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BlizzCon 2009: Worgen Hands-On Preview

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iTZKooPA took us through the starting area of the Goblins, who have joined the stinky Horde, where as I will be bringing us back to the, ahem, better faction with the Alliance. I know you've been clamoring for this, so here it is: the hands-on preview of the new Alliance race, the Worgen!

With the announcement of Cataclysm, the Alliance and Horde are once again receiving new races. The Alliance finally get a “beastly” race in the Worgen, which are a group of feral wolf-beasts. Those of us who got to attend BlizzCon 2009 got a chance to get some hands on time with the new race and their starting area and it is quite good!

Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately?) the demo we played started the Worgen off at level 6 (in the Cataclysm panel they told us they didn't want to show us exactly what happens with 1-5 just yet) and if you were at the event this weekend and saw a Worgen Rogue running around named “Projectlore”, well, more than likely it was me (a little more creative than certain other bloggers!).

The demo started us off with your character, in Worgen form, in “The Stocks” with other Humans around your character discussing your fate. Some of the humans seem to think you are lost to your fate as a beast and should be killed, but a doctor runs up with a potion which allows you to be “cured” and appear as a Human again. This allows you to start your questing, and you have the ability to switch from Worgen form to Human form at will (although you are forced into Worgen form while in combat). Worgen also get a “sprint” ability on a three minute cooldown which increases their run speed for a short time. They also have a couple of static racials: Flayer, which increases skinning skill by 15, and Viciousness, which increases damage by 1%.

The quests are designed to get you involved in the Forsaken invasion that is happening in Gilneas. The first couple quests involve finding a package, which upon completion starts a small cut scene showing you the Forsaken ships docked on the shore near Gilneas. You then go and kill them to advance to the next area, which involves Worgen in the basement of a shack where a mother asks for your help with finding her children at the farm nearby, and another asks you to continue to help kill the Forsaken.

There has been a lot of care put into the starting zone, as Blizzard felt that the Death Knight area was really successful in engaging the player and getting the player really involved in their character (and I'm inclined to agree). While we only got a small taste of the opening area for the Worgen, we still witnessed lots of scripted events, phasing, and cut scenes which only get me even more excited for the new expansion. The area is well designed, and if this is any indication of how they're revamping classic WoW, there will be a fewer obnoxious walks to get to different places, which I am perfectly OK with. The whole of Gilneas looks absolutely stunning and I am really excited about what's to come in the later levels of the starting zone. Blizzard uses the weather effects extremely well here, as well, and I am looking forward to seeing how the rest of the zone turns out.

For players wanting a fresh start, there is a nice selection of classes to choose from including: Death Knight, Druid, Hunter, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Warlock and Warrior (only classes they cannot be are Paladins and Shaman). I am really hoping that, similarly to what they did with Wrath, they lock out Goblins and Worgen from being Death Knights at the beginning of the expansion, and maybe allow it later on in the life of the expansion. It would really be a shame if the first 85 worgen didn't even set foot in Gilneas because the brief taste we got at BlizzCon was so polished and well done that I can't wait to do 1-15 again (and I honestly thought I would never say something like that).

I included some screenshots that will hopefully give a bit of perspective of what this great starting zone looks like!


Reader Comments (29)


You talk about all the things Horde do (even though true), but you fail to see where alliance is not so pure either lol.
Case 1- Arthas was the prince of Lordaeron, he lead an army into Stratholme and killed his own people, and created the scourge army.
Case 2- Illidan Stormrage broke away from the night elves with evil intentions in mind as he was always enraged with his own race. You would have to read further into this to understand.
Case 3- This is where things get interesting lol. BLOOD ELVES BABY!!!! They were originally night elves and broke away from them and decided to get addicted to some form of cocaine. Now tell me that alliance are pure and intelligent lol.
So to sum things up, I do not see many bosses that were the original horde being of true evil even though still pretty violent, and alliance has just as many issues as the horde if not more. Also Archimonde is a tree hugger.... must i say more.

August 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDibullba

@Dibullba, there is no debate as to whither lore explains both sides are just as "evil"/"good" as the other, like in most wars it isn't one side is good and the other bad, its both sides are both and its a difference in opion... what he is talking about is that the in game quests have a lot more passive aggressive approach to them while the horde take pride in defending themselves. I repeat this is not the way the lore shows it, this is just how people who only in game quest see it... take the hinterlands quests for example, in game it seems that the horde versions are "slay the traitor trolls" while the alliance versions are "save the hypogryphs" for their main quest lines. Which makes horde seem more"vicious" which is not the real case.

But it's more like the USSR and the US in the cold war, neither side is "good guys" neither side is "bad guys"... its just differences in opinion in how things should be run and a competition rather then a Pinky and the Brains "try to take over the world". All in all both sides want piece but both are so insecure where neither will just back down not due to wanting conflict but rather not wanting to be viewed as weak..

August 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEgma

No... the scourge ar'nt all dead the trailer said "In the ongoing war with the lich king" so I assume we will still be battling them on a front if not multiple and anyways the scourge is too big of a threat for blizzard to remove them so quickly it wouldent blend well with lore.

August 31, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNalamin

"originally night elves"

Actually blood elves were originally high elves. =)

August 31, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZreena

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