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Creating a Spectacle in WoW

grantalevelA while back I told you all about the jump into multi-boxing which I've been observing second-hand through my husband's toons. He's been leveling up two hunters through recruit-a-friend: one on his usual account and another on the new account. I helped out a bit in the beginning, then we both cut back on the adventure for a bit. Now that the end of the three-month window of triple xp is coming up, he started the push again and got both hunters both up to level 60. In the process, he racked up 30 levels to grant to another character on his main account.

Here's where the fun begins.

We decided to team up to act out a bit of the spectacle that can be garnered from level-granting. So I logged on to his level 30 paladin, Horadric, on his main account. And he logged on to the newly level 60 hunter, Officetemp. We met up in Orgrimmar, just in front of the bank and mailbox where there's usually a pretty decent crowd.

It started off innocently enough. Officetemp /waved. Horadric /bowed. He said, "Let's see how this works." And so it began. DING! Flash of light, woosh of sound.

Officetemp: "Grats!"
Horadric: "Thanks!"
Not many paid much attention.

[Horadric] has earned the achievement [Level 40]!

Now, a crowd was starting to gather. Chatter began. Some questioned WTH was going on. Some laughed. Some congratulated. Some cheered. Others asked how many levels more would be granted. Oh, the attention.

Officetemp: "Hang on, I think I still have some more."

[Horadric] has earned the achievement [Level 50]! Now, spectators started speculating about how many more levels would be granted. Would he go all the way to 60 - the cap for level granting?

Horadric: "Getting close!"

DING! Level 56.
DING! Level 57.
DING! Level 58.
DING! Level 59.


Horadric: /bow.
Officetemp: ...(silence)
The crowd didn't like the suspense. Speech bubbles started popping up as some predicted that Horadric wouldn't get all the way to 60. Some seemed disappointed. Some even complained on Horadric's behalf at the cruelty to leave him hanging at level 59.

Officetemp, an orc, finally speaks. And it's not pretty: "You have to work for this one. Dance, you filthy blood elf, DANCE!"

Horadric, not one to be discouraged: /dance. The Napolean Dynamite-inspired number ensues.
Some of the crowd seems to think this isn't good enough.

level60"Get naked!" someone yells.
A couple of spectators derobe and start getting jiggy with Horadric as he strips down, one piece of armor at a time.
Toons hollar and whistle at the scene, and Horadric continues with the spectacle. Finally, Officetemp is satisfied.

[Horadric] has earned the achievement [Level 60]!

The crowd cheers, jumps around, continues to dance, offers congratulations -- and those who guessed that Horadric would go all the way to 60 gloat in their victory.

Horadric: /kisses Officetemp. The spectacle has ended, but a full-on party has started in the process. And nearly-naked toons continue to dance the night away.

Officetemp logged off, and I handed the reigns to Horadric back over. It was a fun experiment in attention whoring. I was utterly satisfied that some simple role-playing combined with the awesomeness of level granting had made for a fun experience for all. The social aspect and interacting with a group of toons also was a great time. I thirst for more!

Now I'm curious about what similar experiences everyone else has had? Have you had an opportunity to create a spectacle in front of a group? If so, what are some of your favorite ways to gather a crowd? Do you like joining in on group parties, or would you rather do your own thing and leave the attention-seekers to themselves?

Reader Comments (33)

Last night me (holy pala) and a resto druid friend stood outside the inn in Dalaran and did what you see a lot of healers doing - trying to see how long it takes you to OOM. We buffed ourselves and started doing a dance to go with it, healing each other.

After a while, a crowd started to form and other healers joined in. It was hilarious and there were about 6 healers at the end, with about 25 people watching.

It took roughly 20 minutes for us both to OOM, using everything we had to bring mana back up (innervate, divine plea etc etc). Was interesting =P

July 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSam

I stick with the usual 1 liners and/or chants when casting my big spells during raids. No biggie, just give you that grandeur feeling that you are in an epic movie.

"Say hello to my little friends!" *Rapid Shot*
"Fear Me!" *Howl of Terror*
"Loktar Ogar! For the Horde!" *Charge*

you get the idea :D It's those tiny little things that spice up your WOW "life".

July 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShamtastik

Ah, i don't think i'll ever forget mammoth races. One lap around Dal, winner gets a gold.

July 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPrimarch

I was not apart of this but my friend was sitting in the corner of the AH in SW when it did.

A played was going on in trade and yell how he was quiting wow and give all his shit away if they met him in the AH in SW. So naturally a lot of people showed up and little did they know he had a little debuff on him, The Kazzak Bomb.


July 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJoenips

wth is the kazzak bomb

July 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

go to kul tiras realm alliance side and check out the trade chat it is the msot retarded usless thing ever!!! between the thunderfury spam and chuck norris jokes no1 can sell anything but are realm is sooo funny i love just sitting in IF reading trade lol

July 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterxxdeathangel

Well a friend of mine had the same. We were recruiting colleague's from work but they couldnt start an account before we had send them the invitation.

My friend had invited someone that dove straigth into lvl-ing and when he had reached lvl 60 they did the same as you did. Went to SW bank/mailbox and started dinging..

@ first he got some grtz's

when he had dinged lvl 20 some started to ask how it worked etc..

When he had dinged lvl 30 more wth's and more whispers to my colleague and friend.

And @ 40 they started asking my colleague can you give me lvl's too plz. i've been a good boy in wow since i started. (thinking he was some sort of admin )

Atfter that they just couldnt stay online anymore cause they got bombarded with so many tells it was just insane.

But we all had a nice laugh about it. :) so this story was so recognizeable. :)

July 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTreecko

With such interesting topics such as this, it's a suprise I don't come here more often.......

/sarcasm off

July 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAustin

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