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BlizzCon 2009 Video Highlights: The Live Raid, N00bz and More

BlizzCon held some pretty fun events this year for fans to watch, including a live raid event with Premonition, the guild known most recently as the first guild in the U.S. to achieve Alone in the Darkness. Coliseum style, the guild took on several bosses at once as they came in five waves. And a very large audience looked on, making for a crowded venue but also a lot of fun as everyone cheered on Premonition.

They were successful at downing the first few sets of bosses, then had some trouble when they focused on Thaddius first in his set with fellow Naxx bosses Patchwerk and Anub'Rekhan. The team wiped on that first try, then re-set, this time focusing on Patchwerk first. That proved to be more successful, and they downed the group.

But that sneaky team at Blizzard had something clever in store for the final fight. Hogger. Yes, the mighty level 11 elite Riverpaw gnoll chieftain from Elwynn Forest (he's actually Arthas in disguise [/silly]) made his appearance as an upgraded level 80 elite. As you'll see, he wasn't exactly an easy fight:

Another pretty standard attraction at the convention was halls of artwork created for WoW. As a neat addition this year, Blizzard also displayed a group of showcases full of "n00bz." Blizzard handed out 225+ of these neat little figurines as complete blanks to select employees, and many of them wound up on display at BlizzCon. Here's a quick video I took so you can see them for yourself. I narrated a bit along the way, and paused at some of my favorites:

A final note on the N00bz - part of each BlizzCon goer's swag bag included an exclusive StarCraft II "Raynor" figure. It's part of a new series of collectible Blizzard-inspired toys. Hopefully we'll see more of these soon.

img_2336Among my other fave sightings at BlizzCon, I can't fail to mention being dazzled by Felicia Day and the cast of The Guild. As you can see, I went in full fan-girl mode to get a signed cast photo (for my husband, really!) and a snapshot with Felicia Day, since I've also loved her in Dr. Horrible, Buffy and Dollhouse :). Unfortunately, I failed to shoot video of the crew, so you all will have to settle for the lovely photo of Felicia and I! At least the memory will live on in my heart... I just wish I was as lucky as iTZKooPA, who was being inadvertently followed by the Guild cast. Lucky guy!

Well, this turned out to be a bit of a random look at some of my fave random sightings at BlizzCon 2009. Hope you've enjoyed it. Let us know what you think!

Reader Comments (6)

Thought I would post a response to limit the stupid FIRST! people. This is pretty cool! I loved Felicia Day in Dr. Horrible as well, and the whole Hogger thing is awesome :).

August 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkhazzhar

I would love to meet the cast of The Guild. My friends and I all play MMOs and The Guild is one of our favorite things on the internet.

August 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHerofTime

can't wait for a project lore hogger run on the 80's....if they ever post any new videos lol....(jk, jk) lucky peeps for meeting the cast of the guild and meeting felicia day

August 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjacob

woot Sears blue crew girl FTW

August 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMahabone

Silly pixiestixy, Arthas is, in fact, Hogger in disguise :D

August 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMadeinisrael

lol wahat a nightmare for melee dps

August 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

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