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Creating a Spectacle in WoW

grantalevelA while back I told you all about the jump into multi-boxing which I've been observing second-hand through my husband's toons. He's been leveling up two hunters through recruit-a-friend: one on his usual account and another on the new account. I helped out a bit in the beginning, then we both cut back on the adventure for a bit. Now that the end of the three-month window of triple xp is coming up, he started the push again and got both hunters both up to level 60. In the process, he racked up 30 levels to grant to another character on his main account.

Here's where the fun begins.

We decided to team up to act out a bit of the spectacle that can be garnered from level-granting. So I logged on to his level 30 paladin, Horadric, on his main account. And he logged on to the newly level 60 hunter, Officetemp. We met up in Orgrimmar, just in front of the bank and mailbox where there's usually a pretty decent crowd.

It started off innocently enough. Officetemp /waved. Horadric /bowed. He said, "Let's see how this works." And so it began. DING! Flash of light, woosh of sound.

Officetemp: "Grats!"
Horadric: "Thanks!"
Not many paid much attention.

[Horadric] has earned the achievement [Level 40]!

Now, a crowd was starting to gather. Chatter began. Some questioned WTH was going on. Some laughed. Some congratulated. Some cheered. Others asked how many levels more would be granted. Oh, the attention.

Officetemp: "Hang on, I think I still have some more."

[Horadric] has earned the achievement [Level 50]! Now, spectators started speculating about how many more levels would be granted. Would he go all the way to 60 - the cap for level granting?

Horadric: "Getting close!"

DING! Level 56.
DING! Level 57.
DING! Level 58.
DING! Level 59.


Horadric: /bow.
Officetemp: ...(silence)
The crowd didn't like the suspense. Speech bubbles started popping up as some predicted that Horadric wouldn't get all the way to 60. Some seemed disappointed. Some even complained on Horadric's behalf at the cruelty to leave him hanging at level 59.

Officetemp, an orc, finally speaks. And it's not pretty: "You have to work for this one. Dance, you filthy blood elf, DANCE!"

Horadric, not one to be discouraged: /dance. The Napolean Dynamite-inspired number ensues.
Some of the crowd seems to think this isn't good enough.

level60"Get naked!" someone yells.
A couple of spectators derobe and start getting jiggy with Horadric as he strips down, one piece of armor at a time.
Toons hollar and whistle at the scene, and Horadric continues with the spectacle. Finally, Officetemp is satisfied.

[Horadric] has earned the achievement [Level 60]!

The crowd cheers, jumps around, continues to dance, offers congratulations -- and those who guessed that Horadric would go all the way to 60 gloat in their victory.

Horadric: /kisses Officetemp. The spectacle has ended, but a full-on party has started in the process. And nearly-naked toons continue to dance the night away.

Officetemp logged off, and I handed the reigns to Horadric back over. It was a fun experiment in attention whoring. I was utterly satisfied that some simple role-playing combined with the awesomeness of level granting had made for a fun experience for all. The social aspect and interacting with a group of toons also was a great time. I thirst for more!

Now I'm curious about what similar experiences everyone else has had? Have you had an opportunity to create a spectacle in front of a group? If so, what are some of your favorite ways to gather a crowd? Do you like joining in on group parties, or would you rather do your own thing and leave the attention-seekers to themselves?

Reader Comments (33)

lol thats funny


June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMeren


June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFuryhunter

Cool! Unfortunately, since I'm Bulgarian (and I was stupid enough to say that in my account creation) I cannot benifit from the Recruit a Friend feature. Although this is very fun and exciting :D GL with more of that :P

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPenegal


June 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

thats probably as close as i will ever get to going to a strip club lol

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

Sadly the recruit thing does not work in Denmark (DOH!)
So every time i see a person on a zhevra mount i begin to swear! :p

most of my guild likes to hang out in IF and do dance parties, or just start talking about crazy stuff. soon enough, everyone wonders why we're all just standing around. That, or we all get together outside IF and duel!

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDulica

Yeah i Have been watching multiboxing for some time now over at


Basically a guy is running 4 hunters and a priest from level 1 to level 80, through instances, and also doing BGS as he progresses in levels. He talks to you and answer your question whilst playing WoW. He is level 60 atm, or near around there, and is on most nights, and he plays all 5 guys. Real good stuff to watch. So go check it out :) Totally legit, be prepared to become addicted lol

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteronthebuses

5 characters at once? I enjoy WoW, but I don't enjoy it enough to spend 75 bucks a month on it.
I create a spectacle when I pwn the mobs. Other than that, don't really care.

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterArassar

Actually, right after a Heroic Violet Hold run with guildies, I was heading to do my regular thing of repairing. As I get onto the streets, I see a group of people someone making a path, and then three horde walking out of Violet Hold that I must've ignored. They were ALL wearing white wedding dresses, white caps that somehow got pointy, and was wearing a guild tabard that was solid white with a red cross on it.

Just about EVERYONE said "lol" or "rofl" or something along those lines. It was an added effect that their guild's name was .

Now for those who think that's offensive, think about it. When was the last time you've heard anything from/about the KKK? A long time. They're gone. They have about as much power as Karl Marxx does in person.
Flame Warden Laeltis
Illidan (US)

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaeltis

I had a friend who granted my alt some levels when we had RaF:ed to abou lvl 50. A guy in org thought that we were GMs XD

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjenz0r

this jsutin dude has no life

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

hahahahaha XDDD do u think justin is the wow player XD hahahaahahahaha OMG :/ HAA!1

yeah i did my spectacle in SW my friend grants me 40 lvls too bad i could get 60 but we did something wrong w/e it was so funny everybody was WDF even the 80s and i check the option in carbonite quest addon which lets know to ur friends and guildies that u get a new lvl it was a level spam on the guild chat .P btw i've never played on it just that day XD
but its very cool

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commentergron

@ Cocopuff.. who are you to actually say that? He has no life. LOL.

He created one of the best multiboxers out there, owns a website, and plays wow.

You play wow don't you?

So you also have no life? No you have a life, people live there lives how they want to, get off your mounted high horse and go kill some boars :D.

No harm meant btw

Dont judge people you don't know k? Sorted

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteronthebuses

lol man but i laughed cuzz cocopuff thought justin was the player or something well thats what i read XD
"this jsutin dude has no life"
but yeah cocopuff dont judge people cuz i google'd u and u has not a good rep in the PL's blogs ;)

like onthebuses said No harm meant :D :D

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commentergron

if thats ot his name we he name his website that

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

you googled me wth?

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

that guy has 20 80s on one server what the hell am supotu think he has 5 freaking accounts i mean searsly and no offence to him most people succefull inthis kind of stuff are geaks which is allot better then being a regular geek no harm ment

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

o.O the first post i dont really understand but no its not his website :S is justin.tv :S a website which provide live video stream :S S: S: and i gooogled u typing "cocopuff project lore"
i think we are writing worthless stuff

YEAH pixiestixy ( lol had to copy and paste ur name x]) its fun
about ur questions:
1.- i did my own experience .P
2.- i created a spectacle .p
3.- RAF free levels and traveler's mammoth
4.- both >.<"

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commentergron

Someone did this today on my server. A ton of people thought it was hax or something stupid like that and of course trade and general blew up with the newb comments about it.

No sense of humor today :(

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDan

well whos voice is it explining everything

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

give me an example

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

Grats Project Lore! Tim from http://www.justin.tv/multiboxing wants to do something with you guys!

He got allot of traffic on his website and it seems he also wants to cooperate with you peeps =)

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHarabec

all i do is put out a burning dancer thing then a beer fest pony keg then get a few people to do aoe and then people start to come aoe as well and then they dance and it goes on from there.

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterhigy

What I once did with my guild is to all get on your Wooly Mammoth mount and walk (NOT RUN) circles in Dalaran. IN less than 5 minutes 20 other people were folowing us to see where we were going, while we talked in /say how we would take on Flame Leviathan later than evening.

Big fun!

July 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKrashnor

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