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Leaked: WoW Cataclysm will Feature Worgen and Goblin

Source image courtesy of MMO-Champion.
Source image courtesy of MMO-Champion.

It may come as no surprise since we've been speculating on this for quite some time, but it seems that folks over at WoW.com have confirmed from "multiple sources close to the situation" that the next expansion will be World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, and will include the Worgen and Goblin as playable races.

While Goblins have up until now remained neutral, with currency their only faction of choice, WoW.com reports that the Goblin will be playable for the Horde in the new expansion (Go Green!). We've already received a ton of feedback from our previous speculative posts on what the implications will be for having this wide-spread race specific to only one faction. What will happen to the neutral cities, such as Ratchet, where they are a mainstay? I suppose we'll find out with time - perhaps some of the Goblin NPCs will remain neutral, or maybe we'll see a major upheaval of some of those villages. It could make for some great new lore - not to mention the Great Sundering, which also should make for a fun expansion topic.

So that leaves the Worgen, who up until now have played a much smaller role than that of the Goblin. They apparently will be joining up with the Alliance. We've already seen a glimpse of what the female may look like through Halloween masks revealed a while back. Now it just makes me wonder if all the additional masks revealed later (murloc, Naga, plus already available playable races) may have just been added to throw us off the trail? Maybe they're just included because they inevitably will play a large role in an expansion about the Cataclysm. Or, perhaps we'll see a couple more playable races still (One can hope, right?).

goblinAll this is still very preliminary and I'll feel a lot better about the information once we've gotten some kind of official comment from Blizzard. But that likely won't come until BlizzCon - and hopefully we'll learn much, much more at that point. New playable races alone don't equal a full expansion, so I'm sure there will be plenty more to report on in the coming weeks. Until then, I'll be crossing my fingers that I will soon be able to play green!

What does everyone make of these leaks and the possible lore behind them? Would you play a Worgen or Goblin? How do you think Blizz will handle all the complications related to turning Goblins for the Horde?

Reader Comments (59)

I for one don't think these will be playable races, or at least anytime soon. They may be come 2012-15, but until then, we'll be stuck with WotLK because I heard Blizzard say they won't do any more WoW expansions until Diablo, Starcraft, and the unannounced one which maybe this Axion I'm hearing about, but probably not. Oh, and all I remember was Blizzard said they were taking a "WoW Hiatus" to work on other MMOs, I'm not sure which though.

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDieoxide

I wonder if they will treat these new races in a hero class way?. i.e. Start at 55 and have own phasing starting zone (the only good thing about DK's imho)

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMoomindrood

OK Goblins allied with someone is bullshit. Because all they live for is profit and allying with someone is bad for buisness. Even though goblins were allied with the dark horde in 2nd war but only for profit reasons.And horde don't need small caliber character anymore since they got elves which got the inteligence of the "smaller" races. I also think that goblins may become victim of WoW racism like gnomes nowadays

Worgen in the other hand are a good decision since alliance does need some "Very ugly freaky animalistic not from space" kind of race.

I would really like to see some sort of Half Races like half elf half human or such

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGrushnarok

I'm ditching my healadin and going worgen. HELL YES! I don't care if you start at level one. I'll do it all again to make a worgen. I'm guessing their healing class will be a shammy, if at all. But, hey, This just makes us hungry for more info like the classes they can be! Come on Blizzard! Stop teasing us and bring Blizzcon!

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHerofTime

Wow, ever since I saw this the first time when it was just pure speculation. I wanted Worgen on the horde side, I hate Goblins they look like wrinkled ball sacks. Ugh am I going to need to roll alliance to play these *tear*

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShanto

Im saddened by the choice of blizz... i am going to reroll all alliance if i have to play worgen

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFwibib

Worgen and its on Alliance. There is a god. Grats to Horde getting green gnomes :3.

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDrekraijin

hey! hord needs a gnome like creature lol

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNauren

i think this is info someone made to sound true. only time will tell on what happens. so sit back, pull up a chair , and see what happens

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRymla

I am so playing a Worgen ^_^

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOmbrenoire

have we thought of maybe a large scale enigma instead of having the whole what will happen to goblin towns and that sort of stuff, why not take the time to consider that you could play as either one on either fraction so you will start in the starting place but then be able to chose if you want to be horde or alliance could cause some amusing confusion in pvp :)

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTempe

the alliance needs a more animal based race cuz all there oter races are human based

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercanadian bacon

idk, I think all this is BS. Maybe if there were rogue goblins (not the class) that decided they wanted to help the horde instead of earn an income. But I just cant see them making 2 new races that have almost nothing to do with the individual factions. I mean, come on, we've always killed worgens, and the goblins are completely faction neutral, I think we can put this to rest, imo.

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCeleria

I'm skeptical about there being a Worgen and Goblin race appearing in WoW. One thing Blizzard knows how to do is annoy us by keeping all of their ideas to themselves.

But it would be cool if these leaks were true, having Worgen on the Alliance would give us a beast like class, like Horde has Taurens. But for goblins, I say switch em out with the Naga, that way you guys can get another paladin class(aka, Naga Royal Guard) because Naga worked together with Blood Elves during WC3. Same with Worgens being able to be Shamans.

If they do go ahead with the Goblins have them be part of a different faction besides the Steamwheedle Cartel, that way you don't take a large chunk out of WoW.

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAdiscus

if worgen went to alliance, id reroll just to play one

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlbullno

I feel like I am the only one hoping this is all a bunch of bullshit. I don't want goblins on the Horde.......I play the Horde to avoid short annoying creatures.......

They are just MASKS for the holiday. I don't understand why everyone automatically assumes they are playable races now.....

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDan

worgen hunter ftw. or.. would that be considered like canabalism cuz they r animals 2?

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterfuzzy


brb gonna cut my wrists

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTrial

goblins are the best
time is money friend

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDestructionz

i Realy could not see worgon wearing armor especialy the helm

On another subject I play a GNOME warlock the alliance shouldent get big badass werewolves they should get dwarves mixed with gnomes mixed with orcs but oh wait the horde gets them /cry

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterElsey

All I've ever seen of the Worgen were in that small village in the Grizzly Hills. Apparently, they're werewolves. Since the only ones I've see transform from humans, it's not difficult to make an Alliance connection. Obviously they could be Horde, since they seem to like killing humans a whole lot. However, I can't imagine Blizz giving the Alliance another race of little people. The goblins would have to be Horde for balance if nothing else. Honestly, I see more reason for each race to become playable by each faction. The current npcs would still remain neutral, but the worgen and goblin players would be part of their own faction. Kind of like how the Darkspear are Horde, but still fight plenty of other trolls.

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCuppincakes

I`ve been thinking,(o my god ,that means the world is coming to an end) if blizzard would put new clases they would probably wear mail or leather as to avoid loot cluter

so its probably Shadow Hunter (mail) and Demon Hunter (leather)

anybody agree?

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermadarra

i would so roll worgen the halloween mask for the male looks awsome

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbloodraptor


that town (silverbrook) isnt exactly an alliance town...when you first get to grizzly hills as an alliance player you are sent there on a diplomatic mission to see if they will help amberpine lodge....when you get there you eventually find out that the people are worgen and a horseback escape through the wood ensues....so that connection is null because they hate the alliance....

as for the races being added or not....im not sure how i would feel about them....it just seems so damn random to add them now of all times if they did....and trying to picture a goblin or worgen in like tier gear isnt happening for me...i mean the lore could (and i emphasize on the could) fit in if they added them in but to be honest we really dont know what the hell is going on in gilneas....cant wait for blizzcon so we can finally find out what blizzard has in store

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLittleraven

I really hope this doesn't happen.....

At least with the restrictions down on PvP servers I could make a Worgen if this really happens.

Oh, and what will happen to Horde members with 'Bloodsail Admiral' title?

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDyra

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