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Halloween Masks a Clue to New Races?

Source image courtesy of MMO-Champion. Source image courtesy of MMO-Champion.

It is often that we find hints of new or as-yet-unreleased content by carefully and dutifully digging through the files of new patches. Few are better at this than Boubouille of MMO-Champion, a site nearly unparalleled at breaking this brand of news for our favorite game.

But I'm not so sure about one of their latest. Boubouille has managed to scrounge up several graphics of Hallow's End masks that depict both Goblins and Worgen. Traditionally, these masks have only been made from playable races, and the next expansion is predicted to focus primarily on the Maelstrom, which would theoretically feature zones such as the Goblin home city of Undermine and the isolated kingdom of Gilneas (which may or may not have fallen victim to a Worgen invasion -- after all, it is suspiciously close to Shadowfang Keep!).

Little has been confirmed by Blizzard themselves, but the evidence certainly tips in favor of these races being prominent players in forthcoming events, if not completely playable.

So what's holding me back? Not excitement, that's for sure. Worgen would be a great addition, and it'd be nice for the Horde to have their very own little people. But the fact of the matter is that both Goblins and Worgen (read: werewolves) are creatures traditionally associated with Halloween, which may explain the inclusion of their masks for the holiday.

Despite my skepticism, there is one key point that intrigues me: there is a female Worgen mask. Of course, this is only fair and in keeping with the tradition of offering a mask of both genders for players to wear, but I'm not aware of any female Worgen currently existing in the game (at least none that take on an appearance apart from the generic model). Looking at the image provided by MMO-Champion, you can see softer, almond-shaped eyes and a smaller nose, perhaps implying that they might account for playable options in the future.

Ultimately, everything at this point is simply an educated guess, but Blizz's own loremaster, Chris Metzen, has stated that they are "doing some awesome stuff for Gilneas." Worgen are apparently naturally evil, battle-worn creatures, but it wouldn't be beyond reason to see them do a turn for the Alliance. After all, the story of Warcraft is all about people or races being redeemed or damned through their actions. Darkspear Trolls shied away from the cannibalism prevalent amongst their people, the Forsaken have made strides to separate themselves from the Scourge, and who can forget the once benevolent High Elves transforming into magic-addicted wretches after the corruption of the Sunwell?

Who's to say there isn't some small contingent of Worgen trying to earn their place in the world by rising above their race's natural anger and ferocity?

The discovery of these masks certainly gives us food for thought, if no concrete answers. Teasing us this far ahead of the expansion is awfully cruel of Blizzard, but if they are in the files now, might that imply that we'll see a release before the next time Hallow's End rolls around?

I'm eager to know how everyone else feels about this development. Is Blizzard just playfully baiting their fans (as they have for so long with the Pandaren), or is this serious evidence of things to come? If playable, do you think that Goblins and Worgen are locks for the Horde and Alliance respectively? Which would you like to play as, and would you be willing to switch factions just to do so? And why does that female Goblin mask look exactly like Fiona from Shrek?

Reader Comments (48)

I don't agree, goblins were part of the Horde until the second war; so no. They were not always neutral.

Plus who said it would be steamwheedle cartel goblins who became playable? What if it's some renegade group of goblins?

July 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRikaku

If any new playable races are implemented, I say make it High Elves. Their lore is fascinating and it would be nice to have a change of pace from Night Elves/Blood Elves.

Besides, who wouldn't want to be a High Elf?

July 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterXian

Well, the goblins made and and rides the zeppelins for the horde.

@ Xian; i thought all the high elves turned to blood elfs after the scourge steamrolled them.

July 21, 2009 | Unregistered Commenter5oren

If the next xpansion would be the maelstrom ,then a new race is going to be a underwater one...

July 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommentereXid

Would prefer if goblins weren't playable. (I prefer them neutral, why would they side with the horde? Or the alliance? Both have enslaved them previously, now they only deal with either faction if profit is involved.)

July 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSean

Well i think new characters would be awesome especially the worgen(praying them for horde) but the goblins make no sense to me because they are a neutral faction which would mean whichever side they join the other faction would lose those flightpath and also i would believe that there would be no neutral AH unless however the worgens and goblins create there own seperate faction allowing to play with both sides allys and hordes which would i think would give blizzard unlimited ideas to what they could do with them

July 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHaiodin

i dont think [laying a worgen would be that fun i mean not perminatly they should something like what they did with scourge event before the WOTLK release the myth in RL is that you only turn into a werewolf maybe thats what blizz should work on allso according to the myth wearing a silver medalion will suposibly stop the tranformationn maybe blizz can put like a medalion vendor or those dont wanto go beast as for a playing a goblin i guess that it would be ok dont really see the neccesity

July 21, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

@Dyvim_Tvar - yeah, I agree, it would almost be plausible to have Worgen and Goblins available as a playable race for both Factions.

As far as Azeroth Goblins, well, considering the Maelstrom has been pretty cut off from the world, there's really no telling how the Goblins in Undercity are aligned. Goblins are generally corrupt and money hungry, something that goes well with the Horde faction. at least, I can see the Goblin and Forsaken getting along famously.

As far as the holiday coincidence goes, Goblins are involved with a lot of holiday events. The Feast of Winter Veil for instance is sponsored by Smokywood Pastures. So, it's easy to see Goblins as part of a holiday event, and Worgen, werewolves, is easy to see for a Halloween type event.

Hallow's End is a pretty laid out event already though. I don't see Blizzard finding the need to really enhance the event much as it's already a big event with lots to do.

So, I guess I'm pretty 50/50 on this one, there is some plausibility that they are the new playable races, and I'd really love to be a Worgen, but it's also plausible that it's just part of a new quest line for Hallow's End.

July 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBlight

Maybe Worgen could be a new race to both factions and only has 1 class.

July 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLedg

I've always wanted to play as a goblin. Hopefully, some day Blizz will satisfy my craving. However, I'd be very sad if goblins were apart of the evil alliance. I only play the honorable horde, who has had their history rewritten by the alliance aggressors!

July 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMoophobia

Well guys before you alliance peeps gets all hyped about worgen.. let me remind you that Gilneas has time and time again secluded itself from the Alliance of Lordaeron, if i were the alliance i wouldn't let them in.. besides.. how would blizzard work out armor on them? Now don't flame me on this, :)

Also, whilst Goblins are a neutral faction throughout Azeroth/Draenor in a lot of the WoW books i've read include the goblins being more open to the Horde, (green ppl ftw!).

Another possibility could like stated above be that both are playable on both factions, I mean take the new faction change coming.. what if blizzard made it so those two factions didn't change race when they changed their alignment? I think that would be sick ...

July 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShnoo


Frikkin Varian and his QQ about how Garona killed his father even though she had been tortured and nearly killed... and now Varian is all like "QQ Varimathras wtfpwnt Bolvar.." Then he's all like "Well i know you guys didn't plan this but i'm still holding you responsible for their deaths so screw killing the Lich King we can send in 10 ppl and do him ez mode!" Sigh.. please can we has Garrosh and Varian kill each other? I'd rather not have to brutally maim some alliance guy while we fight Arthas.. besides.. Thrall would wtf pwn Varian.. Thrall is like Optimus Prime.. he's a good guy until he opens up his can of whoop-ass and two shots the bad guy :)

July 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShnoo

I must just say this: I have no interest at all in playing a goblin. The horde is fine without any small races. And I hate Gnomes.

July 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCarrion

I have [i]always[/i] wished goblins were a playable race! Their accents crack me up. Fingers crossed on this one! (I hope they're Horde, too, as that's where I spend most of my play time.)

July 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPellex


if garona was a real friend of his father she would gladly give her life for the good of SW bolvaar was liek a brother to vvarian he took care of his son and his kingdom while he was kidnaped by onyxia and was trying to figure out who he was he lost his friend anduin lothar he lost his life long friend arthas and now he loses another close friend bolvar to teh forsaken suposbly part of the horde no one wishes the blood of arthas more then varian but he refuses teaming with someone who caused him and his kingdom so much pain so much problems doomhammer a friend of durotan thralls father was the one who killed lothar chamion of the alliance and he didnt he even drink the demonic blood the corrupted orcs destroyed his home city of stormwind with all of varians experince in the ring garosh would be no match for varian thrall allso has lots of in ring experince varian has a nick name "lo'gosh" thrall nick name was some dudes pet thrall is more like magatron then optimus prime when has thrall felt true anger even if by some mirracle chance thrall does defeat varian it would just prove thrall is just as bad ash is ancestors if he would split a boy from his father if he doesnt anduin wrynn would rise up and defeat him like so many hereos of the alliance did when they lost their idol before him

July 21, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

alliance allready has 2 migits they dont need a third one if they do add a goblin race i hope its for horde thats whear those vile beings belong they have problems with mining thier own busness

July 21, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff


July 21, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

i like the idea of the goblin and worgen, i think the horde should have a small race and the alliance have a furry one, and i frickin love the idea of the Undermine / Gilneas coming into a players view after so long :D

July 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDanbo

I like the idea of playing as a worgen. However I cant see them on Horde, as Horde already has a animal-like race. The most balancing thing would to be worgen be Alliance and goblins be Horde.

Unfortunately, I cannot stand Alliance, they are too arrogant, too judgemental, and too stubborn. Walking down Alliance cities make me sick.

I'm very meh about goblins, and it doesn't make sense to me to have a generally neutral race suddenly break away and pick a side. If they had a quest chain (ie Death Knights) that allowed you to pick a faction, I'd be all for that.

Besides, I always viewed goblins as leaning towards Horde.

WTB a playable naga race anyways. Make it work, Blizzard.

July 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNebyula

I don't understand how Blizzard adding Hallows End masks= New Race. Also, I don't even think WoW 4.0 will even be revealed at this years Blizzcon. They're taking forever releasing this current upcoming patch and we still have Icecrown Citadel to go at the least. You really think they're already focusing on WoW 4.0? If Blizzard releases a statement saying Goblins and Worgen will be playable they will also probably tell us that those two new races only class choice is bard and that they will start out at level 90 with full tier 78.

@Nebyula I don't think Blizz could ever make playable naga work. Would it really make sense if a group of naga just went "Cyas Azshara, gonna goes joinz teh Hordez nowz!!11!"

July 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMr.Vincent

This might be a bit off topic but I'd love to see a new class instead. Monk class would be great! Punch and kick your way to victory! Maybe have an elements tree to infuse your fists and legs with fire water earth air. Would be cool.

July 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterQes

ok the worgen should be taller like the taurnen maybe a little shorter

the worger should look more human-like like rexxar from ToP3 but furrier and classes no mattber what should start smaller like hunters pets and get bigger as they lvl that make for a better exp on my part


July 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDrAwesome

This is a wellknown data, which contains the zones which can be optionally add to the game: http://www.mmo-champion.com/index.php?topic=1547.0
As you can see there are a few more 1-10 zone, where a new race can start.

For The Alliance!

July 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDanta

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