos a week. Let me know when they are ready.

June 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCarlos

i actually love project lore, the soloing and achievementology!everything they do is great!stop whining people it wont help anyone!

June 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLizz

Its the fact that, just like how wow is sort of an addiction... any related thing to it that is enjoyable, like PL, gets addicting. So ppl that expect better episodes, if you don't get what you expected, maybe your standards are too high or maybe you forget there are good days and bad days in life. I Remember when i first found PL... was browsing in thottbot and i saw a link to PL 10 days of Knight. I saw the 10 days of knight and went to all Episodes and loved it, loved it, LOVED IIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiT! After two weeks BAM! Karazhan... i was super impressed with the guild and everything they did and i once felt that need for MORE action. But you know what? I feel like these PL shows reflect their characters pretty good. Like Alex , a.k.a Bowbins, recently said: "it was much more meaningful to do a dungeon, like Kara, when you had to think to make it thru the trash!".

My point being, The fact that they still air episodes means they want to supply us with the best they can offer. And that alone earns my respect and interest. I remember when achievementology and soloing first came around so many ppl QQ "boo! i'm leaving!" and then when Naxx came out so many ppl came back.

Go back and watch your fave episodes that made you like PL and remember the good times. I downloaded all episodes up to kara and made them one vid per dungeon. So when i want to watch Slave Pens for example its 1 50 min vid on my computer that doenst need to buffer.

Some want Goggins back! Well lets remember the good times and watch vids with him. He is such a great improv person: "one thing that should never, never, never happen, is that the healers getting hit! HEY!" "CRITICAL HEAL!!!!!" + facial expressions and the occasional taunt with Dorkins ;)

I remember the Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays when i didnt know about PL and now i have this site to watch any video i want from TBC and WOTLK and its awesome!

PL i (and many others I'm sure) respect and love the vids you made and i will always come back even if its a 5 min vid, it still feels good.

"just how in life you hope for more success and fame in the future, there will ALWAYS be a moment from your past that means most to you."..... so that being said (totally made up by me :P ) go ahead and show Ulduar, but that feeling i had when i discovered PL and they aired Kara... priceless.

OK HUGE POST! Thx for reading and hope it motivated some ppl to re-connect with the episode that got them into PL and for the PL Team: "keep it up! and also you guys too, look at your episodes and see how great a guild and friendship you have, look at the ppl that commented at vids a year ago and at ppl that comment now and see how many "TRUE" fans you have" ;)

June 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDeeJayDieSeL

that was deep diesel....very deep

June 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJoe

this is not stupid FFS! this is cool u know and its showing us what the project lore guys are doing during own wow time like the pug group on emalon and soloing stuff so its not stupid its just a part of the show between major activities like raiding or instances u see???

June 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTelarion

umm you guys expect too much.. they do a lot more than play world of warcraft..

sit on your lazy asses all day waiting for a video of stuff im sure you've seen in the game already...

3 words


June 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDein

lol, nice one. Keep it up.

June 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBranderen

To be honest, this episode is a bit of a joke.
Like half a daily quest.

It should be

Soloing (with less emphasis on the "solo" part): Dorkins (and Juggynaut) partially do dailies and split three quests that take 5minutes, over a week.

Frankly, I'm probably gonna stop watching from this day on. I prefer more fuller videos and I'll get my fix at ESL, WCM and yeah. The witty banter I'll get from TRS.

But the frustration of wasting minutes of my lifespan watching just filler content bores me.


I'll keep coming for the blogs though. But yeah, filler content (PUGs and Mount Runs ain't so bad, but things are just a joke now, there hasn't been proper instances since TBC tbh, with beta videos then a few normal dungeons and a couple of heroics).
It's like you guys worked hard and got a following, now you're just lazy and backing out. Least that's the impression I'm getting.


*expects flames from fanboys because I'm giving my opinion, gasp*

June 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSean

WoW has gotten so boring that even the project lore guys arent playing it. lol.

June 28, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbizzareodin

What is the add-on dorkins is using for the quests ? he placed it above omen. anyone know ?

June 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTreecko

@ Treecko

Quest Guru.

July 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGoldentoast

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