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A Mask for All Occasions

murlocmaskJust days after the hooplah surrounding the addition of Worgen and Goblin masks into the game as possible signs of new races in the theoretical expansion "Cataclysm", more masks have been discovered by MMO-Champion, seriously hindering the chances that any of these are going to be new races in the new expansion. The masks that have models in the game now includes all ten playable races, goblins, worgen, ogres, murlocs (!), naga, and vrykul. While two of these races could be playable in the next expansion, I doubt all of them will be.

10128masksWhen Blood Elves and Draeni were announced as playable races in The Burning Crusade, everyone was very excited. New races and the introductions of paladins into the Horde and shamans into the Alliance was a huge change. Wrath introducing Death Knights was equally important; there had not been a new class added to the game since early beta. With the new expansion on the (distant) horizon, players are expecting a new playable race, and probably two (for each faction) at that. Blizzard has said that new playable races in the future will be familiar to us (contrary to the retconed Draeni in Burning Crusade), so expect lots of speculation. Pandareans are as good as retconed out at this point, so don't expect the to jump from obscurity to playable so soon. That leaves a lot of possibilities, and these masks may be some sign.

As for the masks' actual role, I hope this is some sign of a revamped Hallow's End event. Blizzard added achievements for world events so that players would have incentives to experience the content they spent time and money developing, but players who already got all the achievements from last year would have little reason to participate in the festivities this year. With new masks, this may be a sign of new Hallow's End content and maybe even achievements! Or at least making A Mask for All Occasions doable.

Would you re-roll one of these races? What if they started at, say, level 80 in their own starting areas in the new expansion?

Reader Comments (44)

yes i would reroll male worgen vurkly murloc defintly and orge one of them mostly murlocs because there awesome :D

July 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMontes

I'd have to see whatrace has the coolest mount and go from there :)

July 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDulica


id have to see what classes were available for each race than mount than racial stats but if it was just cool lookingness id probably choose a naga

July 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFuzzy

I would like to see the Worgen and Naga as new races. Ever since I saw them in the original version I have wanted to play as them.

July 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMichael

Jumping to the conclusion that goblins and worgen were playable races because of two masks is like assuming Blizzard will start doing auto repair because there is a spare tire leaning against the wall behind their office.

July 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPatrickD

Oh wow! Blizzard Auto-Repair! you heard it here first folks!

July 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterInfinitum

Haha, the only race here that i can possibly see in a expansion is the worgen. Maybe pandaren for alliance.

Alliance- Pandaren
Horde - Worgen

No doubt... Worgens ftw!

July 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLongrage

I wanna play as one of those fat walrus dude...sit around and drink all the time and never level

July 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMoophobia

do you think its possible that bliz could be making another faction? Like a netural faction, it fits lore

July 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterassface

The Coalitian of the Neutral. All the neutral races will band together to form an entity, vast and powerful. Then convene at committees to decide that they have no strong feelings in any direction. Then adjourn after a unanimous vote of "maybe".

July 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAgadax

i would /care about my dwarf and my DK if i could just go and play as a vrykull ><..i twould be SO EPIC!!!!!i love that race...

and btw

"When Blood Elves and Draeni"

July 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTrial

Aside from agreement with PartickD, the logical choices for playable races would somehow fit with the theme of the new expansion, would they not? Let us assume Cataclysm, and the location will be the Maelstrom already on the map. Seems aquatic to me. On the off chance they select from these available races for the expansion, both Murloc and Naga fit well. balance becomes a problem, though. These races breath water. What the other races must do with spells, they can do naturally. Or perhaps they go the route of the Forsaken and extend breath holding time? It seems like a good fix, but also unnatural since all the computer controlled kind can hold their breath indefinitely?

Or what about Vrykul (I likes me some giants)? It wouldn't be difficult to get a clan to join one side or other (although the most likely candidates seem to be rather anti-male. I'm also stil not sure why Loken keeps changing me back into one every time I go near that area...)

Worgen would be an excellent choice simply to advance story. What ever DID happen to the scythe of Elune, anyway? Getting them to join one faction or another may be a tad clunky (i.e. Forsaken Style: the defeat of Arthas weakened whatever had a hold on them, allowing some to free themselves. Or One tribe pulled a darkspear out of the Aether. Or they Draenei it with: the Worgen the Scythe INTENDED to pull through finally make it, and somehow manage to apologize to one faction or another and enlist their help in righting whatever wrong they claim.) Then again, maybe they come up with something else. (I admit, I am no loremaster, so perhaps there's something in there I am unaware of)

And what of the other races? Ogres from Ogrilla? Goblins from Booty Bay? Tuskarr from Northrend? Even Troggs in Gnomeragan? (or Gnolls. Let the Hogger rebellion begin!) Satyrs post burning crusade? Centaurs looking for revenge on their ancient enemy the Tauren?

Whatever new race they decide on, there are enough already familiar to us that speculation is just that, and nothing more. That being said: The Naga, Centaur, Ogre, Gnoll, Wolvar anti-grinding society needs to link up and strike back at the heartless adventurers that have been using them for experience and loot all these years. Power to the (nearly) people!

July 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterUthers

Why level 80 when there are perfectly good starting areas for most of the possible races?

Silverpine Forest is a decent area for both the worgen and murlocks, although the murlocks could also start in the Blood elves starting area or in the ghostlands as well.

Ogres have an area that can easily be rezoned as I don't think Dustwallow marsh is used for anything, much less anything important.

Goblins have Ratchet, and it already has a port.

The Naga have Bloodmyst and Azuremyst Isles that they could start on, beside the Draeni.

The Vrykul on the other hand, would either need a new starting area, or would have to start at lvl 80 which is more likely if it was to happen

Out of them all, I would definately play an Ogre and a Murlok, and probably a Goblin as well. The others I could really care less about, which is fine, because they'd likely become alliance races anyways... For The Horde!!!

July 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShuoven

I don't have a say on anything, as I don't want to get my hopes up and disappointed, but I do have a strong feeling this could possibly be a cover up.

Why? Well the other masks look completely thrown together. The male naga clearly shows this; it's the most horrific graphic I've ever seen (Ooo scary? <_<)

However, despite Goblins and Worgen males having already existent graphics in game, blizzard COMPLETELY revamped the things. WAY better quality than the current graphics, not to mention the female worgen came out of NOWHERE. Female ogre you ask? I Dunno, looks like it already existed and was pasted on a mask if you ask me (not from the game, maybe somewhere else). If not, it pretty much looks like a lazily thrown-together sketch.

Regardless, I will remain neutral, but I do lean towards this being a cover up for the two revamped masks that were released by themselves before these other four.

July 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWonocva

Female ogre mask. I don't think I've ever seen a female ogre in-game. (The worgen and murloc don't count because fur covers things and fish-women wouldn't have noticable gender differences.. or shouldn't at any rate :P)

July 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKyndranigar

they seems like horde races they dont seem like alliance the naga leaving azshara espcialy in the next xpac i doont see tah happening vrykul join either horde or alliance dont see taht happening either they have their own king so tthat just leaves three races if they do form anotehr fraction how would that work the ygoing to wage war against the other races?

July 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

I would love to play as a Naga, they look badass and I'm sure the mount would be as equally badass. Hopefully no more stupid lookin mounts for badass lookin races (aka: Blood Elves/ Stupid Bird thingy mount).

July 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDankBud420x

yeah right. Maybe we start out as dragons( red blue black green bronze, i dont care ) and our racial ability is shapeshift ( into a worgen ogre naga wrykul goblin arakoa) . Would`nt it be nice?

July 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermadarra


I DID mention the female orgre...

Someone said it looks like it's from one of the RPG game booklets, but I can't be too certain.

July 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWonocva

Ogre even

July 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWonocva

Murloc Deathknight Ftw..... Anyone else think so? O.o? Worgen might be a cool thing to reroll but imo it depends on the stories they make to fit them in...

July 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNightofchaos

Personally I've never understood why Goblins weren't a playable race to start with.

July 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmaya

I sure hope to hell the vrykul come to the horde, then we'd finally have humanoid viking guys, like dwarves but bigger and better. I would be all over that

July 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKwon

I have been a fan of the Vrykul model and their "style" as Warcraft's "vikings" and would love to play as one.
All others will be a nice add to the current races

July 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commenter5thlive

lol why does everyone think that Pandareans would be alliance? and why would worgen be horde? The idea of having worgen as a playable race is totally absurd... first of, they have pretty much no lore, we had never heard of the till wotlk (sure, some might say that dranei were random, but they were in lore, they just looked totally different) and they are also totally tiny, they have like 2 tiny encampments. Also, the only person they're interested in fighting are the oracles...

July 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEuphony

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