Five Ugly PUGs
Posted by
Tyranis on
Monday, July 20, 2009 -
51 Comments Tags:
epic loot,
grim toll,
horror story,
raid leader

Up until recently, my participation in pick-up group (PUG) raids has been non-existent. However, I recently changed my death knight's spec to Blood to take advantage of the vast amounts of armor penetration (ArP) found on the gear in Ulduar. I was an Unholy death knight previously and cared little for ArP, but as Blood some of the items I passed up when we did Naxxramas and Malygos are suddenly huge upgrades.
My guild exclusively raids heroic Ulduar at this point, so if I want to get my hands on items like Grim Toll or Melancholy Sabatons, I need to join PUGs. So over the past few weeks I've joined probably around a half dozen PUGs. While none of the PUGs I joined were disastrous, they certainly left much to be desired. I would like to take this opportunity to highlight the top five people to /boggle at that I met through my recent pugging endeavors.
#5 The Undergeared Complainer
During one of my heroic Naxxramas PUGs, one of the women in the raid kept keying into vent to talk about all of the loot upgrades she needed. Every time we downed a boss, she would be very vocal about what item she wanted and would swear over vent when she lost the rolls.
After losing her second roll she spoke over vent and complained that she couldn't believe people were rolling on these items when they already had purples equipped. That's when I inspected her. She was mostly in greens and a few blues. Her gear was so bad that the 24 other people in the raid were literally carrying her through the instance. She still had the gall to complain about other people rolling on gear. I believe I watched her lose every item she rolled on that night. Karmarific!
#4 The Worst Ninja
You knew there had to be a ninja story in here somewhere right? Well this one still has me baffled. A priest in our Naxxramas pug rolled need on an epic trash drop. It was bind on pick-up and it was a leather item, which of course a priest cannot equip. We asked him if he rolled need on accident and without a reply, he dropped offline and logged out of vent. He never returned.
So this was either an accident or he is the world's worst ninja. If he meant to do it, what did he gain? He can't equip it and he can't give it to another player. At best he was an enchanter and could get a shard out of the gear. Otherwise, he can sell it to a vendor? What a score that was!
More than likely, it was an honest mistake, which is fine. He should have, however, admitted it and then he could have put in a ticket to have the item transferred to someone who could use it.
#3 The Backseat Raid Leader
This is the guy who isn't leading the raid, but wants to be. It started off innocently enough. He was a hunter and used vent to coordinate misdirects with the other hunters. Fine. Slowly he started telling people where to stand and how his guild usually does this boss. The raid leader didn't stop him and by the end of the raid he was talking almost non-stop on vent, giving people advice about bosses we've all been killing for over half of a year. The part that really got on my nerves was he used the term "skaters" and "skating" when I believe most of the MMO population calls it "kiters" and "kiting".
#2 The DPS Diva
I was in a PUG in the Vault and we were about to face Emalon. Right before the pull, one of the warlocks interrupts the raid leader on vent and states that he needs someone assigned to help him mitigate his threat. He then goes on to explain that his DPS and threat are so high that even after he soul shatters he needs a paladin to cast salvation on him. He asks the raid leader which paladin will be assigned to him. Everyone was in shock. I couldn't believe someone would make 24 other people wait for this self-serving ego stroking session. So I sat up straight, moved my drink and snacks away from my playing area and put all of my focus on the encounter. I beat the diva in damage done and DPS for the fight. "IN THE FACE! IN THE FACE!"
#1 The Lying Leader
So as I mentioned earlier, one of the items I'm trying to procure in these PUGs is the Grim Toll trinket, which drops off of four different bosses in heroic Naxxramas. That's the only item I need in the entire instance and the sole reason for me to raid there. I joined a PUG with one of my guildmates and away we went.
The loot rules were laid out to us in advance and they seemed very standard. Then my heart skipped a beat as the raid leader said something about wanting the Grim Toll. I got nervous and before getting saved to the instance I sent him a whisper. I asked him if the Grim Toll was reserved for someone or would we all be allowed to roll on it equally. He replied that everyone who could use it would be allowed to roll. Satisfied I zoned in and we began killing bosses.
We got to Maexxna and sure enough, she dropped the Grim Toll. The raid leader asked everyone to roll and after losing says over vent that he's wanted that trinket for a long time and was going to take it for himself. Now I had lost the roll to someone else anyway, so that softened the blow a bit, but he downright lied to me. I was really angry.
I told some of my guild members what had just happened and they all told me I should drop the raid. The issue was, I was already saved to his instance now and the trinket did have a chance of dropping off three other bosses. So it was either drop and have no chance at the trinket or stay and pray. So I stayed.
Well a few bosses later, the raid leader cheated my guildmate out of a piece of loot that she had won fair and square. He altered the loot rules that he posted in chat at the beginning of the raid. Shortly after, I left the raid.
I shouldn't be shocked. I know that kind of stuff happens all of the time. I guess I'm just used to raiding in the safety of a mature guild where everyone is happy when anyone in the guild receives a piece of loot. I can't stand liars and cheaters and that raid leader was both. Well in any case, I'm still searching for my Grim Toll and Melancholy Sabatons.
Do you have any horror stories to share from your PUGs? Have you met any strange or amusing players that you would like to add to my list?
Reader Comments (51)
FIRST. i hate pugs so much
A DK, in a Heroic AN group...that Recount showed as doing 347 DPS when we wiped on the first boss....that's all. We all left after that.
Ah, the way of the PuG. I can't count the number of one wing 10man Naxx groups I have joined and not been able to complete the damn place. Obviously I am a rogue (NE) have the gear to preform well (top 3 dps) and know the boss fights. Help anyone new and even pass on gear that while it would be an upgrads (albeit small) I have deferred to another player to help there gear and save my roll for the piece of loot I really want. Loot rules always seem to change slightly through out a run. Some runs have even had trouble on the spider wing and after enough Maen wipes no more raid and there goes my save for the week.
On a good note, over this weekend I was able to join a 25m PuG that ran so smooth and everyone was on the same page just cruzing along that even though it was 3am people didn't want to stop. Something was telling us that the next night just wouldn't be the same. We downed 3 wings before having to call it (too many people did have to get sleep), but the next day with 1 wing and then the 2 final bosses it wasn't too bad to fill a couple of spots and finish it off. I didn't receive any loot (only one real rogue item dropped and I let it go to the other rogue since it was much more of an upgrade for him). Still I enjoyed it immensly and I actually was in need of a couple badges for a particular item.
Would have to say that I have been in groups where you have people complain about not getting anything or the rare ninja (master looter is all that is used in the groups I run with) and that they are usually first to get the /kick. I understand having bad luck with rolls on items, but after a while it is just annoying. As for Ninja, well enjoy the loot, u won't be rolling with us anymore.
I HATE pugs. Omg. Seriously Ive been trying to grab some emblems for a new chest piece lately and its just horror story after horror story.
Every single time im in a pug, either tanking or dps'ing, theres always 1 or 2 people that are below 1k dps, IN HEROICS! And when telling them that they need like 1.5k to be in a heroic at the very least they usually just start screaming at me how im a jerk and theyre the best player on the game.
Healers that ignore the dps is always fun.
OH!!! And not to mention a H nexus run i did the other day where and extremely elite DK tank (37k health) was aggroing a group of npcs... then running to the next without bothering to continue keeping aggro on the first group, and then yelled as US saying we all suck because we're pulling aggro off of her.
PuG's blow.
Sad to say that those written above are all too common, In all honesty the majority of PUGS i attend are of a good quality but they are always composed of "high" end guilds on my server or well known people.
The obvious one is when the leader/loot master is exceptionally quiet throughout and ninjas something further into the raid then leaves.
All in all the game would be boring without these distractions and i feel its this human unpredictability is what makes MMOs addictive.
Did a PuG in HC vault the other day.
I'd been needing a leggings upgrade for a while (i'm a DK tank)
Theres only 3 other DK's in the raid. SO chances were high. (I was also the only DK tank)
Go to archavon himself.
Downed him.
What dropped?
7.5 DPS gloves
PvP gloves
7.5 tanking legs
(All for DK)
First to be rolled for was my legs. I knew they were mine, i was the only tank.
Wasnt worried. Mine anyway.
THEN a Dps DK, rolls.
why is he rolling?
Raid leader doesnt ask questions. Gives them to him.
He claims he's ticketed them.
3 Days later i've still not got them.
something that really annoys me is when for PUGs the person spamming trade chat says you must have achievment, i have 2 level 80s raiding ulduar for 2 different guilds and 1 toon that has recently dinged 80. so after many days of heroics and spending badges on gear i decide that im ready to go to naxx 10.
i ask my guild if there are any runs going and with the answer 'no, we only raid ulduar now' i turn to PUGs. then comes the fun bit, wednesday night i log on and watch trade chat for about 2 secs before 'LF2M healers naxx 10, must have achievment /w me'. so i whisper the guy and say i would like to come but i do not have the achievment on this toon, but i do on others. he replies 'no you cant come you noob we need people who have done it before' i again tell him i have and he starts ignoring me.
i see another spam in trade for another run so i ask for an invite and tell them i have experience but no achievment. this time i get in.
i open the raid window and see that the player who refused me entry if also in the group, so i keep my head down and do perfectly well. wew get to meaxxna and he asks for tactics. i run over to him and compare achievments with him. my next message in raid chat was 'wtf dude you refused to let me come because i dont have the achievment when you dont have it yourself you hippocrite' he then whispers to me that im gay and kicks me. i got an invite almost strait away from the raid leader and i return to find the guy kicked.
My guild can usually fill a 25 man raid, but sometimes we have to pug a few slots.
We're not hard core engines of raiding doom, (mostly mature group of people with jobs) so when we clear Naxx, it's across 3 days.
So... it's a Sunday night. We've cleared up to Sapphiron during the other 2 days, and we're about to go.
We're buffing up in the antechamber to Sapphiron's lair... and I'm thinking "Tis passing strange, I don't see Sapphiron in there..."
So we charge in. Sapphiron wasn't in there. One of the pugs (there were 2 pugs in the group on Thursday) had formed a new group and killed the final 2 bosses out from under us.
We knew this because the pug's achievements had him killing Sapphiron for the first time that week, an impossibility unless he came back in OUR instance.
Patch 3.2 will give you another reason to hate PUGs: under-the-table cash deals for loot now that you can trade items for two hours after looting them.
In your example above, the raid leader could make a deal such that all the members of their guild roll on items that they could use, but once it's been looted to that person, they pass it to someone else who then pays the raid leader cash.
If you're running a 25 man group with say 10 guild members in it and you're all in on the scam, that's like giving the paying person at least 3 and possibly as many as 10 rolls per item they are interested in, depending on the armour class synergy between the payer and the other members of the raid.
I went into a bit more detail on this recently if anyone cares to read:
Well I was doing a Pug in H CoS for the drake with one guildie, our tank. We got our 2 needed dps and a healer and headed off. One off our dps a shaman starts trying to do the preparation stuff and yelling at us for being slow while asking where the boxes were. well we go through the ten waves relatively easily except that the same shaman seemed to think either he was a tank, or that the tanks instructions didn't apply to him, so he kept firing chain lightening into elite mobs and pulling. we make it to the gauntlets run with enough time to spare and he starts yelling "go go go" and starts chain lightening everything, he polls half the elites there and gets pissed at the tank because we wiped after the shammy's super pull.
Need less to say we didn't get the drake and you know what first off he didn't even have epic flying and when it all finished and he got achievments, turned out, he hadn't even done this on reg.
I'm a pally healer and that kind of a thing happend to me just now.i was just downing razorscale for the first time and 1 of the drops was Breastplate of the Afterlife!!! i had been hoping and praying that Breastplate of the Afterlife wold drop. now our loot master was a rouge and he took it for himself!!! i had been lvling and upgrading for days just to get into a ulduar raid and a damn rouge took the only item i wanted!! i was complaining for about 10 min b4 dropping the raid so i have to get working on getting
Breastplate of the Afterlife to drop again!! o well to bad. anyway i loved this post tyranis till next time.
Argh!, you made me flashback to all the haphazard PUG's I've foolishly endured!
Most recent, my sister sends me an urgent "PLEASE help us deeps in this NAXX 10 reg they are at Grobulous PUG", so I ask what she needs she says bring the Mage; reluctantly I accept.
I log onto vent to a group with one VERY DRUNK player who is on his Lock spewing he "Can't pull up a Summoning Portal because he is out of shards!" He slurs, "I need 10 minutes to go below and get some" I chime in... "you should go get some coffee!" He yells, "who said that?" and starts ranting he doesn't need coffee, he needs shards... 2 minutes later he's dead from the mobs "below" and the Raid leader boots his ass.
I walked right into that one, but I was wondering... why did it take so long for him to get boot? He should have been gone at hello!
Waaay back in the day, I was doing Blackfathom Deeps with some random folks. We were just about to go in when our healer told us he had to go to the kitchen. Fine. We wait...and wait... It was maybe 10 minutes later and we were about to give up and find a new one when he came back. Apparently he had to eat dinner and kept us all waiting. If we had known it was going to be that long from the start, we'd have kicked him to find another.
After killing Gelihast, he announced he needed a break. "This isn't another 10 minute break so you can have dinner, is it?"
"No, just quick. Bathroom break."
Turns out he did go to the take a shower. ...before bed. Of course, by then most people had given up and bailed. I had too, but stayed in the party just to hear what excuse he would come up with.
Now before I start something with a group, I actually ask, "None of you are going to make us wait while you take a shower in the middle of this, are you?" It makes for a fun story...and also makes people a bit more self-aware of any delays they may cause because they don't want to be THAT GUY.
Well I have some bad experiences but I must say last week was a very nice Pug, 25Man Naxx we one shotted every boss all the way to KT he was the first one where we had a full wipe but even he fell on the second attempt
before i really got good at wow i was a seriously bad at instancing and raiding i was kind of a undergeared complainer and i didnt know it for a long time.
I got 2 big WTF pugs, one in naxx 25, just as u for Grim Toll. I won, but the master looter wanted his friend to have it, so he got it....
another was in UP HC on another char, Farming the Red Sword of Courage ! and after 7 runs it drops! ZOMG! I ofc need and go : yaaay . in chat. Then i notice that the same dps warrior that did 500 dps on all of the bosses also needs it, and ofc he wins it.....
But awesome blog man, :D
For some reason I woke up early on a Saturday when most of my guild were asleep and got recruited from UC to do Hellfire Rampart as the only Rogue online in the correct level range.
I should have known it was all going to go south when the leader started trying to claim all the cloth in the instance and objected when several other tailors/first aiders tried to share. He rolled on items that others actively asked for with claims that if we objected we could "start our own group".
After some time it became obvious that a large amount of the party were sub 18 year old players tanking on deathknights, and badly at that. Eventually myself and the other DPS took to starting fights because the tanks would just stand dead still until someone else did something. No one but myself was watching the health of the healer and someone went mental when he died, throwing a huge tantrum over 'heals heals what the hell is wrong with you?' and didn't even apologise when they realised the healer was dead.
After a while the healer and I started whispering to each other about the rest of the group, we'd both been called in at the last minute and had nothing better to do but were regretting it. At the point at which the conversation actually reached the schoolyard catcalls and accusations of cock sucking we both wanted out. After the leader kicked someone from the group for calling him a pussy we ended up quitting the raid.
When my guild started logging on I was so appreciative I just *had* to tell them how much I like having an adult guild full of real people.
went to VoA
we wiped.
Probably the WORST PuG imo has to be UP...even when it's the daily, too many people seem to want to give up when Skadi drops and one shots all the clothies who won't back up LOL...usually i've gotten stopped in 90% of those runs before even skewering him...what a waste of time.
As far as ninjaing+karma goes...well i got called in by some friends to dps 25 naxx quite suddenly one last week...on Maexx, the mail belt dropped which would've substantially helped my +hit...but being BoE, i decided that it would be better of me to pass so everyone could roll and have a chance to vendor/de/whatever....then i won the DPS cape with a roll of know..sometimes good folks DO win!
I have had plenty of experience with people going into raids/heroics as one spec, while claiming that it's their offspec, so they can roll on the gear for their main spec.
For example, my friend's prot pally was a fresh level 80, and after getting some blacksmithing/ JC epics, he decided to go to UP heroic to get the Red Sword of Courage. We found some random people to join us, including Death Knight, who claimed that he could DPS. Obviously, his DPS was horribly low, and when the sword did drop, he stated that he was a tank in his main spec, and he rolled need.
Even though my friend won the roll, that was one of the biggest /facepalm moments i'd ever had in a PUG.
I've got a story.
My first PUG Naxx. This was also my first attempt at Naxx, as I'd been grinding Heroics for a few weeks before and felt I was somewhat decently geared for raids at this point.
Well. Our MT was a Feral Druid. We got through the first groups of trash in Spider without a hitch.
Then we get to Anub'Rhekan.
He then immediately pulls the boss and heads directly into the acid. As in, he actually wanted to go into it.
After the wipe, he then blames the wipe on a lack of heals and DPS and then drops the group along with his 4 guildmates.
Kinda silly. The only good thing was that I wasn't saved, as I did a full Naxx clear later that week.
This is a true story. Me and a Friend of mine were doing a 25 man Sath. Me being a pally and my friend being a DK abd surprisingly one of 4 now all the Dk but my friend had his T 7.5 gloves. There weren't any Mages, or Rouges and the Druid also had his T 7.5. So we down all three drakes and kill Sath and when we loot Sath one of the things that drop is Gloves of the Lost Vanquisher. My friend was excited because he would finally get his T 7.5 gloves and his first piece of T 7.5. So he rolls and rolls only a 5 But, it doesn't matter cause he's the only person that could use it. Until he sees a someone else roll a 73. Wondering who it was he looks at the Raid charts. It was the tank a warrior. My friend yells at the guy over the vent saying that he couldn't even use it and the guy responds with a very hard to understand eastern European accent "I have another character that is a level 76 Dk that he was going to give it to give the token to him when he turned lvl 80. My friend was so mad he stopped playing W.O.W for about 2 months and created a new character. Lesson learned don't trust people from Eastern Europe the will cheat you.
Ok... my guild has only RL friends who are never on, so i have had to pug for all the gear on my pally rogue and warrior.. obviously... some pugs didnt go so well..
Recently - VoA 10 (Emalon is ez if u dont suck) Well we get in and we start beating emalon up.. add enrages we all run over to it.. BOOM we died..turns out 2 of our dps didnt think it was neccesary to kill the enraged add :/
Malygos- Spammed for people to know fight (I'm on my healer who hasn't cleared but have done it on warrior and i had watched all the vids/strats) Get in there the raid ldr asks can someone explain fight for me?" so im like "who doesnt know fight?" turns out me and the tank were only ones who did.. so im like /hearthstoneftw
Naxx25 - im running with Akatsuki (woot) and we destroy all the bosses ez
plez dont get me started on ZA/Gruuls/Mags pugs..
In a heroic naxx run, there was this 1 pally complaining about heals even after he was told twice to wait with pulling (he wasnt even a tank) untill ppl were ressed. He did this three times. He would get ressed, recieve a few heals n run to the next group of mobs to pull them while healers were still ressing after his last f-up. We painfully went thru spider wing and went to Patchwork. After the pull was stopped twice, because tacs were not clear to all. Immediately after the tank pulls Patch dps goes all out and 4 dps die in 5 secs (including this pally) n i just couldnt bear it anymore.
this happend to me a while ago, i was on a human rouge, and i was about lvl 12. i was in westfall and someone says in /1 that he is running DM and was wondering if anyone wants to come. i said that i wanted to and we began our way. the guy who was running me was a lvl 47 NE hunter (you should know it was bad from here) i was looking at his gear and it is alot of strength mail gear, so i imediately thought, " this is going to end badely" well he said that he was rinning DM for the blackend defias armour that drops of VC for his twink. it took me 10 minuets before he wisend up that it was a BoP and it took me at least 10 minuets to explain to him what it meant before he understood. he also yelled at me for rolling need on a pair of leather gloves that were 1 lvl above me, so i ended up ditching him on sneed and when he asked why i left, i said that i didnt want to run with a 12 year old. kind of brings out the stereotype of NE hunters