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Soloing: Dorkins Does Dailies Part 20

Dorkins continues his rep grind, this time with The Oracles in the Sholazar Basin. He grabs the three daily quests and goes to find a few shinnies with his new friend Jaloot. Find out how in this episode of Project Lore.

Reader Comments (20)

nice episode :D

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdein

How long ago was this filmed? His bullets are still stacking up to 200.

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZetharl

I'm working on the Frenzy heart at the moment because I want the Brew that allows you to turn into a Frenzyheart Wolvar, then I'm going after that proto-drake. =P
Anyway good episode, well done on dismounting in flight, reminded me of when you were doing Utguard Keep and accidentally sent Jimmy in. "Noooo Jimmy!!!" - possibly my favourite Project Lore moment, it's at least one of them.
Any way I realize this must be a very old video, considering that Dorkins' ammo is stacked in 200's and ammo now stacks to 1000 as part of patch, I think something like 3.0.9. Please someone correct me =]

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPhanttas

Whats that addon that shows you the nodes on the map?? if thats what it does at all

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLar

You could have totally avoided death if you were an Engineer...then you have like a parachute cloak...

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMcsouthors

And the thing with the nods on the map should be the addon called Gatherer.

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMcsouthors

omg I cant belive it he actually changed his shirt!!!
And BTW why couldn't you just started at Sholzar Basin instead of Flying>Dismount in midair>Dying>running to your corpse>Flying>Dismounting for mining node> and finally flying again for like 3 min to SB?

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterragingox

Every morning i get up get something to drink and then i go to play wow with my hunter. First I go to do the fishing daily and then i come here in sholazaar basin to listen to the birds singing and the waterfalls falling. Finally blizzard made something realistic in wow

July 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTelarion

part 20?!? jeez, guys, get another segment, im sick of dorkins does dailies, do a segment where dorkins pwns horde or somehthing, this is extremely boring now, im waiting 4 or 5 days for mount runs now to keep me looking at this site >.>

July 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKyle

It was probably filmed be4 the way of the pug after naxx

July 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCorlando


July 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCorlando

I enjoy Dorkins - I think he is funny and I like his commentary.

That said, how long has it been since we had all 5 guys for an episode? What the hell happened - did Lyle quit or something? If he quit - that is terribly sad - but get a new tank - I think Jeff used to be a prot pally didn't he? It looks like Alex is leveling a bear tank... use that.

Anyway - I think the whole series is SERIOUSly loosing its appeal for me. It started out as 5 mans. Lovely and fun. Then there was an occasional 10 man - better. Then there was a time or two that they needed filler (1-3 people) because people were traveling.

Now, IT IS ALL FILLER. There is no actual 5 man content and there hasn't been for ages. Now you are on a 3 / week schedule because you don't have enough damn FILLER!!!!?!?! This is getting ridiculous.

If you lot are going to shut the site down - go ahead and do it like men. Don't let it die this terrible whimpering death. Add some real content or shut it down.

You are obviously loosing significant viewership by the lack of new content if you look at the sparse comments lately. There is really nothing to comment on because everyone knows that you are showing filler. If there is nothing the filler is holding together - e.g. actual content - then well, that is where we are now.

Terrible shame. I used to really love this site.

July 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterpenrose

@ penrose.....




they chillin'

I think they thought that because its summer and ppl go outside more than any other time of the year that they could calm down the content, and well looks like they got some needy hardcore fans (like me :) ) and yea they'll be back and running instances soon. Its just a lesson for PL i guess. Make some interesting content vids before the summer and show it then (probably they will do with their horde characters since Ulduar is coming up soon ;) )

July 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDeeJayDieSeL

Just for info. you lose exacly your life when u die from falling no meter of that how high did u fall......

July 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWhat a NEWb...

i mean you cannot lose 1000000000 life when you fall of somewhere for example if your life is 25 000 cos there's no overkill from falling cos no body kills you... you fall... zann or zand I dont know your name but you are dumb rly dumb i have no Idea why a newbies are doing thos movies i mean the whole project... who's sponsoring you blqqhh... ( nope i don't want to learn to spell... _)_ )

July 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWhat a NEWb...

there is a guy called archmage pentarus (i think) in krasus landing and he gives you a flying machine which teleports you to SB

you get a quest from him to get to sholazar basin instantly and just talk to a dwarf hanging from a tree when u get there and dont take his quest line

viola free SB transport

July 19, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterhoothor

@What a NEWb

You are a noob for thinking that he doesn't know that... He was just stating the obviously like he always does.

And this series isn't made for experts, if you are good at WoW do you think you would come here for tips ? This show is made for Newb's to learn how to play so it needs to be explained in the Newb language.

Don't take everything so seriously.... geesh.

Peace !

July 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMeadow

Wow, this Episode was great. I see Zand is wearing a different shirt, so it seems like he's had some time off since the previous ones, and it seems to have refreshed his humor!

Falling off the mount was just awesome, and nice find with the Titanium while you were down there! I agree about the mining and dismounting, so clunky, yet I just don't like the whole dismount why flying option simply because my son sometimes like to bash the keys while he watches me fly around, and I'll accidentally hit a wrong key just often enough to make it problematic.

It would be nice if Blizzard added an option to dismount if you are in range of gatherable node (herb, mine, skin) and click on it to loot.

The Mr. Rogers like "How are you doing..." part was great too!

July 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBlight

that's where the oracles ARRRRREEEE..... (sound of key being pressed with authority)

so we are headed there NOWWWWW.... (double-click...)



i don't know what just happened...i just fell off my mount there...

Dorkins, I love you man!

I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe. I watched yesterday at work and had to turn it off because I couldn't stop laughing. Watched again today and it had the same effect! Pure comic genius. Web TV gold! Thanks for that. Made my freakin' week.

July 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterScott Bunting

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