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The Next Expansion: Pure Speculation On WoW v4.0 To v4.4

Community Spotlight On LoreCrafter.com's Catalysm Ideas Community Spotlight On LoreCrafter.com's Catalysm Ideas

I, like many of you, absolutely love Warcraft's lore.  We've been talking about it much lately, ranging from various quests and zones all the way to the predicted reveal of the upcoming expansion.  To be completely honest, the lore is what I spend most of my time on.  I read about the universe all over the place, from manga and books to various websites and blogs.  I spend hours a week raiding, leveling and farming.  Yet, I'd wager that I dedicate almost an equal amount of time pouring over the many resources available.  And we need so many due to the immense size and scope of the universe that Metzen and his underlings have created for us to play in.

I simply can't get enough of the lore.  Lunches, "smoke breaks", waiting for things to install.  I steal every moment I can to absorb the seemingly endless amounts of information, stories, conjecture and background to Warcraft.  It's this very reason that I have between 15-20 sites on my RSS feeder dedicated to this single purpose.  And one of them really caught my eye, and teased my brain, recently, LoreCrafted.com.

Let's be clear, the latest series of posts by Tharion Greyseer are complete and utter speculation on the aforementioned upcoming expansion.  Over the course of a couple of weeks Tharion crafted a recap of what could be coming from World of Warcraft v4.0 and beyond.  The author even took the time to include Blizzard-esque role playing introductions for each patch, crafted a possible world event focused on rising seas and the incoming Naga swarms from the Maelstrom and addressed other popular expansion theories.

I don't dare recap the entirety of the posts for fear of "spoiling" those who want to remain clean, and to force you to check out the excellent posts.  The information contained within is indeed pure speculation, and unlikely to be spot on, but it makes Cataclysm sound pretty interesting.  Not to mention complex if the intertwining lore aspects come to fruition.  Upon completion of the series I did enter into a surprising state of depression.  Reading the synopsis made me realize how formulaic the expansions can easily become.

Who else dedicates unsafe amounts of time to reading Warcraft's past?  Have any of the non-Warcraft III players gone back and read about The Frozen Throne and the current lore?  May I recommend just playing it?  Enjoy the community spotlight?

Interesting tidbit.  According to WoWWiki the bonus campaign in TFT, featuring Rexxar, was created to showcase the Orcs, because they weren't a large enough part of the story proper.  I guess that answers the 'what is the Horde doing' question I posed earlier.

Reader Comments (18)

Hey all. I have been playing wow for almost 4 years, but I have to admit, I am not the best when it comes to all the Lore that surrounds wow. If I wanted to really get into it, what would be the best books/websites that I could read or check out to involved with all the Lore? Thanks.

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterduckdodgers

its awsome to see that im not the only "lore-whore" out there. ive been given the unofficial guild title of the Lore Master. i take most of my time(on FP's, waiting for WG, ect) reading novels,manga,graphic novels, blogs, posts, websites. anything i can get my hands on. the lore is what drew me into playing WoW. and im truley thankfull that Bliz descided to go so indepth into the lore of this wonderous world they created.

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVayder

Definitely an interesting read despite consisting only of speculation.

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

^ the lorecrafted blog, I mean

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

Even with all the warcraft past they have kind of run out of things to make complete expansions out of even with the current one they have to come up with last minute things to keep both the people who play for the story and for the game play happy. I mean even the argent tournament was not really lore related, It seemed more like an okay try at making the endless waves of undead fun to kill again I just wish they would put more thought into the things they release and maybe start adding in some real WoW lore rather then just replaying Warcraft 3 third person rpg style...

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterUnknown

I loved the articles, which if something like that was implemented (have you guys at Blizzard read these?) then in my opinion it should be liked by the majority of people and keep players interested in the game, especially since we have the new DC Heroes/Villians MMO and Star Trek online on the horizon

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKerrangous


Correction: "DC Heroes/Villians MMO and Star Wars online"

Though, it is interesting. I've come into the Lore quite late. From moving from Star Wars lore, onto Lord of the Rings, and after getting into World of Warcraft, now I'm working on my knowledge of the Azerothian History.

I quote iTZ on this:
"Upon completion of the series I did enter into a surprising state of depression. Reading the synopsis made me realize how formulaic the expansions can easily become."

Isn't that real life too? Historians who spend their lives studying history can make patterns and 'predict' the future based on previous circimstances. The rule of thumb of prediction is "History always repeats itself." It's been proven in different situations.

On the matter that it's formulatic, yeah; it can be. It's a make-believe world that has a basic ground of 'what happened'.

Though, the post is truely amazing. I love the Lore and I wish I got into it sooner.

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaeltis

i use wowiki for my questions i never [played any of the WC games heck i wanst even in this country when they were released but i did my best to catch up on the lore but it has gotten to the point whear i have so many names in my head i get confused i used to confuse guldan and and ner'zhul i had so much of it in my head that some stuff started poping out i learned to find a balance between my lay time and learning of warcraft past oii would not call my self the "lore master" but i know enough to make sence of the game i reconize historick idols implented in this game such tyrande the leader of the nightelfs rhonin leader of the kirin tore alextranza and her advisor illidan stormrage AKA the betrayar sylvana AKA the dark lady leader of the undead kel'thas sunstrider leader of teh BE kil'jaeden i allso reconize when i am in a historick place such as karazhan medivh tower theromore once part of the lordaron alliance and home or former home to many heroes like lady proudmore tand the mother of medivh and villains like onixia it is allso the place whear varians the king of SW tale begins and ends azshara named after teh trachorous queen of the elfs blasted lands the home of the dark portal heck the whole kingdom of azeroth is symbol of waht used to be the great kingdom of kalimdor

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

another expansion will be Blizzfail
and this is because:

first game - 15 euros
Second game - 15 euros
Third game - 35 euros
first 2 months of game - 27 euros
92 euros to start play..just put more 35 euros or even 15 and it will be a shit to start playng..seriously,they want TOO MUCH MONEY!

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTrial

Yeah, you're right, but, whoever pays for the whole WoW set (Standart + BC + WotLK + 2 months Game Card), is either a rich guy or a fool.
To save some money, and do the right thing, you start of with just Standart WoW CD-Key, get 1 month free, and in this month, you can get to 60 REALLY fast (with "Recruit-a-Friend feature). If you want a Blood Elf or Draenei, you buy Standart + BC, but it's not necessary, since the majority of classes can be played with both Horde and Alliance.
When you ding 60 with recruit a friend, you'll probably have 1 week left to play for free, so you can farm for maths or achievements, or even get some gear upgrades by participating in mount runs with lvl 80 . From now one, you can buy BC and a Game Card.
In 2 months you can get to 70 for sure. Probably, you'll get a few more days to play before the game card time expires, so, do the same as with the lvl 60.
Now is time to buy WotLK key and another game card...will be a little more expensive, but still not that much...from now on, just keep buying the game cards...

I think this is the most efficient way of upgrading an account...buying WotLK from the beggining is pointless.

And about the post, lorecrafted.com did a great job at this speculation...but I didn't get the part that "the Wetlands" turns into "The Floodlands"...I mean...they will flood an area? This would take "some months" to create...

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWittgenstein

And sorry for the spelling errors =\...

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWittgenstein

I myself have slowly been building up my knowledge on Lore. SO much to learn, so much to brush up on. War of the Ancients, The Sundering, and Deathwing (REALLY hoping for a Deathwing raid soon, it'd be awesome. :D )

Personally tho, I didn't get into WoW until about 2 months before Wrath came out, so I'm kinda in the dark on these introductory events and whatnot.

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFancierpants

in reguards to the wetlands possibly becoming the wetlands. it might be like in the months and weeks leading up to WotLK. They'll release a patch with a huge in game event involving areas flooding, the leaders of the factions seeing this new threat, and everything going haywire, then things simmer down a bit and settle, then when the new expansion hits, BAM, we're up to our ears in new content, lore, quests, and dungeons. Whether the rumors are true or not, I'm looking forward to it. Best to save up now, peoples! lol.

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAzurienatei

becoming the *floodlands*. Sorry, lol

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAzurienatei

hey wetlands is the home of grim batol so whats to become of it when the lands flood what will happen to black wing will he relocate or ttry to save tthe lands will the three hammers unite once again?

July 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

Trial, you're missing the part where no one needs to buy anything but the first game for the first 55 levels.

I started in fall of 2007 and I didn't buy TBC until a good three months into the game, when I needed it to go to Outland.

They could package vanilla and TBC together, since there is low level content included in TBC (belfs and draenei).

July 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSam

for awhile i was seriously thinking about playing warcraft 1,2&3 just for the lore

July 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjustin

i spent full day yesturday brushing lore now reanernergized with lore and more knowladgeble the ever

July 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

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