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Proverb: The Windrunner Sisters, Part 2

Proverb is a twice-weekly column discussing the lore of Warcraft. It is spoiler heavy for all Warcraft games, novels, and other media. Comment on this post or send a tweet to @Heartbourne and let us know what you would like to see in future columns!

Statue of Alleria Windrunner in Stormwind

If you have not done so already, be sure to read part 1!

"May my sisters realize their full potential, the name Windrunner known as result of their deeds." - Alleria Windrunner

After many losing battles, the Horde grew more and more desperate. While the Alliance Expedition was successful in recovering the Book of Medivh, the orcish warlocks continued to open portals to new worlds, and this reckless act began to tear Draenor apart. Much of the Alliance Expedition quickly shut the Dark Portal with the Book of Medivh while they remained in Draenor. The few heroes that remained in Draenor, including Alleria, Turalyon, and Khadgar, leapt into the Twisting Nether as Draenor was engulfed in its final fiery cataclysm. They eventually returned to the planet's remains, now known as Draenor. Alleria nor Turalyon have been seen since and while presumed alive, it is not certain. Their son, Arator, ventured into the Outlands when the Dark Portal was recently reopened by Lord Kazzak and the Alliance and Horde pursued Illidan. He talks of seeking his father, but makes no mention of wanting to find Alleria. It could be that Alleria shunned him after his birth, as half-elves are looked down upon. This would also explain why he is never discussed in the lore, even when Alleria and Turalyon's relationship is explored in detail. Khadgar lamented their absence with his wish in the Dalaran fountain.

Sylvanas locked in thought (fanart)

During the third war and the destruction of Quel'thalas (see the previous Proverb post), Sylvanas was killed defending Silvermoon from the Scourge. Arthas raised her as a banshee, and she eventually returned to her body. She retained her ranger skills and added to them her new skills in necromancy. This style of combat led to the future rise of Dark Rangers.

After the Burning Legion's defeat at the Battle for Mount Hyjal, Sylvanas was free from the control of Arthas and Ner'zhul, and struck up deals with the Dreadlord Varimathas to retake as much control of the local undead in Lordaeron as possible. Her new faction of undead became known as the Forsaken, and she became their queen, known as the Dark Lady. She vows vengeance on Arthas and will stop at nothing until he is dead. She was instrumental in bringing the blood elves into the Horde; she reached out to the blood elves and even stationed troops in the Ghostlands to assist them before they official joined the Horde.

With Alleria missing and Sylvanas killed and reanimated, Vereesa is the only remaining known "living" Windrunner sister. When Kael'thas defected to the blood elves, Vereesa was with Rhonin and stayed a high elf. However, one of her cousins, Zendarin Windrunner (who turned to blood elf), allied with the Black Dragonflight, specifically Sintharia, with the intention of helping them create the Twilight Dragonflight, which may have been a great source of magic for him to feed upon. As a non-dragon, he could wield the Demon Soul. He kidnapped Vereesa's children, Galadin and Giramar, as he believed half-elves to have the potential to wield great power. Vereesa recovered her children, killed Zendarin, and destroyed the Demon Soul. Vereesa continues to despise the blood elves, and leads the Silver Covenant, which opposes the admission of blood elves into the Kirin Tor (see previous Proverb post).

Blood elf players can recover the necklace that Alleria gave to Sylvanas in a low level quest. Upon returning it to her, she states that, "You thought this would amuse me? Do you think I long for a time before I was the queen of the Forsaken? Like you, it means nothing to me, and Alleria Windrunner is a long dead memory!" and sings the old folk song Lament of the Highborne, revised to lament the fall of Quel'thalas to the Scourge and the state of the blood elves:


Sylvanas sings the Lament of the Highborne

Anar'alah, Anar'alah belore
Shindu fallah na
Shindu Sin'dorei
Shindu fallah na
Anar'alah belore
Shindu Sin'dorei
Shindu fallah na
Anar'alah belore
By the light, by the light of the sun
Children of the blood
Our enemies are breaking through
Children of the blood
By the light
Failing children of the blood
They are breaking through
O' children of the blood
By the light of the sun
Failing children of the blood
They are breaking through
O' children of the blood
By the light of the sun
The sun

Sylvanas' wish in the Dalaran fountain from long ago reads: "I hope my sisters and I can grow up and get married together." This coin appears to be very old.

With the destruction of Arthas imminent in patch 3.3, I wonder what role Sylvanas will play. No one wants Arthas dead more than her, and with all the work put into her model and voice as of late, I can't imagine she will stay in the Undercity during his defeat. After Arthas' death and the Cataclysm, I wonder what goals she will hold. Vereesa will likely stay in Dalaran, and we have heard that Northrend will not be heavily affected by the Cataclysm, so I doubt her role will largely change. Alleria is still missing, and it is possible she will reveal herself at some point. However, it may be that she traveled to some other world via the portals in Outland and will show up in a future expansion that explores some demon world.

What do you think? Which is your favorite of the sisters, and what will their future hold?

Reader Comments (18)


August 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChristian

I see Vereesa leaving Rhonin to commit to the Paladin Cozmus, whom she has been having a passionate affair with over the last eight months.

August 27, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercozmus

hmmm i read the day of the dragon and stuff, i don't really have a favorite windrunner sister, sylvanis ruined the battle at the wrathgate by attacking horde and alliance (attacking alliance-good, i hate alliance) and day of the dragon is only warcraft book I've read so i don't know what'll happen in future

August 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDylan

Dylan, Sylvanas had nothing to do with the forsaken that attacked at the wrath gate, Grand Apothecary Putress basicly wanted to kill all the living and scourge. read it up on wowwiki

August 27, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbloodraptor

I want to see what happens when Veseera and Sylvanas finally see eachother. Will they be happy to see eachother, or will they start to fight? They certainly have reason to not like eachother, as Sylvanas is a huge advocate of the Blood Elves that Veseera hates, and then there's the fact that Sylvanas is undead for Veseera to get over. How will they react?

August 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRaethos

been looking forward to this all day

August 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterThe Nerdy Poet

This just makes me wonder if Icecrown will be the same for Horde and Alliance players or if they will have different NPCs allies in the fight against the Lich King. Granted no one said theyd be like the Keepers against Yogg but it just sounds like the most logical place for them to appear since I doubt any of the NPCs would die or sit out the fight. Maybe I've been thinking too much about how the Lich King fight mechanics will play out and I won't even be geared by then so...

Random theory: Lich King will more than likely have adds, be it normal adds or reanimated players, Sylvanas might be made special for killing said undead.

August 27, 2009 | Unregistered Commentergrandobsidian

My Favorite sister must be Sylvannas, tho she is my enemy (im an ally) she has the best past, and i like that shes a Banshee. XD

August 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWarfather

@ bloodraptor

uhm, I'm pretty sure that Sylvanas had at least SOMETHING to do with the Wrath Gate attack, considering that DURING the attack Arthas says "Sylvanas."

August 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZukko

Zukko, Apothecary Putress attacked the Wrath Gate forces with his own forces. He was not associated with Sylvanas, but instead Varimathras, and the two drove all of Sylvanas's forces out of the Undercity, taking it for themselves. At the time, Alliance forces, as well as Arthas, thought Putress was working for Sylvanas. This is why Arthas said her name and why Varian attacked the Horde for "revenge."

August 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFelaryn

With Thrall becoming the new Guardian of Tirisfal in Cataclysm that might mean that Sylvanas is no longer there.
Maybe she dies as Arthas is defeated or her death is the key to killing Arthas? Or perhaps because she was re-animated by Arthas that when Arthas is killed all of the people he affected return to their graves?
With Arthas dead, she will have her ultimate revenge and will no longer need to lead the Forsaken, it's probably unlikely that any of this will happen, but it's got me wondering.

August 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHelmarn

Helmarn, this is WoW, not some movie where all get "a happy ever-after". If Blizzard did that, they would make a SERIOUS bummer to the lore, so you're right "it's probably unlikely that any of this will happen".

August 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLolmaster

@Helmarn the guardin of trisfal is not king or queen of undercity it is the guardian between the worlds of demons and humans medivan the last guardian got corrupted by sargeras and died later on so no guardian meanin no suprem magic being.

August 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDr.Awesome

@ Dr.Awesome you sir, fail. Thrall is becoming the new Guardian of Tirisfal, this is fact. And i beleive that he will be empowered by all forms of magic this time; arcane shamanistic druidism and so on... which is why he leaves Garrosh the Warchief of the Horde

August 29, 2009 | Unregistered Commentershnoo

So just to clarify my original comment re: the new fates of Thrall and Sylvanas, this was only conjecture and not based on anything solid. So to bring out the gnerd rage because I had some original ideas and was asking for speculation or your own ideas is pretty low rent.

@lolmaster I'm not going for a happily ever after I'm going for a, "Hey, this might happen." Regardless, Sylvanas dying is not my idea of happily ever after.

August 31, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHelmarn

@Dr. Awesome

Thanks for clarifying the Guardian of Tirisfal title my lore was rusty there. Much appreciated.

August 31, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHelmarn

Someone needs to give Sylvanas a hug and tell her everything will be okay lol. I like her new model it looks much better dare i say hotter * puts one flame proof pj's* personaly im looking for a happy ever after myself but it's possible that Sylvanas and Vereesa will have to fight in the end considering the circumstances.lok-tar ogar For the Horde!!

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