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A Friendly Bet, Backfired?


"If you reach 80 before I do, I will pull out my hair."

Not the smartest thing to say to your competitive friends. Especially not with witnesses online.

But it started off innocently enough. A couple weeks ago, I was enjoying a nice evening of playing WoW and chatting it up over Teamspeak with the RL friends in my small guild. I was commenting on how quickly a couple of my friends have been leveling. The guild leader's alt and one of my friends who is new to WoW had been playing together and already reached level 60, in the same amount of time that it took me to go from 60 to 70.

But I'm not the fastest leveler by any means. I like to take my time enjoying the lore and quests, I get distracted in-game pretty easily by non-xp-driven tasks and to top it off, I just don't play quite as much as my buddies.

They've been bugging me for a while about my not-so-hasty leveling process. Sure, the comments always are friendly, but I know they really do want me to get to 80 fast ("We want to start on those 10-mans, Pixie, hurry up already!"). So, I started to pick up the pace a bit in Northrend. And by the time I reached level 76 a couple of weeks ago, they were at level 70. Not too bad on my end.

So when one of them commented that they would reach level 80 before me, I was feeling a little over-confident. And in a weak moment of expressing my frustration at their seemingly limitless play time, I said it.

"If you reach 80 before I do, I will pull out my hair."

As soon as they started asking how I would look bald, I knew that they wouldn't back down. Although I hadn't REALLY meant it seriously, it didn't matter. If I take it back, I lose. So I logged off that night determined to make it happen.

Then life took over, and I didn't log in for two weeks. Every day that life kept me away from WoW, I dreaded more and more the thought of logging in and realizing that I had lost. Then, last weekend I finally got some free time back again. The first thing I do upon logging in? Pull up the guild window and look at everyone's levels. Turns out, RL kicked in for them, too. Or maybe just summer. Because they're only level 72. /Cheer!

Now I have to get busy!

Whether they start seriously or not, there's plenty of friendly in-game bets that add another aspect to gameplay. You could make it a race to complete quests under a certain amount of time, or time how long it takes for each of you to reach a certain level, or you could compete to get specific achievements before the other. What are your stories of wagers or competitions you've had in-game? Did you come out on top, or lose?

Reader Comments (23)

never made a bet with friends on wow but then again they all gone on a wow break so now im all alone :(

July 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbubble

Lol, you better hope they don't take it literally, and actually make you PULL out your hair, not cut it.

July 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZyspy

Luckily you didn't say "ALL" your hair. You could pull out a few strands and call it a day. :)

July 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPatrickD

at one point in BC, my GM was leveling very slowly.. so in an attempt to motivate her I bet that I could get two characters to 70 before her one. (At the time I was referring to a 63 warrior and a 52ish warlock) I had them both at 65 when she finally hit 70. I didn't win the bet but I accomplished my goal of motivating both her and myself to level faster.

July 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCyrus

i bet i would get all the dailies done before my friend, i know own a nice mechano-hog (my friends uber rich, obviously) ^.^

July 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKyle

my friend once bet i couldnt get top 3 dmg in a wsg on my 39 twink hunter only using my gun and melee weps(and he allows my 2 trinkets, isignia of the horde and Arena Grand Master), that day i was 300g richer ^.^

July 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJustin

so a couple of months ago my friends were all joking about how slow i had been leveling. Im lv 40 at this point they are at lv 20's but also have the 3x experience from each other.They get cocky and bet that at least one of them could beat me to 80. 2 weeks later 2 of them are level 65 and one is 78 and im lv 55. They dont realize im on my friends computer which limits me to 1-2 hours every other day and they were logging in for hours on end every day. Well life hits them and they have to go backpacking in Europe for 10 days. Well i figure, "like hell these guys are gonna beat me" and i start instances like crazy as well as doing at least 5 quests at a time. I found a group to level with and when my friends returned from their trip they noticed a new 80 in the guild. Safe to say the 78 was pissed....i win

July 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJacob

its funny cus me and like 6 or 7 other guildies are all racing to 80, so far we are all around 70-74, and its been that way since i joined the guild a few months ago. we all connect to Vent just about every night and either quest together and or do instances together. we do have an unspoken bet on who will get to 80 first, and it seems that im last place in that running. do to my so called "Altoholicism". its not my fault i get bored playing the same toon every single day.lol

July 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVayder

I made a bet with my IRL friend that i'd hit 80 before him.

He had 11 level's on me when i made the bet.
I finished up at 80. While he's still running round sholazar at 77

Suck that one kyle ;)

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteradam

im fairly sure i could out level my friends, but they will only play the "you have no life card". Of course they will be right.

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZoczoc

I did this with some guys from work. Ended up a $50 dollar bet that I would make 80 before a friend who start 72 levels up on me. To date I'm 67 and he's 75 now

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJouko

I made a bet with one of my best friends a while ago.
I made a bet that I could level to 80 and get Exalted with kirin Tor, Wyrmrest Accord, Argent Crusade and Knights of the Ebon Blade. He remarked,"Dude if you can do that I will give you 10,000 Gold" So me, being the competetive little ***** that I am decided to take him up on it. The outcome was obvious, I have 33,957G he now has 1,000 Gold.

*Before Him

i murmured the words "ill bet i can what ever" a few times never actualy bet anything and i lost most of them i usauly get distracted very easy thiers not much laft to bet on with my cousin (thats who i usualy bet with) now we are both80 he is in full epics got is epic flyer not to menchion on another server he was the one who posed the bets and i quess you can say he was more devoted to them

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

"ill bet i can" what ever*

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

I level too fast on my alts, it may be the fact i remember a good deal of the quests or i dont remember which zone to head to next but most the quests i have on alts r either orange or red, I stay on my main till i get all my dailys done and on the weekend i try and find a grp for nax25/uld10/uld25 during the slooooow moments i continue lving a alt, i have a lv 41gnomelock, 25draeneipallie, 24 trollhunter, 14 nelfdruid, 16 nelfpriest, 31 draeneishammie, 72 humanDK, with my main being a 80 humanmage and horde main 80 undeadwarrior.....tho' i have a few friends that lv alts from thime to time we never make a bet, cause i have nothing to do but this so they know i'd get them to 80 in no time(i could play halo 3 instead...nah)...

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNnohhbody

I might end up owning Muffin man 700g becausse Lawlar can't get to 80 due to him being bored of WOW :d

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShamtastik

LOL I made a similar call to someone I know in game. He had rerolled a new toon and a few weeks(maybe months man time flys) passed and I decided to start a new toon. I told him when I was 50ish(he was low 70's) I was going to catch him and pass him. Today I am 74 and he's 78? I have a feeling he is going to lose. To make things better I am a priest and he is a pally.........

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDan

Looking back, I find it pretty interesting that I've never made a bet. I guess it's because I've got plenty enough drive -- *remembers being lonely in BC because everyone had moved on to Sunwell* -- that no one offers me a bet.

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

Well, I've never bet with anyone in the WoW subject ('cuz I'm a bet addict...snooker, poker, car racings...), but from time to time I bet with myself, while leveling alts. My record was to level one of my chars to lvl 20 in 2 days, playing something like 4 hours a day. Cartographer + Quest Helper/Carbonite = Profit.

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWittgenstein

my sister and I are in a guild together, and all our buddies on there want me to hit 80. I can't play nearly as much as most of them, so I'm slowly getting up there...but I'm not making bets with anyone :)

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDulica

Bald Britney is hot.

July 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHank

When my nephew first started playing WoW he was 'impatient', and seemed to get bored quick. He had his toon list full before his main was lvl 15. About the time his main was 33 I got tired of him whining about "I want a lvl 40 so BAD!!!" or "I'll NEVER have enough money for a mount!!" or "It's taking too long to lvl!!". So I made him a bet. I bet him that he couldn't make it to lvl 40 in the next 4 days. If he did I would buy his mount, if not he had to give me the 100g. Suffice it to say he was 40 the next day and riding a brand new mount. I know it wasn't very hard but it got him to stop whining and get the lvls. He knew what I was doing the whole time too, or so he says. :-)

July 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNoric

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